Are you listening for the KH6HME VHF/UHF/SHF beacons?
Post your reports here if you hear any of them.
KH6HME beacon frequencies: 50.060.5 MHz, 144.277 Mhz, 432.310 MHz, and 1296.250 MHz
When there is a opening, please spot on DX SUMMIT and if Hawaiian operators are present
they will be QRV on 50.110.0 MHz CW and SSB
Stations other than KH6HME are asked to use the national calling frequencies of
50.125 MHz, 144.200 MHz, 432.100 Mhz, 902.100 MHz, and 1296.100 MHz
View 2015 and earlier archived tropo reports
Sporadic Tropo Enhancement
ND0B hasbeen working on the beacons. I will be shipping the 2m becons back shortly. I moved to Texas several months ago and Im still setting up my shop.. 73 N6CA/5
Who's in control of the beacons? What is the future of the beacons?
At least a week or more of good conditions for Tropo contacts between Hawaii and California. Still nothing heard from west coast hams. Tropo conditions slowly moving to Mexico, maybe some Mexican station will be heard. Also looking to the west from Hawaii to Guam is a forgotten path of Tropo activity.
Again ducting map shows good conditions so I begin calling on 144.200 USB. Also monitoring for Oceanside repeater, 144.505 FM. Later I will try UHF on 432.100 USB. Bob
6 meters was open on 5/6/24 0300z between Hawai�i and California for about 30 minutes. Two contacts were made into Riverside and Fort Bragg California from Hawaii BK29 on 50.110 and 50.125 mhz. 6 meter beacon was heard in Hawaii on 50.068 believed to be K6FV in Woodside CA.
Currently there are two of us on the east side of Hawaii island that are regularly calling out on 144.200 USB. Myself and Jeremy, KH7CN. We are also active with other local hams on 50.110 USB.
Since we lost our beacons on Mauna Loa for whatever reason, I have switched to simplex work towards west coast and New Zealand. California PD communications are heard regularly giving use indications ducting is active. 10 meter is also active in both directions. Some of us are trying to make contact on 6 meters and I have begun calling on 2 meters. FT8 does not help and new hams have no experience in propagation. I also use satellite signals to determine ducting conditions to the east coast. More activity on SSB and CW will bring back the human connection in ham radio. Still trying to get that ducting contact like it was in the past.
2022-08-26 20:52 KH6HME/B 144.277004 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60 2
144.277 WSPR +6
144.277 WSPR +6
No 432.310
No 1296.250
first decodes this year from home QTH... 20 db down from WA6MEM who lives on the 1100' hill that blocks me
last 144.277 decode was +1 CW ID very clear.
No 432.310 beacon heard
no 1296.250 heard.
WSPR beacon now -12 and CW ID being copied with no problem in DM03ts.
Plus 9
2022-08-20 02:58 KH6HME/B 144.277003 +9 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60
Pretty good duct at the moment. WSPR signals peaking at -5
2022-08-13 09:00 KH6HME/B 144.277002 -5 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60
I've been on vacation and missed it,but had a weak opening, decoded KH6HME/B 290 times about a week ago. Never really got strong but solid WSPR decodes. I'll post 1st and last but record should stay on WSPRnet for 2 weeks after decode date.
2022-07-26 03:08 KH6HME/B 144.277002 -32 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60
2022-07-24 07:54 KH6HME/B 144.277002 -29 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60
I have talked to Chip, N6CA and the 2 meter beacon needs to be rebooted. I have made calls and hope to get the problem solved. I will post here with updates.
Aloha, Fred
Anyone on the island to do VHF/UHF QSO? Email me.
I'm seeing the carrier ~144.277 S7-S8 with peaks at S9. Fallbrook DM13ji
144.277 MHz carrier is S3 in Palos Verdes. No 432 or 1296 yet.
Please post reception reports here.
73, OM
Thanks to Fred, Paul and Mark for making this happen.
Thanks to Paul, WH6FM and Mark (KH6HME's Cousin) Two meters is back on and also 1296 antennas pointed back to N.A.
My yagis pointed to Europe but got 4 decodes last night. My little SDR dongle drifted a few hz.
2022-03-13 08:14 KH6HME/B 144.277009 -29 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60
2 meter stack has wind damage, maybe one antenna can be saved 432 beacon is QRV, 1296 antennas pointed to KL7.
Bob, WH6XM. could you check the beacons for me?
Mahalo, Fred
After a long hiatus the 144 beacon is coming back in.
2021-09-23 02:06 KH6HME/B 144.277010 -9 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60
I had been decoding the 144 WSPR beacon pretty regularly, most times pretty weak. Then things dried up. Then a few days a go I got 3 weak ones.
2021-09-17 20:24 KH6HME/B 144.277010 -29 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/SDR DM13ji 4074 60
Just so you guys know, we had a 50 watt beacon with 3 element antenna on 50.061.5 running from the Mauna Loa site for over two years. It was never copied during tropo openings by anyone. We had F2 reports in 2014 but there never was a opening when the 2 or other beacons were in on the west coast. Bob, K6QXY with a large array never reported any six meter signals from Mauna Loa.
We will have a digital beacon soon again, Chip N6CA is working on it at this time. So time will tell... Aloha, Fred
In the early 1970's N6CT worked HI on 6m from Sonoma County,CA via what was quite certainly tropo. 2m conditions were very good at the time.
Bruce's QTH is LOS to ocean horizon and around 800' ASL.
By using the Hepburn map as a early warning, I am also trying to see if I can work Guam. Not sure how many hams would be monitoring but I can first try the 2 meter frequencies.......
In all these years I have seen any ducting from KH6 on 6 meters.. even when 2m was S9 + 40 dB. We however know it gets as low as 88 MHz the FM band. It would be fascinating to prove how low it actually gets
73 Chip N6CA
looks like ducting may have helped on the 10 meter band. Contacts made in California and Texas. No indications that 6 meter and 2 meters are open to SSB..........
Today I receive a email from N3IZN asking if I was able to look for KH6HME/B on 2m. It sound like a good challenge. After some "thecnical dificulties" I got it. - 2130 -19 -0.4 144.277105 0 KH6HME/B 43. My very first decode of this beacon. Thanks Chris.
73 de XE2BY/AI6FM
Just did a search on WSPRnet, in the last 2 weeks KH6HME/B has been decoded nearly 2000 times by 7 different stations. SNR for -33 to +4. Hope the format comes out.
Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az Mode # Spots
2021-07-01 21:16 KH6HME/B 144.277000 -27 0 BK29go 20 K6TW DM03 3911 59 2 31
2021-07-01 04:20 KH6HME/B 144.276999 -15 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN DM13ji 4074 60 2 304
2021-06-30 20:00 KH6HME/B 144.277045 -28 0 BK29go 20 K7KX CM95nj 3809 55 2 31
2021-06-28 17:10 KH6HME/B 144.277005 -26 0 BK29go 20 N6CA DM03ut 3988 59 2 5
2021-06-28 16:54 KH6HME/B 144.276998 -24 0 BK29go 20 W6IT DM13bp 4021 59 2 136
2021-06-28 15:22 KH6HME/B 144.277033 -21 0 BK29go 20 N6WS CM95 3797 55 2 2
2021-06-28 02:12 KH6HME/B 144.277008 -20 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/2 DM13ji 4074 60 2 1353
2021-06-28 00:36 KH6HME/B 144.276997 -22 1 BK29go 20 KK6TG CM88qk 3786 49 2 69
I informed the local hams of your reports hearing the beacons. I have slight atmospheric indications of the opening. I'm a sea level, normally the last location to open. I will be trying on 2 meter, 70cm and 6 meter bands. Bob
Hearing KH6 2m beacon at -18 so far today, 9:22 AM local. Nice signal over the hill. New 2m antennaup 85 feet 1.2dB loss coax, working great.
Hawaii Beacon received in CM95RA
1522 -21 0.0 144.277033 0 KH6HME/B 43
1524 -20 0.1 144.277033 0 KH6HME/B 43
Started receiving 2M WSPR from KH6HME/B starting at 0004 UTC 6/28/21, -Bruce
Conditions look good now. No signals from the west coast heard at sea level. Satellite signal indicated ducting enhancement
Heard K6FV 6 meter beacon in Hilo, Hawaii......
210512 - 210513 18:20 - 0050
19 decodes R-12 to R-30
San Diego to Hawaii 2500m 5000km
Email at QRZ
April 24 2021 27 decodes -8 to -29
Some interference from US Navy Radar in SD port.
Email Address at QRZ
Okay Fred....I'm now on 432.100 SSB, 144.200 SSB along with 6 and 10 meters. I can also hookup 1.2 GHz FM only. 10 meters has been opened daily.
Bob,received a email that the 432 beacon was copied on 432 WSPR. yesterday so watch 144.200. I am here on the island.
Monday's solar flare was heard in Hawaii on 144.200 USB.................
Conditions are good towards the west coast on UHF/VHF linear satellites............
Conditions sound good on the 2 meter band. Calling out on144.200 USB............
Tnx Bob, on two meters it is CW then WSPR. 432 it is CW, WSPR, JT65B and one more I forget. So give it a try on digital. We will be moving over later this year. Thanks for the info.
Tnx Bob, on two meters it is CW then WSPR. 432 it is CW, WSPR, JT65B and one more I forget. So give it a try on digital. We will be moving over later this year. Thanks for the info.
6 meter, 70cm and 1.2 GHz working fine with CW ID.
2 meter steady tone then what appears to be CW on top of tone about every two minutes.
All beacons pretty close to frequency. Signal strengths all look about normal from my home station.
Hi Bob Are you copying the beacons ok?
Starting to hear change in propagation easterly and westerly directions.........
not a peep here!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!
Sure is quiet?
Good signal report. Ducting map shows a strong path between Hawaii and California. I'll be on 144.200 and 432.100 calling out........
Both beacons been in pretty constant for the last few days. Last night several decodes with SNR over 0 peaking at +12
2020-10-07 08:22
The 144 WSPR beacon has been in most of the day with occasional visits from the 432 beacon.
2020-10-06 00:50 KH6HME/B 144.277004 -17 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/2 DM13ji 4074 60
Minutes after I posted my last report I started getting intermittent decodes on all modes on 432. 432 never really took off but was getting decodes while nothing was happening on 144. Then at 04:32 144 decodes started coming in pretty consistent peaking to -16 at 07:46 and finally ending at 10:32.
At 10-04-2020/1745 UTC,,,,This is the second time that I have experienced ducting that caused a satellite signal to go beyond the usual distance. I monitored AO-98 beacon at 5 degrees below the horizon, well below the usual 1 to 2 degrees. The ducting map showed a favorable narrow path between the satellite and station.
A weak opening last night. 144 started at 05:16 and the last one at 13:00. 432 started at 07:10 and the last decode at 16:20. The opening peaked at 12:48/12:50 with a -17/-18 report. Most reports were in the low 20's.
I missed it because JT65 doesn't upload to the web like WSPR. I got a single JT65 decode early this morning at 08:47 with a -25 report. the date would be 9/23
A brief and mostly weak opening.
144 WSPR I had 222 decodes starting at 20:04 on 9/20 with most of them ending at 10:36 on 9/21 peaking at -2. At 18:58 had a lone decode of -31.
432 WSPR had 26 decodes starting almost 2 hours later at 21:50 on 9/20 lasting to 10:30 on on 9/21
432 JT9 and JT65 had 24 decodes. Starting at 21:04 on 9/20 and ending at 9:54 on 9/21.
Interesting that the JT9/JT65 decodes started an hour before the WSPR decodes.
2020-09-20 20:50 KH6HME/B 144.277006 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/2 DM13ji 4074 60
1157 -24 0.9 1598 # KH6HME BK29GO
1214 -28 -0.0 1598 @ KH6HME BK29GO
2020-09-05 12:00 KH6HME 432.301528 -27 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/1 DM13ji 4074 60
2020-09-05 12:10 KH6HME/B 144.277004 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/2 DM13ji 4074 60
2020-08-29 04:50 KH6HME 432.301525 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/1 DM13ji 4074 60
2020-08-29 05:20 KH6HME/B 144.277003 -30 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/2 DM13ji 4074 60
Decoded the 144 beacon 131 times over night. Only 4 decodes on the 432 WSPR beacon. Strongest was -25
144.277 WSPR and 432.300 WSPR, JT9 and JT65 being received now. 144.277 WSPR signals range from -28 to -6. 432.2330 WSPR range from -29 to -19 dB.
144.277 MHz WSPR has been received most all day with signal levels ranging from -31 to -21. NO 432.300 MHz signals received.
2m beacn sneaking through -30 to -28
432.300 MHz WSPR was received all night with signals up to -1 dB. Stopped receiving at 1320Z. 144 and 432 beacons are not being received now at 1532Z
144 peaked at +19 and 432 peaked at +6 overnight.
Beacon doing well this evening... -20 peak. The frequency errors (1 or 2 Hz) are mosy likely caused by the CWID(FSK) during last 5 seconds. It was noticeable here when CW duration was a bit longer.. A guess at any rate. 73 Chip
144 and 432 beacons very strong with + SNR reports. 144 reading S5 on the meter. Anyone up for a QSO?
432.300 MHz WSPR, JT9, and JT65 signals have been continuous since 1600Z. Signal levels from -28 to -10 dB.
CW beacon has also been copied.
No 1296.250 MHz signals yet.
432.300 MHz WSPR, JT9 and JT65 decodes continue with signal levels ranging from -27 to -9.
No 1296.250 MHz signals
Old fashion CW. THERE HAVE BEEN NO postings from the north ?
432.300 MHz WSPR signals now -11 JT9 and JT65 signals -21
Is 1296.250 MHz beacon operating?
144.277 MHz WSPR signals from -28 to -10 continuous decodes since 1600Z
432.300 MHz WSPR signals -27 to -21 starting at 1750 Z
Both beacons coming in most of night. 144 peaking at -1. Decoding WSPR, JT65 and JT9 on the 432.
Over the last few hours decoded the 144 WSPR beacon 45 times ranging from -20 to -30. Over the same period decoded the 432 WSPR beacon 6 times ranging from -22 to -29. And decoded JT65 6 times ranging from -16 to -23.
144.277 MHz - Multiple decodes through 0116Z. Signal levels range from -30 to -26 dB. No 432.3 MHz signals detected.
144.277 MHz decode at 2256Z -30 dB.
This is good news Chris.
2020-07-27 07:50 KH6HME 432.301556 -20 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/1 DM13ji 4074 60
2020-07-26 21:12 KH6HME/B 144.277001 -31 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/2 DM13ji 4074 60
I'm seeing a trace on the waterfall but no decodes for the 144 beacon. Just a reminder, to decode the 144 WSPR beacon you must use a dial frequency of 144.275,500 and can be no more than 100 Hz off.
432 digital beacon is QRV at 2340 UTC
Bob how is the signal level now?
432 should be QRV by 2300 UTC today
73, Fred
I've been working OT and teh internet went out Thursday but I'm still decoding the 144 WSPR beacon just barely -29~31 I can see the trace and not get decodes or maybe due to intermittent internet time is not right. Anyways wanted to let everyone know its still coming in even though I'm not uploading
Hi Glen, Well I guess after replacing the PA and sending over to Hawaii the package was drop-kicked and the small coax soldered to the amp pc board broke off along with the center conductor. They install with me watching on my phone but used no watt meter during the installation. They listened on a receiver and said it "sounds good" After no spots they went to the site with a watt meter, no RF. So I figured the final was zapped again. So replaced the rigid coax with some RG-174 and it will not break again. Been on bench running for 24 hours now 25 watts out and checked at KJ6KO QTH. All is good, will ship back today. Aloha Fred
It seems to be working tonight:
2020-07-17 03:50 KH6HME CM98 KJ6MKI CM88oi 432.30153 20 -24 0 153 8 3
What was the issue with it?
Has been removed and shipped to CA.
Will repair and return to Mauna Loa ASAP
Aloha, Fred
In the last 24 hours decoded 144 beacon over 350 times peaking at +2
Decoded beacon 192 times in the past 24 hours, peaking at -6
Decoded beacon nearly 300 times in the past 24 hours, peaking at +4
Continuous decodes since 1820Z. Signals range from -30 to -5 dB.
144.277 MHz WSPR started at 1750Z and is being received now. Signals between -22 and -31 dB.
In the last 24 hours decoded the 144 WSPR beacon over 300 times ranging from -5 to -31. In the last week almost 1000 times. Could have been more but sometimes I point away chasing DX on 6. Seems to be favoring the south. Would be interesting to see if someone in Baja could set up.
2m several -27 decodes around 1735 to 1750z this morning
144.277 MHz WSPR started at 1622Z and continues with signal levels from -29 to -14 dB
Thanks Bob, Lloyd will be up at the site Today and will check out.
Signal level is very low, not even moving my S meter. Not the normal signal level.
Aloha Bob, could you listen for 432 beacon and let me know if you copy and a signal level at your Hilo QTH ?
Mahalo. Fred
144.277 MHz WSPR, multiple decodes started at 1522Z. Signals -22 to -28dB
For at least the past three weeks I've been calling out and listening from 432 to 10 meters. No voice stations heard. Some satellite contacts were enhanced by ducting conditions. Just about two weeks ago, California 10 beacons were heard. Not much voice activity.............
Beacon had a strong period from 20:00 to 21:00 peaking to +7 at 20:46 Nothing on 432. If some one is up to it send me a few sequences on 432 to make sure I'm working.
a couple dozen decodes today.. -27 at best
144.277 MHz WSPR ranging from -26 to -10 with decodes received all morning.
144.277 MHz CW 349 RST
No 432.300 MHz at this time
finally got a decode on 2m WSPR beacon !!...-31 db at 1602 today Jul 2.20. Over Palos Verdes at 1100 feet.. the rest of the way is easy.. :)
144 Beacon got stronger with a peak of +3 at 23:46. Moved my antenna at 00:30 to work JA just moved it back and no trace. Nothing on 432 during that peak.
144.2770 MHz WSPR beacon has been decoded most of the afternoon with signal levels continuing to range from -14 to -28. The duct seems to be moving with periods of good decodes then complete disappearance of the signal. The last decode was at 0212Z.
There have been no 432.30 MHz signals copied yet.
144.2770 MHz WSPR has been copied every sequence since 1612Z. Signals vary from -14 to -27.
The waterfall shows tone at exactly 1500 Hz at this time.
Decoded the 144 beacon over 50 more times this afternoon. Signal levels vary from -34(?) to a peak of -12. Mostly just a faint trace on the waterfall. Its is coming in as I type. Just a reminder, if you want to decode it using WSJT, you have to use the dial frequency of 144.275,500. Still nothing on 432.
I decoded the 144 beacon over 100 times last night. Signal peaked at -12. No decodes on 432
0232 -22 144.277001 0
Several decodes up to 0248Z
0538 -7 -0.0 144.276999 0
144.277 MHz CW 469 RST
0526 -22 -0.0 144.277 0
0528 -20 -0.0 144.277 0
144.277 MHz WSPR -32dB
2,432,and 1296 are QRV and the two meter beacon has been spotted by n3izn even before it got warmed up. I look forward to many reports now. Thanks to my contest buddies KH6LC and NH6V for their hard work.
Mahalo, Aloha, Fred
0316 -21 0.2 144.277000 0 KH6HME/B
Like most, my beams were pointed to EU. So When I got home I pointed to HI and decoded teh beacon right away. So its working.
Today the new 2 meter beacon designed and built by Chip, N6CA will be active, more power on CW and also WSPR. I repaired the 432 beacon built by N6GN and it will be QRP also today. So by this afternoon we should have all four beacons back in operation. I hope to see lots of spots.
Aloha, Fred K6IJ
432 beacon has been repaired and is testing now at CM98pj.
New 2 meter beacon has arrived on big island. I am trying to get both the 2 and 432 back on at the same time on Mona Loa. I hope by June 10th or so. Will post here. Also please check 432.310 and 301 and report.
Aloha, Fred
73, FRED
Update, the two meter beacon has been removed from service, as we have had reports from other users on Mauna Loa that the key clicks are causing interference. Chip will repair and we will get it back in service before the tropo season. The 432 digital beacon has been removed and replaced with the old 432.310.00 cw beacon. So just 1296 and 432 beacons QRV at this time. Will keep everyone updated.
Aloha, Fred
Bob, heading to Mauna Loa in the morning, will reboot the 432 beacon, and check output, remove the 2 meter beacon for upgrades as Chip will repair chirp and return to up. Should be upgrades on two meters including WSPR and FT8 plus CW. I will keep you all posted later this week. please note, only beacon QRV will be 1296 and maybe 432.
Aloha, Fred KH7Y
AS of 1600Z KH6HME/B 144.277 is 519
43F @ 88% RH at 2000ft. ASL
KH6HME beacon 144.277 in & out up to 599 at times NO 432 or 1296 beacons hrd.
at 1730Z KH6HME beacon 144.277 is 559
56F @ 64% RH at 2000ft. ASL
2019-10-27 02:20 KH6HME 432.301533 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/1 DM13ji 4074 60
Glen, I should be going over in the near future as we have a remote transceiver to install. I need to see where Gary is with the project. I will email you when our plans are set up and once I am over there we can chat on the phone etc.
73, Fred
AFAIK, everything is working as it has been since install in 2017, though the GPS-referenced reports are really the only indication I have. If anyone knows of an issue, please speak up!
Glenn n6gn
Glen, I am going over to the big island, do you think we need to do a reset or repair.
Aloha, Fred
It looks like 70cm is in to the southland
UTC TX txGrid RX rxGrid MHz W SNR drift Km Km/W SpotQ
2019-08-22 04:00 KH6HME BK29go K6RRR DM12no 432.301547 20 -26 0 4088 204 209
2019-08-22 04:00 KH6HME BK29go N3IZN/1 DM13ji 432.301533 20 -21 0 4074 204 232
1715Z KH6HME/B 144.277 579 in CM87tl at 1740' ASL. First time heard this month.
1735 UTC Saturday.....Barely hearing a voice on 144.200 USB. Can't tell if it is local or DX........
The intake I chose wou
ldlast for at least 5rs.The concern I appreciate.
I'm sorry, the custom I'm not xe2hwb
Beacon 144 MHz is 527 with QSB into DL44uc. No beacon 432
K6RRR which is on Mt. Otay at ~3500' got a single weak decode yesterday.
2019-07-07 12:30 KH6HME 432.301538 -29 0 BK29go 20 K6RRR DM12no 4088 61
Today, July 2nd, the advisory level has been changed from normal to advisory due to a steady increase in seismic activity.
Be aware that July has historically been the peak of the ducting season between Hawai�i and the mainland.
73, Bob, AH6J
I got a single and very weak 432 WSPR decode.
2019-06-29 11:20 KH6HME 432.301537 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/R1 DM13ji 4074 60
0115Z KH6HME/B 144.277 569 in CM87tl @ 1740' ASL
KH6HME/B 144.277 in now ~ 519
Even though I don't work digital, thank you very much Glenn for your work on the beacon. It is always good to move forward and experiment with other forms of communications in ham radio. I'm in the path of the beacons and I use it to test many homemade antennas. Thank you, Bob.
I'm responsible for building the 70cm beacon at KH6HME. Further detail is available at
The WSPR carrier/center frequency is actually about .4 Hertz low or about 432.3015296, due to imprecision in the math libraries involved in programming it. Accuracy and stability should normally be better than 1 ppb.
As a duct is forming|dissipating the path length changes and a received signal may exhibit small but observable Doppler shift which can be detected and possibly used as an indicator by a suitably stable receive station. Beyond this shift, little spectral spreading has yet been observed across this path.
Glenn n6gn
Just a reminder that the 432 beacon is now multimode. It repeats a sequence every 10 minutes consisting Of WSPR, JT65, JT9 and CW. The frequency posted at the top of the page is for CW only. The beacon only transmits CW at 2:30~3:00 Minutes, 3:30~4:00 minutes, 5:30~6:00 Minutes,6:30~7:00 minutes, 8:30~9:00 minutes and 9:30 ~ 10:00 minutes. Its a pure A1A CW signal, not the warbling CW that you will hear on the other bands. From 0:00 to 2:00 minutes it transmits WSPR at 432.301530. From 4:00 ~ 5:00 minutes it transmits JT9 at 432.301600 and from 7:00 ~ 8:00 minutes it transmits Jt65 at 432.301600. To decode any of the WSPR or JT modes use a dial frequency of 432.300. The beacon has its reference oscillator locked to GPS and the frequencies mentioned are exact. The 432 WSPR beacon has been decoded 157 times from 6/12/19 to 6/17/19 and the JT65 beacon about the same in DM13 and DM12. The beacon is working, I think you may not be listening to the right frequency at the right time. There is a chart available with the above sequence information if anyone wants it. If anyone has any question feel free to ask. I had no part in the building or implementation of the beacon. I just embraced the technology.
KH6HME/B 144.277 is 579 in CM87tl at 1740' ASL. We are above the fog level.
1745 UTC: Myself and another local station will be active on 144.200 USB, 432.100 USB and 50.110 USB.........Conditions look really good.
Beacon 144 is 528, No Beacon 432.
KH6HME/B 144.277 519 1296.250 519 nothing on 432
KH6HME/B 144.277 ~ 519
in this moment beacon 144 is 537 witH QSB.
KH6HME/B 144.277 in ~ 519
OK. I will be pending the next week, with 6, 2 and 70 cms. Thank you.
At this moment I no longer hear the beacon of 144.
Bernardo, looks like forecast is good for next week. I have all my antennas pointed your direction. 6 meter, 2 meter and 70cm........
In the morning I heard the beacon of 144 MHZ for two and a half hours. And now I start listening to it again with signs of very low but understandable. I have not listen 432 beacon at this time.
Beacon 144 is 537 with QSB in thist moment
Besides working FO-29, also periodically calling out on 50.110, 144.200 and 432.100.
The June Gloom low clouds seen just hanging off the Coast is usually a good sign we might get to hear the KH6HME beacon here. Chip, K7JA, indicates he hears it, but nothing yet at this QTH. Important when the path is open, we make QSO noise also on the beacon freq so folks listening with DSP on .277 know to move to .200 for the QSO.
KH6HME/B 144.277 599 in CM88QL
looks like good chance of ducting this afternoon, even on 6 meters...........
Real weak opening. From 2:50 to 9:00 the WSPR beacon was decoded 10 times and the JT65 decoded 4. Signal levels peaked at 6:27 with a -17
2019-06-12 02:50 KH6HME 432.301531 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/R1 DM13ji 4074 60
Did one sneak in or is this the start of an opening?
Ducting conditions look good from Hawaii to Mexico and California...........No signals heard so far.
I didn't get any WSPR reports and I'm not sure which night this came in, either Wednesday or Thursday, but a sole JT65 decode.
0547 -19 0.7 1590 # KH6HME BK29GO
at 1600Z KH6HME/B 144.277 559
44F @ 39%RH AT 2000ft ASL
KH6HME/B 144.277 559
AT ~ 9:30 AM KH6HME/B 144.277 559
52F @ 31% RH @ 2000ft. ASL
I remember in the late 1980's N6CT (perhaps W6KQG at the time) completed 2-way with KH6 on 6m tropo. Is it likely this was the same and has it been common since that time?
From 2018-12-22 19:30 to 2018-12-22 19:30 I decoded the 432 beacon 37 times on WSPR and 15 on JT65. Most times signals were very weak but a few periods were strong enough for a SSB contact. I'm sure the stations on the coast and with better locations would have had better success. Near the end of this opening, I was decoded 6 times by AI6VN/KH6 in Maui on 6 meters.
Have had 2 weak decodes of the 432 WSPR beacon.
2018-12-22 19:30 KH6HME 432.301527 -29 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
Short and mostly weak opening, first 432 decode at 0530 last one at 0930. Got as strong as -10, 4 JT65 decodes and 13 WSPR decodes. I was zzzz so couldn't check other bands.
432 beacon came in overnight
2018-11-05 05:30 KH6HME 432.301530 -25 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
I started getting 432 WSPR decodes at 23:20 on 9/21/18 started out very faint with lots of partial traces and with no decodes. Last WSPR decode was at 7:07 on 9/23/18. Total of 62 WSPR decodes and 28 JT65 decodes. None on JT9, not sure if that is operator error or if signal levels weren't good enough. I could see them on the waterfall. 144 levels seemed to be constant just above the noise. With higher than normal noise level. Now Sunday afternoon and all is quiet.
Check if solar wind has some effect. I'm still able to work analog satellites (SSB and FM) into the west coast until solar wind gets up to about 600 kl/sec. Most difficulty I have is with thunder storms and dense moisture on UHF. Ducting helps when I am able to work satellites down to 3 degrees below my horizon. Bob
ooops, there were 62 not 50! I had too low a limit set when I checked.
I find it interesting that there have been 50 spots on 432 WSPR in the last two days, at relatively low level but ongoing, and yet almost nothing stronger human-readable modes. It's as though there's a partial duct lurking for a long time.
144 beacon steady S4
432 beacon very faint on waterfall with occasional decodes on WSPR/JT65
144 S1 peaking S3 in DM13ji
432 causing faint traces on waterfall but not many decodes
Is 1296 beacon on?
Don't know if it's a one off or the beginning of an opening. But I decoded the 442 beacon a few minutes a go.
2018-09-21 23:20 KH6HME 432.301545 -25 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
0120Z 6 SEPT 18, KH6HME 2M BCN not heard, also 0200Z
not heard in CM87tl @ 1740' ASL where T=51 deg F, RH=83%, and the fog is dripping off the trees. Wind is roughly from direction of Hawaii.
2030Z 5 SEP 18 KH6HME/B 144.277 579 in CM87tl @ 1740 ft ASL. T=60 deg F RH=69%
Sun starting to peek through fog.
KH6HME beacon 144.277 559 nothing on 432 yet
1500Z T 65F @ 62$R/H
2000ft. ASL CM88QL
0800Z KH6HME/B 144.277 599 T=51F RH=74% but whisps of fog in CM87tl @1740' ASL
as of 2042 today KH6HME/B ,s 144.277 & 432.310 are 559 nothing on 1296 yet
Decoded the 432 beacon a few times. -24 to -29
2215Z 4 Sept 2018 KH6HME/B 144.277 599 in CM87tl @ 1740'
Sent with Firefox
Report submitted earlier that didn't go through.
1947Z Tuesday KH6HME/B 144.277 579 in CM87tl at 1740' ASL where T=71 F &
RH=45% and the Sun is shining.
Victor Frank, K6FV
0209Z KH6HME/B 144.277 579 in CM87tl @1740' ASL
T=52F, RH=86% in fog. Sea breeze from SW.
Submitted w/Internet Explorer
at ~ 1PM KH6HME/B 144.277 BACK IN ~ 519
Actually, at 12Z 20 Aug 2018, the Oakland sounding indicates height where the temperature inversion starts was 525m=1722', T=11.4C=52.5F, RH=99%. The greatest moisture drop started at 761m=2497', T=23.2C=73.8F. The maximum T=26C=78.3F.
At 1952Z the Sun is starting to break through the fog and KH6HME/B 144.277 is still 599.
1845Z KH6HME/B 599 in CM87tl @ 1740' ASL. T= 53F, RH=88%, but fog is dripping off the trees. The inversion is probably lower over the coast, the fog is being pushed up over the coastal range.
0700Z KH6HME/B 144.277 599 T=53F, RH=59% at 1740' in CM87tl. It's been in all evening.
Last nite at 0545Z (abt 25 hrs ago) T was 69F and RH was only 1%, but I didn't hear KH6HME/B then. Conclusion, the inversion height has raised, at least locally.
0135Z KH6HME/B 144.277 579 in CM87tl at 1740'
ASL. Report submitted with Internet Explorer instead of Firefox.
testing... sorry, please ignore.
KH6HME/B 1296 250 is 559
88F @ 34% R/H at 2000ft. ASL
KH6HME/B 432.310 is 519 now
~ 11 AM KH6HME beacon 144.277 519
88F @ 29%R/H @ 2000ft. ASL
0840Z Nary a peep on 144.277.
This is a classic surface pressure pattern for W6-KH6 tropo openings with a large high pressure region covering most of the path. At 00Z the highest surface pressure was 1036 mb at 45N 145W.
0255Z KH6HME/B 144.277 569 in CM87tl @1740' ASL T=61F, RH=31%
1845Z and earlier this AM. KH6HME/B 144.277 GONE here too.
@1611Z T=60 RH=57%
@1847Z T=72 RH=42%
LOST all BEACONS looks like PATH has changed
Hi Grodo, sorry I am away from the shack on vacation. Will call you when I get home. Also let WA6MEM know you have the radio he is helping with the remote project. This is good news.....Aloha
0306Z KH6HME/B 144.277 599 @ CN87tl @ 1740' ASL where T=64F and RH=40% Sun is setting and fog is rolling in but hasn't reached us.
KH6HME/B 2M was in strong all day. Working on antennas to mount at the "sweet spot" Right now only 222 H & V with 432 LPYagi temporarily in air, and 144 Yagi lying on ground. All but the 432 LPYagi receive 2M bcn R5. (Gotta check that!)
At 1826Z T was 69 and RH was 35%.
The 2m beacon is in and out today, .... in, nice and strong, but out to nuttin' for an hour at a time. I think the hurricane is moving into the opening, but I am still calling to KH6 land on .200 on the straight up hour , when the beacon peaks today around S-8. DM13
KH6HME/B 144.277 ~ 579, 432.310 ~ 519 1296.250 ~ 539
72F @ 32%RH at 2000ft. ASL
144.277 MHz 589 RST
432.300 MHz WSPR -12 dB
The beacon is still 599 here on two meters and 579 or louder even on 1296.250. This has been one of the longest-lasting ducts in recent years. I think the path is workable at least to 5.7 GHz, if not 10 GHz. It was like this before the 222 and Up Distance Contest over the weekend and it's still really good.
At 2220 UTC, 2m beacon back up to S-9 from a low of S-3 earlier. Now 432 CW beacon back in during its 1 min schedule of other digital modes. Will try CQs to Hawaii at 2300 Hrs Z. I think I made out KH6SX response to my calls earlier, when beacon on 2m way down! Hey Fred, I have your IC-991 here at the shack, ready for a trip to the site for next year's remote operation. el gordo
KH6SX CW & SSB @ 2054 144.200 5X3
2M beacon 5/8/9 today Monday. Listening for KH6SX on .200, and calling regularly on .200 on the straight up hour and half hour. No 432 RX today, but LOUS last afternoon. Only a slight copy on 1296 yesterday, Sunday.
Conditions hold until about dark here in So Cal, each day. gordon west DM13
k6dyd 5/3 now into BL11 thanks @ 4100 ft asl .
At 1710Z T=74F, RH=12% at CM87tl 1740'
A look at weather data shows the W6-KH6 path is centered between two low pressure areas, one mentioned earlier. The 1600Z GOES-W visual image shows a nice belt of solid low cloudiness along most of the path with swirling cyclonic (counterclockwise rotation in northern hemisphere) patterns to the N and S.
The Central Pacific Hurricane center reports Hurricane Hector is intensifying (Category 4) as it moves westward. At 5 AM HST it was located at 15N 141.9W with maximum sustained winds of 145 mph moving west at 15 mph with minimum pressure 941 mb.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out.
Beacon very strong, hearing KH6SX calling CQ on SSB & CW. 432 only S-2.
8/6 1710Z KH6HME/B 144.277 589 @ CN87tl 1740' ASL. I suspect something must be wrong with my 432 system as I haven't heard anything near 432.310.
at 9:43AM KH6HME/B 1296.250 is 559
ALL other beacons are very strong
79F @ 29% RH at 2000ft ASL
144.277 MHz 579 RST
432.300 WSPR -14 dB
432.310 MHz 459 RST
1296.250 MHz 359 RST
I wil be monitoring 144.200
Heard beacon at 529 just now in Torrance, but could not hear the HI side of the ssb conversation on 144.200. Sounds like the signal is much better down in San Diego.
Roger KH6SX. I see that I worked you two years ago also. Beacon is S-9 plus 20, very loud plus 432 at S-3.
I am in DM12, San Diego.
k6dyd into bl11 @ 4100 ft asl
thanks qso w6dyd 5/3
Wow, 2m and 4342 pounding in all day in DM13BP, but no takers in Hawaii on 144.200 ! Went to FM, and I can open the 147.040 + 100 repeater on the same site, but again , no one active to respond! But every now I then, I DO hear some traffic from KH6 land on that channel. Also FM traffic from over there on 146.820 FM. gordo
at ~ 6:30PM KH6HME/B 144.277 is 599++
KH6HME/B 432.310 is 599
I will check 1296 tomorrow
83F @ 31% RH at 2000ft. ASL
144.277 MHz 599 RST 10 ove S9
432.300 WSPR +1
1296.250 MHz 579 RST
144 beacon peaking at S8
432 beacon being decoded every sequence with the strongest SNR of +3
144.277 MHz 579 RSt
432.310 479 RSt
432.300 WSPR -12
1296.250 MHZ 379 RST
Usually I look for a giant high pressure area just to the north of the W6-KH6 path. This morning's 1200Z map shows a big LOW pressure area at 46N 140W.
We in California are still south of that, but I wonder how far north this duct goes.
1535Z, KH6HME/B 144.277 599 at CM87tl. At 1740' ASL T=54F, RH=60%. Too bad nobody over there is wkg this 222+distance contest from beacon site or similar elevation.
AT 8AM KH6HME/B 144.277 is 599
KH6HME/B 432.310 559
65F @ 50% RH at 2000ft. ASL DUCT is visually very defined
0512Z KH6HME/B 144.277 in 579 in CM87tl @ 1740' ASL T=59F RH=41%, sea breeze.
0100Z KH6HME/B 144.277 been in and out all afternoon peaking 569. So far, the IC202 with built-in antenna beats my IC7000 and IC7100.
Second good day of 2m KH6HME reception. Little fading , and only hearing traces of 432 signals.
FRED, call me - I have your IC-991 for the beacon remote - almost brand new, in the box. it is my offer to Pele and the tropo Gods.
2325Z !44.277 KH6HME/B 459 on hand held IC202. Tried to find it with IC7000 & 222 MHz horiz antenna but no go, and when I went back to the IC202 it wasn't there either. Am set up in back yard next to 222 antennas hoping for some contest activity on 223.5 but NIL there too, & NIL KJ6KO/B.
144.277 549
2320 -19 0.0 432.301530 0 KH6HME
2007Z, KH6HME/B 144.277 239 on handheld IC202, CM87tl @1740' ASL. T=79F, RH=19%. It was as low as 1% last night.
KH6HME beacon 144.277 is 559
KH6HME/B 144.277 in weakly
77F @ 39% RH at 2000ft.
The beacon on 144.277 was in here Thursday as well, often loud but with fading.
144.277 MHz 579 RST
432.300 MHz WSPR -7 dB
144.277 MHz 469 RSt
No 432 or 1296
144.277 339 RST
144 beacon S1 but no atmospheric noise, band is quiet which makes the beacon sound loud.
Intermittent 432 decodes so far 4 today.
Hepburn predictions indicates big opening coming up.
On 8/1/18 from 01:50 to 09:50 the 432 WSPR beacon was decoded 36 times. Signal strength went from a trace on the waterfall to loud enough for SSB.
On 8/2/18 it looked like it may repeat but it was only decoded 4 times from 02:30 to 09:00 and signal level was very weak.
I was either working or sleeping at the time so I couldn't check 144
Two decode here earlier on 432.1 wspr:
0240 -26 0.1 432.301528 0 KH6HME BK29 43 2476
0250 -26 0.0 432.301528 0 KH6HME BK29 43 2476
Sorry, below post was from me. Autopopulate on my smart phone put KH6HME and I didn't proof read before post. 432 still coming in.
Beacon popped out of know where. Pretty loud and couple decodes in s row.
2018-08-01 02:20 KH6HME 432.301528 -12 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
Had a signal sneak in.
2018-07-30 01:10 KH6HME 432.301529 -27 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2018-07-20 05:00 KH6HME 432.301528 -26 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
Had been quiet on 432 for about a day then got a single report last night.
2018-07-19 00:30 KH6HME 432.301525 -24 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
KH6HME/B 144.277 in weak
KH6HME BEACON 432.310 is 599 very strong will check 1296 tomorrow.
Now the 1296.250 beacon is 579 in DM13cs but with QSB. This appears to be a pretty good trans-Pacific duct.
KH6HME/b on 144.277 is loud with no fading in DM13cs @650' amsl as of 0010z on July 18.
144.277 MHz 449 RST
432.300 MHz WSPR -13dB
1296.250 MHz 339 RST QSB
KH6HME/B 144.277 is 599 432.310 is 559
144.MHz 359 RST
432.300 MHZ WSPR -30
KH6HME/B 144.277 is 519 this morning @ 1430Z Nothing on 432
432.300 MHz WSPR -23 dB
Transmitting on 144.200 abd 432.100.................
KH6HME/B 144.277 ~ 559 nothing on 432 yet
432.300 MHz WSPR -26 dB
Just got home, been getting 432 reports on and off most of the day. 144 beacon is at noise level but comes out very loud for brief periods.
2315Z No sign of KH6HME/B 2m BCN any more, but will be checking more frequently. Haven't heard the KJ6KO/B, somewhat higher in frequency, lately. It helps in finding the HME beacon. My IC202 is a long way from a "set it and forget it" box with 10 kHz dial marks.
2015Z 16 JULY 2018 569 144.277 on handheld IC202 @1740' CM87tl
2035Z 459
KH6HME beacon 144.277 just in ~ 519
1st decode of the opening.
2018-07-16 05:10 KH6HME 432.301525 -16 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
On 432 I can see a faint partial trace on the Waterfall but no decodes. On 144 the beacon comes out of the noise very briefly, but its distinct sound is there.
In DM13ji, Fallbrook, CA not the most ideal location. The most recent opening lasted 2 days. With the first 432 WSPR report at 2018-06-27 07:20 and the last report at 2018-06-29 04:10 for a total of 119 decodes. In the early part my beams were pointed towards EU looking for 6 meter reports. It wasn't until I start noticing KH6HME coming in on he back side that I swung the beam toward HI. The signal level went from barely a trace on the waterfall to as high as a -4. You can review the reports at for about 2 weeks. After that there is a link to older databases.
I just got back from Kentucky. I will try to work ducting from my QTH in the next few days and see what I can do.
KH6HME/B 144.277 599 432.310 519
KH6HME/b is over S9 on 144.277 now. Much louder than yesterday in DM13SB.
Beam pointed to EU and the 432 beacon sneaking in on the backside.
2018-06-27 21:50 KH6HME 432.301521 -28 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2 meter beacon in S9+ here in CM-98 89f
No 432 or 1295 yet
Aloha Fred
KH6HME/B 144.277 in NOW ~ 519 nothing on 432
One 432 report over night
2018-06-27 07:20 KH6HME 432.301523 -22 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
Hearing beacon solidly on 144.277 at Panorama Heights, DM13CS, elev. 650' amsl. I love the chirp as a way to identify the beacon.
Total of 4 reports on 432 WSPR overnight. By the signal reports might have been audible. Not a very strong opening but something.
Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az
2018-06-10 07:00 KH6HME 432.301530 -25 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2018-06-10 06:40 KH6HME 432.301530 -20 1 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2018-06-10 06:00 KH6HME 432.301530 -14 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2018-06-10 03:40 KH6HME 432.301529 -26 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2018-06-10 03:40 KH6HME 432.301529 -26 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
A single decode very weak, Not home to check 2 meters.
It would be interesting to see what happens this year. The volcanic eruption here on the island has put into the atmosphere gas as well as other types of particles that may reduce hearing the beacons. At my location I am noticing reduction in signal strength on the two meter band.
It's getting to be "that" time of the year. Has anyone heard any of the beacons?
Ducting Reports
Address Display
Anyone in California hearing Hawaii beacons. I will be monitoring 144.200........
There is no attribution for this post. I would like to know who heard the (CW) beacon, with what equipment and where in SF.
Worked F0-29 satellite this morning when satellite was 2050 miles from Hawaii to California and 3 degrees below the horizon. My down link signal was loud and clear. Forecast map shows disturbance between Hawaii an California. I still continue to log contacts at or just below the horizon.
I've been simply copying and pasted the WSPR report. If any one has any questions on what the various fields represent, the 432 beacon sequence or how to decode WSPR feel free to drop me an email.
2017-10-06 01:50 KH6HME 432.301535 -24 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
I just checked the Hepburn forecast for this time period. It does NOT look particularly good over most of the KH6-W6 path. Moral of the story: it pays to listen for KH6HME/B even when the forecast isn't great.
I'm hearing KH6HME/B about 569 on 144.277 in Panorama Heights, DM13CS. The chirp certainly makes the beacon distinctive and easy to identify.
Slow QSB... Getting louder... I don't know how long it's been in; I just got here and tuned across the band. I was mainly here to check on my own beacon (144.294, DM05SB) after recent repairs. KH6HME/B, 2,500 miles away, is louder than N6NB/B, only 110 miles away.
2017-08-12 20:30 KH6HME 432.301532 -25 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
144.277 519
432.300 WSPR and JT65
Both beacons being copied in Newport Beach, DM13bp.
2017-08-11 17:30 KH6HME 432.301537 -29 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2017-08-10 16:50 KH6HME 432.301530 -27 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
8/6/17 0255 2M KH6HME/B still in, 599 at times even loud in the shack with non-optimum feed for 10' dish (LPA for 222-1300 MHz)
T=63F, RH=63% @ 1740' ASL. Sea Breeze from SW.
NIL on 432 or 1296. Around 0254Z 2M beacon was interrupted for a minute or so. Someone must be there, or remotely interrupted it.
I'm guarding 144.2
8/5/2017 1740Z 2M KH6HME/B 579 in CM87tl @1740' ASL
T=73F, RH=44% P=955.3 mb Sea breeze from SW.
as of 1521Z KH6HME/B 1296.250 is 519 still nothing on 432.
as of 1400Z this morning KH6HME/B 144.277 is ~ 519.
Nothing on 432 or 1296
FOG up to ~ 1500ft.
0310Z 599 2M KH6HME/B in CM87tl @ 1740' ASL
T=74F, RH=21% Gentle breeze from SSW. NIL on 432 or 1296.
144.277 MHz 469 RST
432.300 MHz WSPR -28 dB
8/5/2017 0005Z 2M KH6HME/B 569, NIL 432 & 1296.
T=70F, RH=36% P=955.6 @ 1740' ASL in CM87tl on handheld IC202. Sea breeze from SW.
KH6HME/B 144.277 ~ 559 1296.250 ~ 519
NO 432 beacon BROKE????
anyone hearing 432 beacon ??
KH6HME/B 144.277 in since ~ 1700Z ~ 519
nothing on 432 or 1296.
KH6HME beacon 144.277 in weakly ~ 419
84F @ 35% RH at 2000ft. ASL
1905Z 31 JUL 2017, KH6HME/B 2M 569 on handheld IC202 at 1740' in CM87tl. T=81 F, RH=33% P=958.35. Breeze from W. NIL on 432 or 1296 on 10' dish.
at 9:30 AM KH6HME/B 144.277 is 519
87F @ 32% RH at 2000ft. ASL.
144.277 MHz 449 RST
432.300 MHz, WSPR -25 dB
144 beacon is S3 in DM13ji
2017-07-29 22:00 KH6HME 432.301535 -22 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2017-07-29 00:20 KH6HME 432.301532 -21 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
7/24/2017 at about 0552 UTC...While attempting to work FO-29 satellite which was about -2 degrees below the horizon, I made contact with XE1TD. It appears I had some assistance with ducting as conditions are good from Hawaii to Mexico. I also noticed that the signal would increase in strength for a moment, then drop off. I had about a 30 second window for the contact. Bob
2017-07-22 00:50 KH6HME 432.301534 -27 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
144 beacon easily heard but not moving the meter.
432 beacon still not audible but getting WSPR and JT decodes.
2017-07-20 20:50 KH6HME 432.301531 -21 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2017-07-07 04:40 KH6HME 432.301533 -22 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
I just worked two stations, California and Texas on FO-29 satellite. Looks like ducting conditions helped as I worked the California station with the satellite at 2 degrees below the horizon. Now switching to 144.200 SSB.
Beacon of 144 with signal 519 with QSB. For two hours and continues. No signal 70 cms. CW.
Thanks for convincing Google and Firefox that we aren't a "badware" site! When I Google "Tropo Ducting Reports" now, the dire warning is gone. So is the Firefox blocking page.
Thanks for the info on Google flagging the site as bad, I'm looking into it. I have also moved all posts from 2015 and earlier to the archive page so that the main page will load a little faster.
Happy Tropoing to all.
73 de Doug, N6RT
Google and the Firefox browser are claiming this site contains "badware". Firefox is blocking it. I was able to get here with no such warnings via Microsoft Internet Explorer.
The recent duct seems to be over, at least here. It was fun...
KH6HME /B 144.277 ~ 519 nothing on 432 or 1296.
67F @ 61% R/H HEAVY MARINE layer up to about 1500ft.
2 meter beacon s4 at 1940 utc no 432 ATM
2m beacon loud in to Costa Mesa . Listening and calling on 144.200 DM13 Pair long boomers up 50' in sight of the ocean !
It's 5:30 AM local time and the 2 meter band is quiet. Yes Wayne this is good discussion and needs more observing. Recently on two occasions I may have experienced the ducting effect while working the FO-29 satellite with a Florida station. He was way beyond the satellite range but we were talking to each other. He first thought it was conditions of ducting over the gulf of Mexico that helped. The second occasion was when the satellite was about 5 degrees below the horizon. This time it could have also been refracting, but I've never experienced that again. Most of the time the earliest I hear the satellite is when it is 3 degrees below the horizon. My email is ([email protected]) Bob
KH6HME 144.277 is ~ 519 nothing on 432 or 1296
56F @ 94% R/H heavy MARINE LAYER up to 2000ft. ASL
144.277 MHz 459 RST
No 432 or 1296 MHz
In response to Bob, K6QXY: Perhaps I didn't explain this very well in the thrill of the moment, but something was happening Monday that I had not seen before. Yes, we've seen ducts and worked Hawaiian stations near sea level for many years. I wrote an article about the Pacific duct for QST in 1976. I too have worked KH6IAA and KH6FOO, both at low elevations and up on the higher slopes of Mauna Loa, where they liked to operate portable.
What happened Monday that struck me as new was this: KH6/K6MIO, at home at 750' ASL, was MUCH louder here than other Hawaiian stations. At the same time, he seemed to be hearing me much better than others at higher or lower elevations. Of course stations in the duct are consistently louder than stations higher or lower. The Navy's Project Tradewinds documented that phenomenon in the early 1960s. But elevated ducts usually rise from California to Hawaii, with the best signals on the Hawaiian end at 5,000' to 8,000'. On six radio trips to Hawaii in 2014-2016 when I had a rover station in a rental car, I found mainland stations to be loudest at traditional duct elevations but much weaker below about 3,000'. But here was a dominant signal coming from a station at 750' ASL. Jim (K6MIO) says he has seen conditions like this before, but I hadn't.
I can think of several explanations for this. What makes the most sense to me is the idea of a duct with multiple layers. One layer could be nearly aligned with the earth's surface instead of rising from east to west. It would explain a California station at 680' ASL hearing a Hawaiian station at 750' ASL so exceptionally well when higher and lower stations were not in the same "pipeline."
I'd like to hear from others who are interested in this, either here or via private email.
Meanwhile, the KH6HME beacon is still pushing S9 on two meters, but weaker on 432 and in/out of the noise level on 1296. It's almost midnight in California.
73, Wayne, N6NB
144 beacon is 519 nothing on 432 or 1296.
K6MIO/KH6 and KH6SX coppied on 144.200
See old reports for Kh6 opeanings at sea level
K6QXY worked KH6IAA & KH6FOO many times and have worked HAWAII, ,MAUI & KAUAI on TROPO so this is not NEW.
0320Z KH6HME/B 1454.277 559 on handheld IC202 CM87tl 1740' ASL, T=54F, RH=83% Fog is blowing over
but not dripping from trees yet.
Made contact 5x5 at 0205UTC. Also heard KH6SX on voice at the noise level, then on CW, but no contact made as the signal faded. The beacon is less strong now too. 24 elements and 180w here.
MAX the second DIURNAL peak for 6M is ~ 0430Z
After I pronounced the anomaly that made KH6/K6MIO so loud here to be over, his signal made a dramatic comeback. This was all on two meters via some form of tropospheric ducting and he's still loud here now. At his elevation of only 750' ASL, this is surprising. Next we hear that SIX meters has been open from Hawaii to the mainland, presumably via sporadic E.
hearing KH6SX .200 5X5
CQ 50.110 CW
on 26/06/2017, between 18:43 and 21:08 made 6 Q's with both Nor Cal/So cal.
hearing JIM K6MIO/KH6 now on 144.200
I want to make a record of what has happened in the last hour. KH6/K6MIO at elevation 750' ASL north of Hilo, has been into Orange County with a solid signal. At times he was almost as loud as the KH6HME beacon at 8200' ASL. Nobody else seemed to be hearing him nearly as well as I was. My elevation is 680' ASL, overlooking the coastal plain in Orange county. He kept calling CQ but after the first few minutes nobody was coming back to him. Gradually, his signal finally faded into my noise level after being w-a-y over an honest S9. I think there are still things we don't know about elevated ducts...
I'm hearing someone on 144.200 in and out.
I'm in East Maui using my portable setup.
5 ele. antenna at 15' and 150 watts. 100' alt.
I'll take this setup to a location at 1200' alt.
Leave in a half hour, then another half hour traveling.
0110Z KH6HME/B 144.277 569 in CM87tl 1740' ASL on handheld IC202. T=60 F, RH=66%, clear
I'll continuing listening on 144.200. I can hear the noise level increase when the duct is open on my end and quiets when it closes. Bob
Dr. Jim Kennedy, who has given many excellent talks about propagation at the Central States VHF Conference, has been demonstrating how this duct works as a form of propagation. He's been solid here in Orange County while working a string of Californians on 144.200. Sorry I missed WH6XM. Bob, I'm still listening on 200.
Looks like the duct is contracting a bit, Bob. No 432 or 1296 at the moment. 144 is just above the noise. It's likely to turn around again so I'll keep listening. K6MIO was just above the noise when N6NB was working him.
Looks like 2 meters is busy. Heard N6NB with a 5/9 signal into downtown Hilo at sea level. I moved to 144.220 and still calling. Bob
Ok. I'll be looking for you.
wh6mx at 0041 calling cq on 199.3 kh6sx calling cq 199.7
I'm still here. I can hear the band fluctuating and when it opens noise level increases. I'll continue calling out. Bob
Are you still listening to 144.200 MHz, Bob? I can try and work you. Beacon very strong here now.
Bob your being covered by kh6sx on cw. Thanks for the QSO.
Good contact K6IJ. Looks like the duct is reaching sea level. I can't tell if there is other local stations on the air so I will continue calling. Bob
HI Bob, calling cq on 200 2m beacon is s8 here now
73, fred
144.277 MHz 589 RST
432.300 WSPR, JT9, & JT65 all being copied
432.310 MHz 479 RST
1296.250 MHz 459 RST
I heard a voice just at the noise level. I will keep trying. Bob
This is a very good tropo duct! KH6HME/b is still well over S9 at Panorama Heights, Orange County, DM13CS--as it has been for hours. 432 and 1296 are both Q5, but not as loud as two meters. 1296 has the same slow (2-3 min) fade cycle that I heard from the Hawaiian end when I worked W6IT at this location on 1.2, 2.3 and 3.4 GHz two years ago. There's a video of Greg's 2.3 GHz signal from here as I heard it in Hawaii on The link is in the web page about the microwave DX records. Now, back to 144.200 to call WH6XM.
144.277 MHz 469 RST
432.300 WSPR, JT9, & JT65 all being copied
432.310 MHz 359 RST
1296.250 MHz 339 RST
Heard 2m beacon 539 at 1930utc in dm03- Torrance. Nil on 70cm
This looks like a perfect day for ducting. The forecast map looks good. I am unable to go mobile to get to the best location and as far as I can tell there is no one else interested in ducting. Keep trying guys, and I will see how much hams I can alert to the event. I'll continue calling out and listening. 73's Bob
At Panorama Heights (Orange County, DM13CS) KH6HME/b is still solid and over S9, as it was when I came up here around midnight. Both 432 and 1296 are in the noise right now. An interesting comparison: I cranked up the 70' tower at my home in the flatlands three miles from here. Now KH6HME/b is very Q5 there too, but 2-3 S-units weaker than it is up on this hill (500' above the flatlands). That is very consistent with the difference I've seen many times over the last 40 years and is one of the reasons I bought this hilltop property in 2013.
The Pacific duct often produces much louder signals a few hundred feet above the coastal plain than in the flatlands--on the California end. In Hawaii, signals are usually loudest between 5,000' and 8,000' above sea level and are very weak or nonexistent along the Hilo waterfront. That's been known for over 50 years. I spent a lot of time roving in Hawaii to reinvent the wheel, I guess. 73, Wayne, N6NB
1700Z Thought this would be continuing this week, but NIL KH6HME/B 144.277 @ 1740' ASL CM87tl where it's 57 deg F, RH=68%, Overcast to the West, partly cloudy to East.
12Z radiosondes still show sizeable inversions and moisture lapses at Hilo, Oakland, and San Diego.
San Diego's is close to the deck, Oakland's is above me, Hilo's is around 1600m = 5248'. Satellite pics with surface pressures show the high is north and west of the paths from Hilo to most of the west coast USA. e.g. keep listening.
as of 1530Z KH6HME 144.277 is ~ 519 nothing on 432 or 1296
Very heavy MARINE LAYER above 200FT
Will check later
144.277 MHz 359 RST right now but building
432.300 MHz WSPR, JT9, and JT65 copied. CW 339 RST
No 1296.250 MHz at this time
This opening also extends up and down the California coast. I've never heard the K6QPV 1296 beacon in DM12MQ (near San Diego, about 100 miles from here) louder than I'm hearing it right now.
It's after midnight in California now and the KH6HME beacon on 144.277 is even louder than it was six hours ago. I wasn't up on the hill to listen for it earlier in the day, but others were hearing it up and down the California coast. It's after 9 p.m. in Hawaii. I called WH6XM several more times just now. If he's there, I can't hear him, but the beacon is robust. I think this is turning into the best opening since last July--just before the Central States VHF Conference in Minnesota. I left Hawaii with the band still open to fly home and on to MN. Oh, how I wish I could be out there now. Bob, can you--or anybody on the Big Island--go mobile up on Inouye Highway? With signals like I'm hearing now, a small beam at the turnout at 5,200' would be enough to work the mainland. That's only half an hour up from Hilo. You don't need to drive all the way up to the beacon site at 8,200' to get into a duct like this one.
All beacons very strong 1296.250 is 599++ huge
I will be at the radio for the next few hours. Thanks for the report. 73's Bob
KH6HME/b is really loud on two right now, but I have to leave the hill. I did not hear any KH6 stations on 144.200.
I'm on the air now, 0150 UTC.
Hello WH6XM. Bob are you on right now? Calling you on 144.200.
Now hearing beacon on 432.310 and also 1296.250 as well as 144.277 in DM13CS. When two fades, the higher bands seem to become louder.
The 144.277 beacon is rolling in as of 0128z 6/26/17 here in Panorama Heights near Orange, Calif., DM13CS. I'd say it's 579 to 599. I'm hearing only fragments on 432 and nothing on 1296, I have a noise problem on that band today.
That is supposed to be 1740' ASL
0010Z KH6HME/B 144.277 599 on handheld IC202 in CM87tl @ 140' ASL. T=56 deg F, RH=73%. Overcast, Stiff sea breeze. NIL 432 or 1296.
KH6HME 1296.250 599+++ huge signal
1296.250 MHz building. Good to hear it again after more than a year!
144.277 MHz 579 RST
432.300 MHz all three digital and CW beacons
129.250 MHz 359 RST
Got your report. I will be calling out on 2 meters only throughout the day. Station is at sea level so it might open later in the day or tomorrow.
73's Bob
1905Z 25 June KH6HME/B 144.277 579 on handheld IC202 and also on 10' dish w non-optimal feed in CM87tl 1740' where T=58 deg F RH=75% but fog is dripping off trees. NIL on 432 or 1296. Also NIL on 144 a few hours ago.
144.277 MHz 479 RST
as of 1730 KH6HME/B,s are all in 1296 .250 up to 559
as of 1500Z this morning only KH6HME 144beacon is in weakly
62F @ 73% R/H at 2000ft. ASL Heavy marine layer up to about 1500ft.
This morning the 2 meter beacon comes with a stronger signal, but does not record any dB on the radio signal. The 70 cm beacon does not record any digital or CW signal.
I receive beacon 2 meters with very weak signal and veri weak 432 in JT65
at 2055Z 1296.250 is up to 599
432 & 144 much weaker.
79F @ 51%RH at 200ft. ASL
2 METER BEACON 519 AND 432 BEACON 339 IN CM-98, 88F
2 METER BEACON 519 AND 432 BEACON 339 IN CM-98, 88F
at 1700Z KH6HME/B,s very strong. 1296 up tp 599
Started getting WSPR decodes around 8:40. Only strong enough for WSPR. Peaked to -8 at 12:40
2245Z, = 3:45 PM PDT
2345Z KH6HME/B 144.277 569 in CM87tl @ 1740' ASL T=83 F, RH=35%, P=953.6
KH6HME/B 432.310 519 144.277 ~ 419
93F #(% RH at 2000ft, ASL
2017-06-21 20:20 KH6HME 432.301530 -29 0 BK29go 20 WA6M CM88in 3739 49
2017-06-21 03:30 KH6HME 432.301530 -31 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN DM13ji 4074 60
Yes it is running. I didn't interrupt it today.
432.300 MHz Digital and CW beacons all being heard
144.277 MHz 359 RST
is the 1296 beacon operating?
Thanks for confirming the 432 beacon.
Sorry, no, the 6m beacon is down on the coast south of Hilo.
Feel free to email me during the tropo season. I have somewhat limited availability but will do my best to get on for openings...Aloha
Stan AH6KO
That was 0230Z not 0130Z; e.g. 7:30 PM PDT.
0130Z KH6HME/B 144.277 569 on handheld IC202 in CM87tl at 1740' ASL. T= 80 F, RH=26% P=953.6 mb
432.300 MHZ, CW, WSPR, JT65, and JT9 all being copied
I had a faint trace at 1:30 but no decode. W6IT got it though.
2017-06-20 01:30 KH6HME 432.301531 -28 0 BK29go 20 W6IT DM13bp 4021 59
Do you have 6 up there? Is the beacon on all the time?
Nothing heard on 432.200 USB.
Maybe heard someone way down in the noise on 2m, otherwise nothing.
Will give you a shout back if I hear anything
Listening & CQ
144.277 MHz 339 RST QSB
TU Glenn for the reminder, I will check on my receiver before leaving. Also will try to post here when I come up on USB.
Stan, Make sure 432 beacon wrks right when you restart. It *might* require a quick 'flick' off/on and take 10+ minutes to resynch.
I will turn off 2m and 70cm beacons for a quick check of the transceivers on USB. Expected time about 0000Z - 0100Z Tuesday 6/20 (Monday afternoon local time).
Don't really expect an opening, but will CQ for a few minutes on 144.277 USB, and on 432.100 USB.
Aloha & 73~ Stan AH6KO
KH6HME /B 144.277 @ 1900Z 519
432.310 @ 1945Z 519
95F @ 36% RH at 2000ft.
WSPR 432.301530 @-28
1830Z KH6HME/B 144.277 349
1845Z NOT DETECTABLE in CM87tl @ 1740'
T=89F RH=34% P=953.6
2017-06-19 16:00 KH6HME 432.301528 -24 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
1615Z KH6HME/B 144.277 349 on handheld IC202, 1740' MSL, CM87tl T=78 deg F RH=40% P=953.6
Several 432.300 decodes copied a few hours ago.
2017-06-19 09:30 KH6HME 432.301530 -17 0 BK29go 20 W6IT DM13bp 4021 59
0305Z nothing hrd of KH6HME/B 144.277 here in CM87tl
2305Z KH6HME/B 144.277 ~349 @ 1740' CM87tl on handheld IC202. T=88 deg F, RH 28%
Was not in when I checked this morning.
at 2150Z KH6HME/beacon 432.310 ~ 519 2M ~ 559
100F @ 29% RH at 2000ft. ASL
at 1731Z KH6HME beacon 144.277 in weakly
2017-05-24 10:00 KH6HME 432.301548 -27 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
2017-05-24 08:00 KH6HME 432.301549 -29 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
KH6HME/B 6M 50.060.5 in Q5S5
I thought I was listening to the 6m beacon in HI the other day, but I was wrong. I was hearing what I believe was the W7KNT/B in Montana off the back of my 6m antenna. (Yes, Sporadic E has been that good here lately). I will keep trying.
Got your report Ryan. I continue to monitor 50.125 or 50.110 and also calling out. 73's Bob
Hearing the 6m beacon in and out. Very strong at times. DM13kc
KH6HME BEACON 144.277 ~ 519
85F @ 31%RH @ 2000ft. ASL
432.300 MHz WSPR, JT65 and JT9 all -20 to -21 dB. Not hearing CW beacon.
No 144.277 MHz or 1296.250 MHz, yet.
Decoded the 432 WSPR signal -20db with heavy radar interference, appears multipath. JT9 and JT65 audible at 0234 and 0237. Nothing copied since.
2017-05-02 02:20 KH6HME 432.301530 +8 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN DM13ji 4074 60
2017-05-01 20:30 KH6HME 432.301541 -29 0 BK29go 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4074 60
All three digital modes plus CW beacons being copied on 432.300 MHZ
144.277 MHz 359 RST
Hearing all three digital beacons plus CW beacons on 432.3 MHz
Hearing voice on 144.200 USB. Unable to make out what is said. Unknown origin of signal.
1615Z 459 144.277 IC202 @ sweet spot 1740' CM87tl. T=50 deg F (it was 48 a few min ago.) RH=41%. Wind off the ocean, fog below on coast, clear above.
HEPBURN TROPO MAPS indicate improving conditions for today and very good TROPO for WED 4/5
AT ~ 8AM KH6HME 2M beacon is ~ 519 nothing on 432
53F @ 54%RH @ 2000ft ASL
1010Z I can copy KH6HME/B 144.277 about 559 inside my bedroom through a window with the IC202.. T=51 deg F, RH= 17%. CM87tl 1740'. Back to bed!
Hi KH6HME/B has been into CM98 all evening 519 little QSB. No signals from 432 or 1296 at this time.
432.310/b 569
144.277 now 599 432 ~ 519 will check 1296 later
0220Z 2M 589 at sweet spot. 1740' CM87tl. T=52 deg F, RH = 35% Walked around with IC202 checking for another sweet spot. Found a bad spot, inside my house, computer noise.
NIL on 432 & 1296.
432.310 beacon now Q5 ~ 519
2M= 2X11el yagis fixed mounted on KH6
70CM = 4X 19el K1FO yagis fixed on KH6
AR2 preamps to IC 7800 RCVR.
KH6HME/B 144.277 559 now 432 beacon just at noise level
2017-04-03 23:50 KH6HME 432.301530 -25 0 BK29 20 WA6M CM88in
WA6M at ~1300' ASL with water horizon toward HI.
2017-04-03 23:50 KH6HME 432.301530 -25 0 BK29 20 WA6M CM88in 3715 48
2M beacon 144.277 just above the noise Q5 S
68F @ 29% RH
Last msg, not 144.17, 144.27+, maybe 3-5 kHz below KJ6KO/B, hard to measure with IC-202, but not 100 kHz off.
2025Z by the time I got back to checking, 144.17 was gone. NIL hd of KH6HME/B 432 or 1296.
2005Z APR 3, 144 MHz KH6HME/B 569 in CM87tl @ 1740' ASL where it's 67 deg F with 13% RH. Haven't looked at other freqs yet.
432.310 just above the noise
57F @ 27%RH at 2000ft ASL. CLEAR
432 is building and now hearing the 2m beacon just above the noise.
58F clear
Like Chris, I've decoded WSPR, JT-9 and JT-65. Also just heard the CW beacon sequence on 432.310.
Just copied WSPR, JT9 and JT65 and can hear it from speaker.
2017-04-03 00:30 KH6HME 432.301535 -21 0 BK29 20 N3IZN/RX
Hepburn not particularly impressive. Still around 10 dB too weak for CW spot. Both JT9 and JT65 would have been likely at this S/N.
Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az
2017-03-30 03:30 KH6HME 432.301539 -22 0 BK29 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4043 60
Got one decode at 01:00.
0100 -24 0.1 432.301533 0 KH6HME BK29
2017-03-15 23:40 KH6HME 432.301532 -28 0 BK29 20 N3IZN/RX DM13ji 4043 60
N3IZN in Fallbrook has just posted a WSPR spot of KH6HME 70cm beacon at -28 dB S/N, too weak for any mode but sign of a duct.
Fred, K6IJ, has just let me know that the multimode 70cm beacon at KH6HME is on the air. Schedule, frequencies and details at:
Frequency accuracy should be better than 1 ppb.
KH6HME/B 144.277 in weakly
46F 82% RH at 2000ft.
432.310 559
TRANS PAC TROPO KH6HME/B 144.277 ~ 519
432 and 144 beacons are in S3 and 31
On Oct 4, 2016 at 6:30 PM PST, heard the KH6HME 432.31 MHz beacon in San Diego, CA just east of the Torrey Pines State Reserve (32��55��16��N 117��15��12��W), using Baofeng UV-200 HT. Signal faded as travelling east, and was lost within 5 miles.
KH6HME/B 144.277 in weakly
74F @ 54% RH at 2000ft ASL
Note that balloon is launched from a site NW of Oakland Airport and the wind, 12 knots or so from ~WSW, blew the balloon to the ENE. It's interesting to compare with surface measurements @ my QTH which is S of Oakland and E of Half Moon Bay. Wind speed is lower near the ground due to friction and RH is higher (at same pressure level) (at my QTH) due to it being closer to the ocean than the balloon.
The instruments carried by the balloons take data to the 100 mb level and sometimes to 10 mb before the balloon ruptures. Also note that clearance is obtained from the control tower for each release.
0055Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 559 on handheld ICOM 202 @ "sweet spot." On the R7100 in shack 144.277 was NOT detected in noise; however 432.310 was 449. 1296 NIL.P=54.9F, RH= 87%. Wind 4.7 knots W. P=951.8 mb @ 1740'. Sky completely overcast (fog). Lets see if OAK 00Z sounding comes through. Yes, but you'' have to expand your window or shrink the numbers. I copied & pasted only sfc to ~1000 m. Note heights are in meters, temperatures in Celsius degrees.
Summary: OAK and NKX (San Diego)stations max gradients near 950 mb. PHTO (Hilo) near 750 mb.
72493 OAK Oakland Int Observations at 00Z 22 Aug 2016
hPa m C C % g/kg deg knot K K K
1013.0 3 18.0 13.5 75 9.68 290 13 290.1 317.6 291.8
1010.0 29 17.6 11.6 68 8.56 289 14 289.9 314.3 291.4
1001.0 105 16.6 12.4 76 9.11 285 16 289.7 315.6 291.3
1000.0 114 16.4 12.3 77 9.06 285 16 289.6 315.3 291.1
979.0 294 13.4 10.1 80 7.98 290 12 288.3 310.9 289.7
977.7 305 13.5 9.8 78 7.83 290 12 288.5 310.8 289.9
963.0 433 15.2 6.2 55 6.21 271 12 291.5 309.5 292.6
955.0 505 18.2 2.2 34 4.72 260 12 295.2 309.3 296.1
951.0 540 18.4 1.4 32 4.47 255 12 295.8 309.2 296.6
947.0 577 18.4 5.4 42 5.97 250 12 296.1 313.9 297.2
943.3 610 20.1 -2.1 22 3.48 245 12 298.1 308.9 298.8
943.0 613 20.2 -2.8 21 3.31 245 12 298.3 308.6 298.9
940.0 640 21.2 -3.8 18 3.08 241 12 299.6 309.2 300.2
925.0 780 23.2 0.2 22 4.22 225 12 303.0 316.1 303.8
910.9 914 23.9 -0.9 19 3.95 230 13 305.1 317.6 305.8
902.0 999 24.4 -1.6 18 3.79 230 14 306.4 318.5 307.1
2230Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 339 on handheld IC202 at "sweet spot" NIL on R7100 in shack on 144, 432, or 1296. T=59F, RH= 73% Breeze 5.2 knots W. Sunny, sky overhead small scattered clouds. Towards the coast, haze and fog. P=952.2 @ 1740'. Checked earlier,NIL but 2M beacon may have been in fade.
at 10:30AM KH6HME/B is just in on 144.277 very weak nothing on 432 or 1296.
at ~ 1452Z this morning "NO" KH6HME beacons detected
Heavy marine layer up to ~ 1900FT.
57F @ 79% RH I am just out of the FOG.
0050Z: ~144.277 been in and out since last report. Presently ~144.277 579 on IC202 handheld @ ~4' above gnd abt 4' from a precipice 1740' ASL., abt 349 on the R7100 in the shack. NIL 432 and 1296. T=62.6F, RH= 68%, Breeze 3.9 knots SW, Sun still shining through light haze. Another hour or so it'll dip into fog bank unless the sea breeze pushes the fog closer up the hill sooner. P=951.5 mb @ 1740'.
Victor, very good reports. That knowledge can also help me here in Hawaii. Thank you, Bob
1810Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 589 on handheld IC202 as I scouted around yard for other "hot spots". I found signal gets weaker for antenna heights lower than 3 feet or is blocked by trees. In shack with R7100 144.277 was 579, 432.310 was 559, 1296 NIL, but when I returned to 432.310, it was faded out. T= 56.8F, RH= 87%, Wind 2.7 knots W, P=953.6 mb. Although it is sunny, wisps of fog, pushes by the wind, come floating overhead at times @ 1740'
KH6HME beacon 1296.250 is 519
comes on about 10am local 77F @ 48%rh
1545Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 589 on handheld IC202 @ "sweet spot", 579 on R7100 in shack w/10' dish, poor feed for 2m. NIL 432. T= 67.6F, RH= 40%, Breeze calm to 1.9 knots W, Sky clear overhead, fog to coast just below us. P=953.1 mb
144.277 MHz 479 RST
432.310 MHz 359 RST
144.277 now 559 will check 1296 when the beacon comes on ~ 10AM
AT 8:30 AM local KH6HME/B 432.310 is 559 Not a trace on 2M
75F @ 41%RH at 2000ft ASL
Now hearing both 2m and 432 beacons.
144 519, 432 539
0205Z Not a trace of 144.277 +/-. T=58.7, RH=75%, Breeze 4.7 knots SW, P=951.4 @ 1740'. We'll see if everything settles down in a few hours.
0205Z Not a trace of 144.277 +/-. T=58.7, RH=75%, Breeze 4.7 knots SW, P=951.4 @ 1740'. We'll see if everything settles down in a few hours.
KH6HME/B 432 beacon popping in and out of the noise here in Newport Beach, DM13bp. Nothing heard on 144.
0141UTC 72F 76RH
0033Z 20 August 2016 KH6HME/B ~144.277 349 peak on handheld IC202 at "sweet spot". NIL on R7100 inside on 144, 432, and 1296. T=60.4F, RH=72%, Breeze 4.7 knots SW, P=951.6 @ 1740'.
Another tool to get an ideal of VHF propagation off the coast is AIS, ship beacons. On DXMAPS, AIS tab, North America tab. You can see my spots are peaking at 800 km. When the HI beacons are audible the spots go out farther. My max distance is 1700 km. Using a 3 element yagi and an RTL dongle.
I think we have an excellent coastal duct that is b-a-r-e-l-y getting to Hawaii with marginal conditions on the KH6 end. The San Diego 1296 beacon is very loud here in Orange County. If Bernardo (XE2HWB) does get on 10 GHz this weekend at Puerto San Carlos, as reported, and this coastal tropo persists, it could be very interesting. Do you have a planned frequency on 10 GHz, Bernardo?
Just came up hill and heard KH6HME/B on 432 about 579 but fading into noise. Signal just out of noise on 144 at times, then gone. I thought I could hear 1296 beacon in the noise a few minutes ago. This is the first time I've heard any hint of the 1296 beacon here, although W6IT and other operators may have heard it here while I was portable KH6. For comparison, the beacon on 1296.250 is as loud as 144 and 432 beacons as you drive around the Big Island, but it doesn't chirp like the others. For those who identify the 144 and 432 beacons by the chirp, the stability of the 1296 beacon is a drawback. Oooh, here comes the 432 beacon up out of the noise again...
So far no indications of an opening here in Hilo at sea level. Temperature estimated to reach 90F. Presently light breeze at ground level. I will continue to monitor for any openings.
The 2m KH6HME beacon continues to arrive in So. Ca. , with signal levels hovering around S-3 . Nothing on 432 . I am off to Huntsville hamfest , so best success to open the path , and this weekend , it is part 1 of the 10 GHZ and up ARRL contest .
1520Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 579 on handheld IC202 at "sweet spot" only 449 on R7100 w/10' dish. NIL 432 or 1296. T=76.8F, RH=31%, Breeze 1.9 knots SW, P=951.9mb @ 1740'. Sky clear overhead, fog over ocean.
144 beacon was in around 12:00 before I left for work. S3 but none of the hash I usually hear when the beacon is in. 144 WSPR is on.
Nothing heard. Shutting down.
Can just hear the 432 beacon in DM13ji
Nothing on 144
0155Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 119 can just discern the "chirp" or key-down drift. T= 61.5, RH= 66%, 2.7 knots SW, P= 951.5 mb
0050Z NIL on 144.277 T=68.4F, RH=53%, Breeze 3.3 knots W, P=951.7 mb. Sky clear overhead down to horizon, fog on its way from coast.
2135Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 579 both on handheld IC202 and R7100 connected to 10' dish. NIL on 432 or 1296. T= 65.8F, RH=67%, Breeze 3.3 knots from SW, P=952.8 @ 1740' overlooking Pacific. Clear overhead, fog at coast.
Started listening. TX 10% interval.
1900Z KH6HME/B 144.277 229 at "sweet spot" with handheld IC202, 1740' T= 59.2, RH= 76% (was 48 deg & 96% earlier this AM) Wind 3.9 knots SW, P=953.3 mb
KH6HME beacon 144.277 in NOT strong ~ 519
79F @ 43% RH at 2000ftASL
Hearing slight indications of duct opening on 2 meters. Not steady or strong. Weather satellite photo shows possibility later. Bob
Calling out on 144.200 USB. So far no indications of duct opening at my location near sea level, Hilo. Will continue call outs on 2 meters and 432.100 USB. Bob
Nooner , Saturday , 13th , in So Cal DMI3 , with the 2 meter beacon coming in for the last couple of hours .
gordon west
2325Z 4 AUG 16 KH6HME/B ~144.277 589 on handheld IC202 at "sweet spot" about the same in front of 10' dish. Appears tree blockage even at 2M. 2M 349 on R 7100 in shack. NIL hrd 432 or 1296.
T=54.9 F, RH=82%. Wind 6 knots SW. P=951.4 mb.
2020Z First time I listened today, 4 Aug. KH6HME/B ~144.277 589 on handheld IC202 @ 1740' ASL. 459 on R7100 in shack. NIL on 432 or 1296. T=57.9, RH=86% Sky blue with wispy patches of fog overhead, fog to the west. Breeze 6 knots from WSW. P=952.7 mb @ 1740'
1646Z 3 Aug 16, KH6HME/B NOT heard @ 1740' T=56.5, RH=75%. Wind 3.3 knots SW. P=953.8 mb.
AT 1600Z KH6HME/B 144.277 in weakly .
81F @ 36% RH at 2000ft ASL
0730Z 3 August, KH6HME/B ~144.277 599 on hand held IC202 @ sweet spot but even heard in the house. On the R7100 it was 579. NIL on 432 and 1296, however.
T=71.1, RH=28% Breeze 1.4 knots from S. Barometer 954.0 mb @ 1740', up 0.6 mb since last report.
0235Z 3 Aug, KH6HME/B ~144.277 was 579 on the hand held IC202 CM87tl 1740' and 459 on the R7100. T= 47.1 F, RH= 29%, 3.3 knot breeze from the SW. Sky is clear. Barometric pressure 953.4 mb @ 1740'. NIL on 432 or 1296.
Tues , August 2 , monitoring all day 2m and 432 , and not a peep , nor Pacific radar on 432 .
Gordo , Costa Mesa , DM13 The 432 beacon disappeared after lunch , yet 2m was in most of the afternoon , up and down , S-0 to S-3 . At 8:55 PM tonight , Monday , the 2m KH6HME beacon came out of the noise , and remained steady at S-9 ++ , for over 20 minutes , and then slowly faded away to S-0 Q-0 . Too long for airplane scatter - tropo layers at their best !We must have a hurricane down South brewing !
Interesting band conditions today .
144 beacon S1-S2
432 nada, not even a trace on waterfall.
Monday , August 1st , the 2m and 432 MHz beacons are now back in . Lots of radar on 432 , and 2m not as strong as last week .
1420Z NIL on 144.277
1950Z NIL on 144.277 T=76.5 F RH=40% Wind 1.9 kts W
Barometer still falling (950.7 mb @ 1740')
The duct is still present along the coast from San Diego to Oakland out at least 3/4 of the way to Hawaii. (from satellite visual pix) The Hilo (PHTO) soundings between 00Z on the 27th to 12Z today show a steady rise in duct altitude there from ~4800' to ~6900' and not as sharp a boundary between the marine air and dry warmer air above. Interestingly, today's 12Z Lihue, Kauai (PHLI) sounding shows a more respectful duct at somewhat lower altitude than Hilo's. (840 mb at Kauai compared to 800 mb at Hilo.)
No beacons heard at DM13 . Monitoring all morning . Pair , long boomers up 60' , Costa Mesa , 64 feet up with clear view to the ocean .
AS of 8AM this morning "NO" beacons hrd.
88F @ 29%RH at 2000ft ASL
0520Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 not identified in shack. Thought that I might have heard the "chirp" in the noise. So I took the hand held IC202 to the "sweet spot" and the 2M beacon there was 569. T=77.4 F, RH=13%, 1.4 knot breeze from the W. Barometric pressure has decreased 1.2 mb (hectoPascals) since noon. (It's now 951.2 mb @ 1740').
0120Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 219, NIL 432 & 1296 with R7100 & 10' dish. However on the IC202, hand held in the "sweet spot" in our yard 1740' ASL the 2M bcn was 559, an indication of feed line loss, poor illumination @ 2M, tree blockage, and maybe poor noise figure in the R7100.
2020Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 579, NIL 432 & 1296 on R7100
T= 78.6 F, RH=38%, Sea breeze 2.7 knots WSW
KH6HME 1296.250 just came on (on timer) ~ 519
144.277 MHz 459 RST
432.310 MHz 339 RST
144.27815 "carrier" approx -20 dB in SSB bw @1400 UTC. Vanished @1500. 4L Yagi 20' above 100' ASL ground. Noise floor ~-158 dBm/Hz
2 meter beacon 579 in CM-98 at 1500 UTC
85f now
As of 1300Z this morning BOTH the 144& 432 beacons are very strong
144.277 599
432.310 519 some QSB
77F @ 38% RH some valley fog below me to ~ 1000ft.
0634Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 569, 432 & 1296 NIL in CM87tl @1740' ASL. T=79.2 F, RH=12% Wind 1.4 knots SW. TV WX report suggests a couple more days of this pattern (40 deg F + spread between coast and inland valleys with smog between {due to altitude (low) and strength of inversion}.)
Continue to decode N3IZN with regularity. Best decode -4. Often -12 to -18. Very strong and bright on the waterfall.
Make that 1296.250 +/-. Also additional wx info, OAK 00Z sounding suggests duct height around 900'. However their RH below is ~50%, whereas you can see the fog (100% RH) along the coast down below. In other words, the OAK sounding represents conditions more over land (where the balloon flew) than over the ocean, or even San Francisco.
0237Z KH6HME/B ~432.310 569 fading to 239. ~144.277 589---to R7100 with 10' dish fixed to Hawaii---and the dish may not be illuminated properly on 2M. (I could copy K6MYC and some net check-ins on 144.240.) NIL on 1296.100 +/-.
T=81.5 F, RH= 11% Sea breeze 3.9 knots SWS.
144.277 MHz 459 RST
432.310 MHz 569 RST
432 S9
144 S1
nothing on 1296 or 50.
On WSPR decoded KH6IMB steady through out the night. Sporadic during the day. Have decoded him in several hours. I can occasionally see his signal on the waterfall but too weak to decode.
KH6HME 1296.250 is ~ 519 up here and very consistant. Been since 1700Z this morning. But if the ANTS are favoring NORTH I may have the advantage.
144.277 MHz 589 RST
432.310 MHZ 579 RST
No 1296.250 MHz signals at all during this opening so far. Still wondering which way the antenna is pointing.
1905Z Found KH6HME/B ~432.310, it's about 5.4 kHz higher than local K6ER/B, coming up in strength 459 with a 10' dish and Icom R7100. The dish feed is an LPA for 220-1500 MHz. NIL hrd on 1296.250 yet.
KH6HME/B ~144.277 is about 589 on that setup, less than the handheld IC202 at the optimum spot in our yard, where it's now 599. T=85.8, RH=14%, Sea breeze 3.3 knots from SW.
KH6SX in on the air , monitoring 144.200 . He is located at the Volcano Park , way up the hill on the Big Island . Let's all work him , as this is his home QTH , and seems excited to work the 2m DX . He does not 432 yet . gordo
1296.250 just came on ~ 519 It,s on a timer
90F @ 32% RH at 2000ft. ASL
73 deg. RR% RH wind 2 mph
4el Yagi @24'no sign KH6IMB WSPR yet
1615Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 599-579 on a handheld IC202 in CM87tl @1740' ASL. Even vy Q5 when oriented vertical or horizontal when oriented for null.
T=85.6 F, RH=11%, breeze 1.4 knots or less from W.
NIL on 432 or 1296.
The 2M beacon is just audible this morning in the north shadow of PV.
27 Jul 16 16:30Z
144.277 MHz 589 RST
432.310 MHz 439 RST
AT 1400Z BOTH 144& 432 beacons very strong to CM88QL
84F @ 27%RH at 2000ftASL
0620Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 569 into CM87tl @ 1740' ASL
T=80.6 F RH=11% Wind 0.6 knots or less from W.
JUST worked N6Nb / KH6 5X5 to CM88QL
144.277 MHz 459 RST
432.310 MHz 349 RST
0155 KH6HME/B ~144.277 is 459 peak. T=86 F, RH=13% Sea breeze only 1.9 knots from SW at CM87tl @ 1740'.
432 Beacon S9+
144 Beacon S6
Is the 1296 beacon on?
Exchanging WSPR decodes with KH6IMB on 144 WSPR, If you have to leave the shack why not leave WSPR running and give a few reports.
144.277 & 432.310 ~ 519---539
KH6/N6NB 144.200 ~ S5 Not worked yet
432.310 357 RST
KH6SX in 144.200 CW & SSB
Starting up Saddle Rd. now. Will look for best elevation du jour. Last night the duct was low, with cloud tops at 4,000'. 73, Wayne
2115Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 569 on hand held IC202 at 1740' ASL in CM87tl where the sea breeze (2.7 knots from SW) has cooled us a few deg to 84 F and RH up to 35%. Barometric pressure has been falling slowly as well. NIL on 432.
144.277 only here
KH6HME/b 569 into CM-98 little QSB
1930Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 weak, 239 caught call and key down drift (chirp?) in CM87tl @ 1740' with hand held IC202. Temperature is rising, 86.4 F RH=26%. Gauge reads 0.6 knots from NE.
Looking for Wayne and instead worked Art, KH6SX, nice SSB sigs into DM12.
Worked K7JA cw/ssb. Hear a few more stations but still very weak. Home qth elevation 4250 asl. Running 200 watts into 13 ele yagi. Calling .200 cw/ssb. Grid BK29lk .Aloha
26 July 1650Z KH6HME/B ~144.277 in 579 fading to 459 in CM87tl @ 1740' where T=81 deg F and RH=23%. Calm. Looks like start of a good opening.
144.277 MHz 479 RST
432.310 MHz 459 RST
1200 MHz RADAR has moved and is now not interfering with 1296.250 MHz beacon frequency.
144.277 just starting to be heard, no 432.
Will now listen on 144.200 for N6NB.
Tuesday , dawn , good 2m and 432 beacon prop from Hawaii . Standing by on 144.200 and 432.100 for KH6 stations ! gordo DM13BP
WH6XM Bob, ask Paul (FM) if he got up there yet. We have not talked since. I will also call him today.
BOTH 144.277 & 432.310 in now but weak 449 to 519
90F @ 32%RH @ 2000ft ASL
AS of 1500 Z today KH6HME beacon 144.277 in weakly
Will monitor 144.200 for WAYNE
144.277 MHz 559 RST
432.310 MHz 459 RST
1200 MHz RADAR operating near the 1296.250 MHz beacon frequency today.
I flew to Hilo Sunday night because the Hepburn forecast looked promising. Sure enough, by Monday afternoon the KH6HME beacons were being heard on the mainland. I finally got my multiband station running in a rental car (a sedan this time) Monday afternoon. I went up Saddle Road (Daniel Inouye Highway), monitoring my own beacon on 222.030 in DM13cs and W6IT's in DM13bp on 222.040. I could hear both best around 2,500' elevation--right in a road construction zone with no shoulder on the highway. The cloud tops were around 4,000', with everything above that in the clear. There were nice views but weak signals at higher elevations.
At 5,260' I managed to work W6IT at his home QTH in Newport Beach on 222 and 432, a first for us. Later I worked him on two meters at 4,451' elevation. I will go back to whatever elevation seems best on Tuesday to look for mainland contacts. I will call on 144.200, 222.100 (which usually is best during duct openings), and 432.100. If conditions are good enough, I want to make contacts on 902, 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, 5.7 and maybe even 10 GHz. Conditions were NOT good enough for the higher bands on Monday.
I will probably not stay beyond early Wednesday because I'm scheduled to speak at the Central States VHF Conference in Rochester, MN this weekend. That's a 9-hour flight from here, plus
layover time at LAX.
73, Wayne, N6NB
Thanks for the report. I couldn't get anything at sea level location.
I'll keep trying for the next couple hours on 2 meters and 70cm.
Good signal inland in LA Co DM04
146.760 no tones, is the repeater about the same elevation as the beacons. This repeater has been known to open up to the west coast during ducting conditions. Many here listen to that repeater.
Thank you Bob. There is a repeater on Palomar Mountain in San Diego that sometimes gets interference from a Hawaiian repeater around this time of year. People have said they have heard people in Hawaii on that repeater. I also listen for that.
You might be at a good location. Ducting depends on the elevation. The beacons are on the slope of a mountain about 30 miles from the coast. The ideal elevation is about 4,000 to 6,000 feet where is starts. I'm located at sea level and rarely have good ducting conditions. But you never know on the what the thermal inversion is going to do. Keep trying and it will happen.
Thank you for the quick reply. I just found out about these beacons. I have been listening for them for a few days but an not hearing anything. I maybe to far inland San Diego to ever hear them but I will keep trying.
The beacons transmit CW. You can also hear them on SSB. I am currently calling out on 144.200 USB and 432.100 USB. My satellite contact earlier today had some enhancement from the ducting conditions.
What mode should I be listening to the beacons? USB or FM? Thanks.
The pink and red colors are extremely good for ducting. Also watch the cyclones depicted in circle lines. These cyclones disturb the air so ducting cannot form.
We have a tropical storm approaching the islands. There is some rain fall now and increase effects of the storm to be felt sometime friday evening into saturday.
Next week shows some chance of improvement but continue to watch for cyclones. You would like to have the red color connecting Hawaii and California. There are times that even when the yellow color is connecting both locations, the beacons can be heard.
Don't have much experience looking at the Hepburn forecast. Does the end of next week look promising?
Do you know if the 1296 antenna was turned back to the mainland, Fred?
Just starting to hear 432.310 beacon in and out of the noise this morning.
1342 UTC
I was hoping to hear you were working CW. It gives me a glimmer of hope that my new QTH might be able to see the duct after all. I'm closer to the wrong side of Palos Verdes than ever before, and have been concerned about that. Meanwhile, I'm looking for a new country on 220, 432, and 1296 MHz, and thinking about adding 902.
Jeff, you were probably hearing me on cw on 144200 at 0102z. I called CQ on CW a number of times about 0102z. Alas, the duct seems to be gone. I was not even hearing my own beacon on 222030 when I was up on Mauna Loa Saturday afternoon. That beacon, which has a very good shot into the duct from the California end, can sometimes be heard when nothing else is making it here from California. Not this time.
Just received confirmation that there will be a work party going to the site in a week or so and position the 1296 antennas back where they should be.
Thanks again to N6NB for the info.
73, Fred
Tnx Wayne, yes the local radio club has attached a UHF Yagi and I guess turned our mast to suit them. I have a friend going to the site soon to get back to CA. Appreciate the info.
Tnx again Fred
I heard a bit of CW in the noise on 144.200 at about 0102Z. There was not enough recovered to guess at the source. :)
Jeff W6JK DM03UT
0020Z 3 July 2016. 144.277 NOT in @ CM87tl @ 1740'T=56.3 F, RH=75%. Sea breeze ~7 knots SW. See a few wisps of fog blowing overhead, but mostly clear. The KJ6KO/B 144 beacon is much louder than usual.
Didn't hear Wayne 144.200 or KH6HME 2m beacon 144.277 @ 0100Z.
This morning's (12Z) radiosonde showed the greatest water vapor (dew point) lapse on the west coast CA)(14 deg C to <-20 deg C {very dry} ~782m @ NKX, San Diego. OAKland had only a 3 deg C dew point drop near the top of the temperature inversion (T=27 deg C, highest T on west coastal CA) ~767m.
It looks as if the best of the current duct is behind us. I wanted to do a short summary of my VHF-microwave visit to the big island and also respond to Fred's query.
Fred, the KH6HME 1296 4-stack is pointed almost north, about 45 degrees away from the beam heading of the 222/432 stack and the two meter Yagi on the high tower. The 902 looper is pointed south and is leaning over against another mast. It looks as if it wants to fall over. As I said earlier, the 1296 4-stack is NOT pointed anywhere near California.
My report is that Thursday was, by far, the best day of this duct. It was not nearly as good as
June 18-19 last year, but I did make many contacts. The duct was low and appeared to be offshore. The cloud tops were about 3,000' below KH6HME beacon elevation, even Thursday, with warm, clear weather above the cloud layer.
My highlight was working W6IT/portable in DM14KF (along Rim of the World Drive near Running Springs) for a new world DX record on 902 MHz. I also worked other stations from San Diego to CM88. Here's the complete list of mainland stations I worked from Hawaii, in order: N6HC, K6QXY, K7JA, WB6NOA, W6IT, AF6AV, WA6MEM, and N6GP. I worked most of them on multiple bands.
N6HC, better known for his world-wide HF DXpeditions to exotic islands on the most-wanted list, was good enough keep the Panorama Heights station on the air while W6IT was on his own VHF+ DXpedition to points inland in pursuit of the 902 DX record. Arnie's signal was over S9 for hours on two meters, but he faded down to the noise level just before N6VI arrived at a duct-friendly site in Manhattan Beach. The duct dropped out at exactly the wrong time for Marty. And by Friday I wasn't hearing anyone well. W6IT was back at Panorama Heights and I did work him on 2, 222 and 432 (222 was loudest), but I didn't hear anyone else despite repeated calls on 144200 and 432100. There was severe QSB. So in the end we had one fairly decent afternoon of trans-Pacific tropo duct DXing and not much more.
I will go up Mauna Loa again and call some CQs on 144200 around 0100z Sunday (Saturday afternoon local time), but I'm not optimistic.
73, Wayne, KH6/N6NB
think i heard the beacon on 144.277 with my beam to Hilo from DM-04-VF lasted about 2 min. 1124 hrs local, 1824 GMT 7-2-2016
Wayne,N6NB hope you see this and can ck again. The 1296 array is 4 long loop antennas and on a new mast pointed to the mainland. There is a old 2" steel mast with a pair of 902mhz loops and it is pointed north, not being used. Please confirm that the 4 loop array is looking east.
Thanks, Fred
The 2m beacon is well down in the noise this morning , but may build as the local coastal low clouds begin to clear . Last night ,Friday night, the 2m beacon was in most of the time , but never building much above S2 . Nothing yesterday or today on 432 .
Let's see what today brings !
gordo DM 13
144.277 MHz 339 RST
1540Z 2 July 2016, the fog is back @ 1740' ASL in CM87tl. T=50.2 deg F, RH=97%. It was down to 47 deg an hour ago. Wind is 5 knots SW. Nary a peep on 144.277.
Bcon. 144 is now 579
0535Z 2 July 2016 KH6HME/B 144.277 now 239 in CM87tl @ 1740'. The frequency drift on long dash makes this beacon stand out in the noise. T=60.8 deg F, RH=62%.
Thanks Glenn, I saw those posts, and running WSPR at home, but need a better antenna! JT-65 popular and some might want to try it Tropo to Ca/XE2 lands.My K3 remote in Marina is my best bet so far.
73, Scott 53f, 90%Rh barometer going up.
Beacon 144 is 539, nil 432
July 2
KH6IMB at 3700'
Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az
2016-07-02 02:42 N3IZN 144.490551 -28 1 DM13ji 100 KH6IMB BK29jk 4061 257
Nada 144.277 in CM96 at N6IJ with K3 and 3 el Quad.
Any possibility of JT-65 or JT-9 from KH6?
144.277 MHz 559 RST
Hearing 144.277 with my KX3 and a rubber duck antenna from the backyard.
0240Z 2 July 2016, 144.277 569 to 579, nil hrd on 432. T=52.3 deg F, RH=76%. Wind 4 knots from SW.
2310Z 1 July 2016, KH6HME/B 144.277 was 569 @ CM87tl @ 1740' ASL, with handheld IC202. T=58 deg F and RH=68%. It was not there when I listened this morning. NIL on 432 other than K6ER/B in CM87su.
144,277 MHz 579 RST
432.310 MHZ 579 RST
144.270 MHz 359 RST
432.310 MHz 459 RST
The 432 beacon has been the strongest out of the three beacons during this entire opening.
QTH 1200 feet ASL, 13 element Cushcraft at 1220 feet ASL.
The beacon is back in , Friday , 7/1 . Amazing , my records show most first weeks of July as 75% beacon reception over the last 28 years ! " July Fireworks " I call it . N6NB was on .200 yesterday , so hope he will be back on today .
gordon west DM13 Costa Mesa 64' ASL 2 boomers up 60' looking West !
144.277 back in weakly
7:30AM 79F @ 42% RH @ 2000ft. ASL
432.310 MHz 359 RST
Beacon 144 is weak signal to 559, two hours, nil 432
0440Z 1 July 2016 The KH6HME/B still in, 459 on my handheld IC202. T=70.2 deg F, RH=37%. By way of explanation, that's standing near the edge (of not quite a cliff, but 1740' over ocean 4 to 5 miles away.) Step back 20 foot on level ground, and the signal is often gone!
144.277 MHz 559
432.310 MHz 579
HRD N6NB/KH6 on 1296.100 but he didn,t hear me BEACONS are all very weak now
144.277 MHz 359
432.310 MHz 569
Looking for N6NB on 432.10
N6NB/KH6 worked 222.100 5X1
Varying S2 to S7 on 144.200 SSB. Path unstable.
N6NB/KH6 144.200 5X9
Back from town 2230Z 30 June KH6HME/B 144.277 still in, 569 on the IC202, somewhat weaker on a R7000 connected to a 10' dish (fixed pointed at big island) with 222-1296 MHz feed. KH6HME/B not heard on 432, even though local bcns on 222 and 432 were.
144, very strong, S9
432, just a trace on the waterfall
1296, nothing, but I dont have a preamp
Is the 50 Mhz beacon turned on?
Ok, Wayne. I understand.
Looking forward to working you later today.
Gary, I have no access to the beacon site, so I can't rotate the antennas. There's a locked gate and a fence as well as a lock on the door to the building. I've never seen the inside of the building. I operate either down along the main highway ("Daniel Inouye Highway," formerly Saddle Road) or, if the duct appears to be high, at a site along the observatory road about a mile from the beacon building. I'm leaving Hilo to go up there now.
The 1296.250 MHz beacon has been in to DM03 and doing well this morning but it seems to have drop out at the moment, Wayne. Any chance of swinging the antenna back towards the west coast?
Signal reports right now are:
144.277 MHz 579 RST
432.310 MHz 569 RST
I have all bands through 10 GHz in a rental minivan in Hilo and will be driving up Mauna Loa as soon as everything is ready to go. I'll try to work through the bands quickly, using the standard calling frequencies unless there's a reason to move elsewhere. I'll start on 144.200. By the way, the KH6HME 1296 beacon will be difficult to hear except in Alaska because the 4-stack of 1296 loop yagis on the repeater building is now aimed nearly due north. (Wind damage, I assume.) It wasn't like that last year. Please QRX for me. 73, Wayne, KH6/N6NB
Anyone game for CW or SSB (or FM on 2M) contacts on the duct? Hearing both 144 and 432 beacons well.
2016-06-30 19:10 N3IZN 144.490549 -27 0 DM13ji 100 KH6IMB BK29jk 4061 257
Not strong down nearer sea level but definitely good enough, probably even approaching JT9 capability
All KH6HME beacons in very strong 1296.250 up to 559
144.170 MHz 559
432.310 MHz 579
1296.250 MHz 449
I'm also running WSPR on 144.489 trying to work one of the stations on the big island.
It seems confirmed that Wayne , N6NB , has a rental van , over on the Big Island , with all his gear , inc. 10 GHz . Chip Margelli sent him a note this morning that we are on .200 and .100 , monitoring for his call .
gordo 1.2 GHz now weak over here in DM13
144.277 MHz 579 RST
432.310 MHz 579 RST
1296.250 MHz 459 RST
Do we have a confirmation that Wayne , N6NB , is indeed over there , and soon on the hill ? Let's hope he comes up on 144.200 as this is where most of us are listening for him ..... if indeed the report is true that he is there ! gordo
1600Z 30 June 2016 KH6HME/B 144.277 was 589 on handheld IC202 at 1740' in CM87tl. NIL on 432 or 1296. T=61 deg F, RH=60%.
Good 144.277 signal this morning inland LA Co DM04 over 800 ft hills.
Can we have someone in KH6 verify if the 1296.250 MHz beacon is working?
Both 2m and 432 in strong along the Coast in DM13 , Costa Mesa . I heard a report that Wayne , N6NB , is mobile on the hill in Hawaii , so we may all wish to monitor 144.200 , too . If I hear anything from Hawaii on .200 , I will make noise on top of the beacon frequency as an alert to tune down !
Beacon 144 is 519 with QSB no 432
AT 7AM KH6HME/B are in
144.277 559
432.310 519
Will check 1296 later
80F @ 41%RH @ 2000ft. ASL
144.277 MHz 559 RST
432.310 MHz 589 RST
432.310 MHz still 569 RST
No 144.277 MHz or 1296.250 MHZ yet.
Just below KJ6KO/B. Guess that;s 144.277, but IC202 dial not very accurate.
Had a brownout this morning (AC line voltage was down to 70-100V, and my regular computer is not working now.
Victor Frank
0405Z 30 June 144.17 569 on handheld IC202.
T=49 deg F, RH 88% @ 1740'. I didn't hear it when I checked mid-day. Quite a change from past two days when T was in the low 80s and RH was in the teens.
432.310 569 RST
KH6HME/B in 144.277 & 432.310 519 to 559
84F @ 35%RH @ 2000ft ASL
I can just make out the 70cm beacon , above the radar ,ready to come in , too . The Hepburn chart and local WX conditions over here might lead to a several day opening .
If we have an operator going up to the site , please let us all know over here on the Mainland , so we can make your Lava stay enjoyable with lots of QSOs !
The 2 meter Hawaii Beacon is IN , S-4 , Costa Mesa . Will check 70 cm shortly . gordo
Listening to the West , I am beginning to hear the typical band sounds of tropo conditions forming up over the Pacific . Hepburn report looks good for Thursday and Friday , June 30 and July 1 . Past records show past tropo events with Hawaii consistently during the first week of July . July fireworks soon to begin ?
Stay tuned - looking West , pair long boomers up 60' on the coast . gordo
Tnx Bernardo for the email and heads up. Ck your email.
Aloha, Fred
Beacon 432 is 519 with QSB and 144 is 519 with QSB
Beacon 2 mtrs. is RST 519
Looks like a promising tropo opening around this coming Wednesday according to Hepburn-
Sorry no address shown, [email protected]
73, Fred
Please keep me posted via email above, no need to plug up this site with yak.
73 and Aloha from CA. Fred K6IJ
Fred, Thanks for your willingness. I think there may indeed be interest. I'm mailing you separately. Are any of the regulars here interested in supporting such an effort? It should yield at least 20 dB advantage over CW beacons as a leading indicator of openings. Are other bands more important than 2m?
Hi, if you guys want WSPR, put something together and I will be glad to install at the beacon site. Same goes for a remote transceiver as we do have a high speed internet connection at the site. Let me know your thought via my email address [email protected]
Thanks, Fred K6IJ ex KH7Y
Has there been any thought to placing a two meter WSPR station at the beacon site?
Word from FRED KH7Y 1296 beacon has been repaired and back operational
Correction on previous posting. Occurrence date is thursday. Scheduled Wisconsin attempt is on Friday.
About 1030 UTC friday, heard FO-29 satellite beacon 3 degrees below my horizon then strong signal at 2 degrees below my horizon. Possibility of ducting effect in the Pacific near the west coast extending my signal range. Later today I have a scheduled attempt with a Wisconsin station through the same satellite. This is not the first time I experienced this. Ducting conditions look good today between Hawaii and California.
Just started hearing 432 beacon
432 beacon 519
144 beacon nil
0032 UTC
144.277 MHz 569 RST
432.310 MHZ 459 RST
Can't believe I'm still hearing them!
144.277 MHz 579 RST
432.310 MHz 569 RST
432.310 459 in DM03ts
144.277 579 in DM03ts
144& 432 beacons still in
1296 BEACON NOT QRV at N6CA for repair.
Just to let you guys on the west coast know, I got the message of the opening and I'm calling out on 144.200. In about 20 minutes I will shift to the satellite frequency for a scheduled contact then be back here for more DX attempts.
What a difference an hour makes ! The 2 meter beacon is in , about S-7 , well out of the noise , from Hawaii . The 432 beacon still not heard yet , with lots of radar on the band .
gordon west , dm13
stack long boomers cranked down
1330 hours local 2131 utc
Listening West , with no beacons yet . Warm here , for good tropo conditions . K7JA also monitoring for any sign of beacons . NOON , Tuesday dm13 Costa Mesa
KH6HME/B in 144 & 432 @1930Z
57F @ 95%RH @ 2000ft ASL
432 beacon S1 in DM13ji. If it wasn't for the unique sound I would not be able to tell. 144 beacon not audible.
Now also hearing 2m beacon, 539 in DM13bp. 79F, clear
Hearing 432 KH6HME/B S2 in DM13bp. Not hearing the 2m beacon.
I will keep my beam headed that way from DM22.
I'm looking at the Hepburn forecast western America for Sunday 11/1. Possible Cal/Hawaii duct opening?
I've been troubled for several days by the previous posting about a possible 442 MHz opening to Germany. It was reported at a time when the Hepburn forecast for propagation across the Atlantic was truly grim. Also, 442 MHz is not part of the amateur band in Europe. If any European station was heard on that frequency, it would not be a law-abiding radio amateur. The amateur band in most of IARU Region I is 430-440 MHz.
Heard amateurs speaking German on my repeater's output today analog 442.300 FM...did not catch call signs.
Heard amateurs speaking German on my repeater's output today analog 442.300 FM...did not catch call signs.
I will be on the big island for most of August. Will be at the site and see what gives with the 1296 beacon and will check the rest while I am there.
Aloha, Fred ex KH7Y
Greg indicates that his beacons are still in the same place in CM88ws so I guess I was getting a bounce or obstacle in the direct path. Also his 432 beacon is on, altho at lower power than before.
The KJ6KO beacons have been on for many years, although some or all of them may have been undergoing maintenance this year. I have counted on those beacons to reassure me that my equipment and antennas are working on many occasions. At my Tehachapi beacon site (DM05sb) I've always heard
KJ6KO/b well on 144, 222, 432, 903 and 1296. I don't think Greg has moved his beacons to a different site.
06/30/2015 0520Z While listening for the 2m KH6HME beacon on my handheld IC202 I was surprised to hear KJ6KO/b near that frequency (it's hard to determine frequency with an IC202, but I gather it's ~3-6 KHz higher than KH6HME/b.) The stated frequency on KJ6KO's web site is 144.2824. This is the first time this year I've heard the 2m KJ6KO/b. The stated grid square is CM88ws and the elevation 1750'. I (in CM87tl) obtained a null from NW, like over SF, not a bit E of N for CM88ws. I get the correct bearing null on KH6HME/B. KJ6KO's web site lists beacon frequencies on all amateur bands 144 through 1296. Has he moved?
Forecast shows a perfect day for ducting. Working the bands now and throughout the day.
Looks like Hawaii has good opening today into S. California and Baja.
Bcon. 144 is 529 with QSB. No listen 432.
Beacon 144 is 519. No heard 432.
I'm calling now on 144.200 and 432.100
At my QTH both beacons faded out late last night. Nothing heard today until now. The 432 beacon is in and out with peaks to 519 in DM13bp.
Beacon 144.277 is 539 with QSB.
Hi Kevin, You got plenty of good equipment. Look for smog layer or fog layer and target that elevation. Study the clouds and look for cloud layers. Afternoons Hawaii time is good right now. So far I haven't heard any changes in the bands. Right now it's 78 degrees and forecast to go down to 69 tonight. Sunset time will tell if conditions are possible.
Nothing heard from the 2M beacon at 2145-2215 UTC.
I put out a few SSB and CW calls on 144.200, but got no responses.
I'm still hoping to hear my first tropo ducted sigs from Hawaii. This time I set up a lot lower: about 1900' on the shoulder of Loma Prieta mountain (CM97ad, Santa Cruz county) 9 miles from my home QTH. Haven't seen any reports today, so don't know if the duct is not working, or my setup is lacking (7 element yagi and an Icom 706mkIIG).
Outstanding effort Wayne. Yes we are also noticing the different elevations of the duct and how it changes fast with the weather. Could there also be more then one duct that forms. Congratulations on the records set, what an exciting few days. Forecast show even better days to come.
I'm on the air at sea level searching for the duct.
I'd like to post something about my trip to Hawaii for the current tropo duct. This trip has really turned out well so far.
Last week the Hepburn forecast suggested that a duct might form in a few days. So I bought an airline ticket and packed a station for
all bands from 144 MHz through 10 GHz in two large suitcases plus a roll-aboard and a backpack (total weight: 150 pounds). When I got here, I rented a small SUV and built a station in/on it. I made several trips to Home Depot for parts to build a rotating roof platform.
When the duct began on Tuesday, I drove all over Mauna Loa while listening to my own 222.030 MHz beacon in Orange County, Calif. It was a thrill just to hear it 2,500 miles away. By Thursday, the duct seemed to be at its best. Greg, W6IT, activated my hilltop station near Orange, CA and we worked Thursday night on six bands, including 2304 and 3456 MHz, both for new world DX records. I heard Greg well on two more bands, 902 and 5.7 GHz, but so far local QRN in Orange County has prevented him from hearing me on those
two additional bands. Let's hope the duct continues for a little longer so we can try again and also work more stations on the west coast.
I intend to write at least a conference paper and create a PowerPoint show about what I've seen and heard in Hawaii. I've noticed that the KH6HME beacon site, as good as it is, sometimes seems to be above the cloud layer that forms the top of the duct. Thursday night it was about 2,000 feet above the cloud tops. Seeing that, I drove down to 5,200' elevation to work Greg on all those bands. (The beacon site is about 8,200 feet above sea level.) My 222 beacon was definitely louder at lower elevations than at the beacon
site at that time. Friday night I operated at 7,300', which was near the cloud tops and where my beacon seemed loudest then. The size and elevation of the duct seems to vary a lot, perhaps explaining the way the KH6HME beacons vary in relative signal strength, with 432 being a louder at certain times while the 144 beacon is louder at other times. There are some very interesting natural phenomena at work here.
If anyone would like to watch a video of the record-setting 2304 QSO with W6IT, it's online on my website: Thanks to Greg, W6IT, for his able operating on the other end of these QSOs.
73, Wayne, N6NB/KH6
Beacon 144.277 is 579
Beacon 144.277 is 529 with QSB
On 144.200 working So Cal stations.
California signal too weak for sea level. Switching back to 144.210.
Currently on 432.100 SSB has peaked up to S6 in DM13 with QSB
I have the 2m beacon in solid into dm03 with my 24 elements and 200w. Listening/cqing 144.200
I'm hearing station on Mauna Loa on the back side of my beam. I barely hear the DX station. Unable to make out any call. Unknown if there will be further traffic on this frequency. I will move to 144.210 can call out.
144.277 459 RST
432.310 569 RST
No 1296.250
6/20/2015 0000Z KH6HME/B 144.277 449 on handheld IC202 at 1740' in CM97tl.
0030Z NIL T=69.3, RH=37%, Wind 6-7 knots
0130Z NIL T=66.4, RH=40%, Wind 5 knots SW
Although the OAK 00Z radiosonde indicates I am in the inversion (~955 mb), I see ocean with no fog.
TV wx says to expect fog later, so I'll check back in later. TV wx also said Saturday would be hotter than today and Sunday cooler.
The Hilo 00Z sounding shows a very sharp humidity drop (cloud tops)@ 795 mb.
6/19/2015 2200Z, 144.277 449. On 432, no KH6HME/b, but local beacon K6ER/B and (probable shipboard radar S8 peak, I'd guess 500-600 pps, 10 sec antenna rotation.) T=70F, RH=40%, 4-6 knot wind from SW to W.
Being higher is not always the best. Consider setting up at lower levels as you come back down the mountain. My QTH is at 1200 feet ASL. There have been times when 800 feet signals were much stronger than 1200 feet.
Nothing heard here on 144.277 this morning 1700-1730 UTC.
I'm new to the mode, and monitoring the reports here. I drove up to Loma Prieta mountain here in Santa Cruz County where I set up at 3000' with a 7-element yagi. Too high? Or maybe the duct had already closed?
These are the repeaters that can be accessed during ducting.
146.820, open no tones, linked to other states, in the same building as beacons. 442.150, open, no tones, about same elevation as beacons. 146.760, open, no tones, island wide link.
Thanks for the reports. My radios are warmed up and ready to go. I will be calling out on 144.200, 432.100 and 50.125.
144.277 459 RST
432.310 569 RST
6/19 1525Z and 1625Z No sign of 144.277 beacon in CM87tl @ 1740'. T=64F, RH 39% @1525, 47% @1625
Wind S to SW 1-3 knots.
144.277 running ten over at 11:45 tonight but nothing heard on 144.200.
Beacons heard on 70cm and 2m at 06/19/15 0500 UTC. 70cm faded out but 2m still going at 0522 UTC. CQing 144.200CW
06/19/2015 0430Z Thought the 144.277 beacon was out, but only a fade, came up to 559 only with IC202 at the edge,looking down @ Half Moon Bay.
NIL with the R7100 on either 144, 432, or 1296.
T=59.5F, RH=34%, Wind W at 5-7 knots. Good view tonight, Moon, Venus, & Jupiter, in the twilight.
Beacon 144 is very weack, now is listen in 144.2787.
No listen Beacon 432.
Thanks Tom, good point I will try that repeater and monitor too.
432.310 beacon 579 in Arcadia CA, signal strength was never enough to get it before this far inland. Tried 2 meter repeater 146.76 and 147.040 which are co-located with beacon but nothing coming back. Hawaii stations might try Catalina Island repeater on 147.09. Tom
Thank you for the reports Victor. My location at sea level not very good. I heard the atmosphere open up to DX on 2 meters several times today but it did not hold. 70cm I had no results. 6 meters had a brief opening at mid day. Because conditions are fluid, I will continue to call out on 144.200, 432.100 and 50.125 throughout the early evening. I will continue to be on the three bands everyday.
599 inland over 1000' hills in the Los Angeles area DM04 - Arcadia
06/18/2015 0220Z KH6HME/B 144.277 589 into CM87tl @ 1740'. T=61.7F, RH=42%, Wind SW 4-6 knots. NIL 432. Took the IC202 over to the 10' dish, same 589 though lower while transporting it. Using a R7100 connected to the dish feed ~569 (the LPA feed is for 220-1296 & not very good at 2 mtrs)
6/18/2015 1710Z KH6HME/B 432.310 569 on a R7100 with a 10' dish (fixed pointed at KH6) in CM87tl @ 1740'. T=60.3 RH=56%. NIL on 1296, but I've only heard it a couple times in past years.
6/18/2015 1645Z KH6HME/B 144.277 (mistyped last report) now 599 in CM87tl (also mistyped) at 1740' (530mtrs). T=59.9, RH=57%, Wind var < 2 knots SW.
Received on handheld IC202 on brow of hill (all downhill to ocean). One estimate of strength is that the 144.277 beacon is still readable cross-polarized and also is with builtin antenna nulled in azimuth, and also inside house about 50' back from brow, where it isn't usually readable.
Now going to connect 432.
BOTH 144 & 432 beacons in now solid ~ 559
MARINE layer down to ~ 500ft. now.
NO 1296 beacon ( broke) ???? I normaly hear it just fine when 432 is this strong. 4X 22el LOOP yagis & preamp
at 8AM 432.310 beacon in under very heavy RADAR NO 2M beacon at present
68F @ 40% RH Heavy marine layer up to ~ 1500FT.
06/18/2015 1450Z KH6HME/B 144.177 is 579 in CM87rl @ 1740'. T=59.4F, RH=37%, Winds calm, reads 1.4 knots SE (but direction not reliable at such slow wind speeds).
Oakland CA 12Z sounding indicates sharp temperature inversion.
Pressure(mb) Ht (m) T(C) DP(C) RH(%)
960 458 11.6 7.9 79
956 493 13.2 7.2 67
951 537 20.0 5.0 37
948 564 22.2 3.2 29
943 610 22.6 1.7 25
925 778 24.0 -4.0 15
alert("Hello! I am an alert box!!");
echo "
";The frequencies we are working here in Hawaii are at or near 144.200, 432.100 and 50.125. I'll be working at sea level and others at different elevations.
6/18 0410Z KH6HME/B 144.277 579, T=64.1, RH=25%, Wind 3 knots from SW.
0708Z KH6HME/B 144.277 now 589 in CM87tl at 1740'. T=65.5F, RH 24%. Wind 3 knots & less from SE
KH6HME 144.277 beacon is 4x3 in to DM12jt
Beacon 144.277 is signal 559 into DL44uc, 432.310 is very weak
The header say to use 423.1 that is a typo right?
Took a break from WSPR 432 is S9 ATM 144 S2. Put out calls on 432.1 and 144.1 all I got was other locals looking for HI. Hopefully this holds up for the weekend.
Light rain broken overcast at sea level. Still calling 2 meters, 70cm and 6 meters SSB from QTH. Hearing N6NB on the island calling on 2 meters. No indication at sea level that the ducting has formed. Will continue calling on all frequencies.
6/18/2015 0115Z 144.277 in 579, CM87tl @ 1740'. T=72.3F, RH=26%, wind 5 knots SW. I e-mailed N6RT re the time stamp being 1 hr off GMT & he said he'd fix it. Time now around 0144Z.
I am portable at 7,135' on Mauna Loa. My own beacon on 222.030 in Orange County is pounding in, as it has since yesterday. But I can't raise anybody on 144.200. ANYONE WANT TO WORK HAWAII???
KH6IMB decoding me almost every sequence in BK29 on 144 WSPR from DM13
Current cloud forecast, 2,400 scattered, ceiling 4,900.
We have heavy overcast skies at sea level. Looks like a break in the clouds coming. Forecast is for rain satellite photo shows broken clouds upstream. I will be on the air all day today and into the night. I'm operating SSB on 2 meters, 70cm and 6 meters.
Beacon is S-2 into DM12.
Please ignore
THE 432.310 beacon is in weakly nothing on 144.277
81F @ 39% RH at 2000ft.
6/17/1548Z Well, this is a surprise! Despite drop in winds to (0-1.4 knots from SE) and flat fog bank visible below us (at 1740') and rise in temperature over night to 72 deg F and drop in rel humidity to 25%, NIL heard on 144.277. Is anybody at lower elevation (or better equipment) hearing the KH6HME 144 beacon this morning?
Was decoded by Wil KH6IMB on 2 meter WSPR. According to the forecast Friday and Saturday will be stronger. Pretty sure all the 144 WSPRers are pointed that way right now. 144 Beacon is louder than 432 ATM.
Timestamp Call MHz SNR Drift Grid Pwr Reporter RGrid km az
2015-06-17 09:48 N3IZN 144.490551 -20 0 DM13ji 50 KH6IMB BK29jk 4061 257
Can hear the 144 and 432 beacons in DM13. Nothing heard on 1296. 6 meter in use so I can't listen.
Yes the 220 radio and antenna is ready to go. Need someone with access to the site to turn it on. I don't know anyone else other then Jim that has access.
Weather here shows promise of ducting improving. I will continue to be on 144.200, 432.100 and 50.125.
VICTOR 222 has to be turned on at the beacon site
ONLY 144,432 & 1296 QRV,
6/17/2015 0335Z KH6HME/B 144.277 is still in 579 on a handheld IC202 at my QTH in CM87tl @ 1740'. A little marine air is blowing 5 knots from SW to W. T=56.7F. RH=59%.
I don't have antenna up for 144, just 223.5. I wonder if 220 gear is still up there at the beacon site.
1.2 GHz beacon sounds weaker then usual. Beacon signals pass right over my QTH heading for California.
Unable to say if it is propagation or hardware problems.
Can anyone in KH6 confirm if 1296/B is on the air??
432.310 is 559 no 1295??
Copy your report. I just received info from a local ham that our Police Dept. repeater is being heard in California. I will continue to call out from my QTH at sea level. 144.200, 432.100 and 50.125.
6/17/2015 0145Z KH6HME/B 144.277 579 on a handheld IC202, in CM87tl at 1740' T=67.5F, RH=37%. Wind 6 knots from the West.
I'm hearing the atmosphere noise open up to DX. Looks like in the next few hours will be good. I will continue to call from my QTH at sea level. I don't hear any hams at higher elevations on the air.
432.310/b in now checking for 1296.
I'll be calling on these or nearby frequencies....50.125, 144.200, 432.100.
Got your report. I'm starting to call out on 144.200.
KH6HME/B in 144.277
76F @ 46% RH at 2000ft. ASL
Hi Kevin, there are no email alerts that I know of. We here in Hawaii depend on a few California hams to alert us on this reflector as the beacons are located here. I have noticed short 10 to 20 mile ducting by monitoring certain local transmissions. If you want more info you can email me a ([email protected]).
73's Bob
I'm new to the mode, located in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Is there a way to get an email alert when ducting opens?
Frequency for my 6 meter beacon is 50.070.
I'm not sure what he plans to do. I have not met with him.
I will be on 2 meters and 70cm as soon as we get alerted by this site. Periodically I will also turn on a 6 meter beacon from my QTH.
Thanks Robert, does Jim plan to travel up the hill to operate?
Hi Craig. K6MIO/KH6 is now in charge of the beacons. Fred moved to California. 2 meter, 70cm, 1.2 GHz beacons are active. 6 meter beacon is not on.
The 2 meter beacon site is active on 144.277. I don't know about the other beacons or the control ops. I'm too new to the mode.
As we approach the season, wondering if HME is remoted by Fred or if there is a new trustee planning to activate it, or? Curious Californians want to know ;-)
I will be calling out during the early part of tonight as it seems the duct will hold.
19 APR 2015 2340Z 144.27 or thereabouts in peaking 579 on my IC202 as I walked my property.
However, 20 APR 0020Z was out. Now T=49F, RH=94%. Wind 5 knots blowing the fog. 0230Z pine trees are dripping, KH6HME/B still undetectable.
I'm trying to get other stations at higher elevation to get on the air.
My location is at sea level and is usually the last to open up. Still calling on 144.200......
2M beacon into So Calif. 579 in DM13bp 64F @ 0130 GMT
Okay Victor. Good news on 2 meter beacon. I'm also interested in 6 meters and will listen for your beacon. I will also report hearing it on this site.
2105Z 19 APR 2015. Went out to listen (for the first time this year) with my hand-held IC202 and the 2m KH6HME/B was 579 here in CM87tl at 1740'. We had the top of the fog at 48F this AM, it's now 57F and 66% RH. I don't have anything working (except my 6m K6FV/B) to work anybody.
Looks like this weekend might have a potential of some ducting. I'll be listening on 144.200 USB and 432.100 USB. for any California stations.
Monday March 30 , no beacons in until mid afternoon . First , 2m , and then the 432 MHz signal , both not as strong as the day before . Also , band noise to Hawaii not near as strong as the day before . Thanks to all for these valuable reports ! gordo
I will be leaving my radios on all night, 144.200 and 432.100.
The 70 cm beacon is in to So Cal , too ! Called CQ on .200 , for an hour , but no one on , yet 2m beacon S-8 !
CQ Hawaii in the am !
From what I understand, Jim K6MIO will be in charge of the beacons. I have not made personal contact with Jim yet.
The 2m KH6HME beacon in S-5 to Orange County , Ca. Both Chip , K7JA , and I hear it well . No reception yet on 70cm . But , who will go up to the beacon site when it opens again in July ? Who is our new contact to take the 3 hour trip to the beacon ? I can supply gas money !!!
Thanks Robert for your report. I'm also listening for N7SCQ 2 meter and KJ6KO 432 beacons. I have not heard anything yet.
KH6HME/B 432.310 is in but weak @ 9:25 AM
71F @ 35%RH
AS of 3:19PM KH6HME/B in 144.278 & 432.310 both ~ 529
78F @ 29& RH at 2000ft.
Forecast map shows good conditions on west coast. Oregon station reports on 6 meters of fog in his area. Hawaii area not the best for ducting but I am calling out on 144.200.
KH6HI/B has faded back into OR @ 2050z
Possible ducting opening into Oregon and Northern California.
snxpfey, Buy Cialis, galKYFF, [url=]Buy Cialis[/url], aUNXrUI, Purchase Cialis Without A Prescription, KlgFFjI.
Looks like ducting will be open from Hawaii to the west coast from now through wednesday. All day I've been monitoring 144.200 and noticed the atmosphere noise indicating open to DX. 10 PM Hawaii time and noise still going strong. I will try calling out tomorrow on 2 meters.
Hearing atmosphere noise open up to ducting on 2 meters. Not holding open steady. Nothing heard on 6 meters.
Beacon still in solidly on 144277...432 beacon in noise right now. Um, it's coming back.
Hilo weather broken overcast, sun rising Looks like the two tropical storms will cut off the small area of ducting in the next few hours. I will continue to monitor 2 meters to see if the sun's heating will help the ducting.
I'm hearing the KH6HME beacons on both 144 and 432 MHz right now in DM13cs. They aren't as loud as they were last month, but they're both 2-3 S-units out of my noise level on their peaks. They fade into the noise level every 5-10 minutes, then come back.
Looks like a possibility of an opening into southern California. I don't hear any changes in atmospheric noise on 2 meters at this time.
Forecast map show after the second hurricane passes Hawaii, ducting into California and Mexico will be very good. I will be on 2 meters calling out.
The KH6HME 2M beacon just in nothing any higher yet.
I'm preparing for the approaching hurricane. Note ducting forecast map and weather satellite photos to see the influence of the storm on ducting. Two approaching storms show very poor conditions for ducting.
144.277 MHz 559 RST
432.310 MHz 459 RST
I'm starting to get light indication of the band opening up. Not strong or steady. Calling on 144.200.
144.277 359 RST
The 2M beacon is ~ 559 the 432 beacon ~ 519 nothing on 1296 yet
Got your report. Conditions here improved when tropical storm to the south moved further west. I will be calling out on 144.200 periodically.
The KH6HME/B 144.277 just in now Q5 ~ s5
86F @ 33% RH at 2000ft ASL heavy marine layer up to ~ 1000ft.
I can't tell you if the beacons are making it to the west coast because I'm in Austin, TX for the Central States VHF Conference. What I can say is that interest in the KH6 duct is very high here. I gave a talk called "Working Hawaii on VHF, 1957-2014: An Eyewitness Account." That prompted a weekend of nonstop questions. KH6/K6MIO is also here and gave two excellent presentations, one on solar cycle 24 and another on the equatorial effect on propagation.
73, Wayne, N6NB
Anyone in southern California or San Francisco area can report if they are hearing KH6HME beacons.
10:30 PM Hawaii time....Having sporadic indications of 2 meter band opening up to DX. Unknown exact type of propagation.
10:30 PM Hawaii time......Having
I'm getting cold temperature moving in at sea level with light rain.
I haven't heard anything from the KH6HME beacons in 24 hours, not even a chirp. I guess this particular duct has moved on from Orange County.
No improvement at my elevation. I will continue to monitor and soon as I hear an opening I will start calling out.
Beacons still loud at 0500z on 10 July. Calling on 144200.
About half an hour more before dark. Started hearing atmospheric noise related to DX opening. Not strong yet but it is there.
Ralph K6TSK announced on my 2 meter Bozo net tonight the 144.277 beacon is comming in here in Southern Calif.
He's rightr.....loud and clear.
TNX for rpt Wayne. I ckd 144.277 earlier and just now (0130Z). NIL. T=55F RH=85% Fog blowing over the hill, (1740') 8 knots from the SW. Will ck later when wind has died down.
I'm only 2 meter capable at this time. Will continue to monitor.
0056 UTC....Briefly heard voice calling CQ CQ, the nothing. Noise on band. Overcast skies with light rain.
KH6HME/B is 589 now on 432. Louder on 2.
Condx not as good as last weekend, but band is open to KH6 again. Anybody hear me on 144200?
I am hearing KH6HME/B on 144 (579) and 432 (569) at 0005z 10 July. QSB on 432. This is the first time I've checked today at the hilltop QTH (DM13cs). This seems to go on and on.
Propagation map indicates intense conditions forming just east of Hawaii. A duct may also be forming towards San Francisco area and up along the northwest coast. I will be monitoring for Half Moon Bay repeater and 144.200 for openings.
It's 1005z on 8 July, after 3 a.m. PDST, and the beacons are gone--from here at least. The 144 and 432 beacons were loud and clear for five days (last Wednesday evening until sometime Monday night). Let's hope they come back soon.
This is not a reception report, however the Pacific Northwest VHF Society (PNVHFS)is aware of what's going on with the beacon's. Pete, N6ZE forwarded to the PNVHFS list serve the KH6HME beacon as heard at N6NB video clip dated July 5 of the 144 and 432 beacons. That post included an email from Wayne dated July 7. Subject was VHF opening to Hawaii. I'm not aware of anyone hearing the beacons in either Oregon or Washington State, but if they were a member of the PNWVHFS group I think they would have posted it to the list. I was fortunate to be one of few from CN87 in Washington State that worked Paul back on 7-1-1995 on SSB on 144.170. I also have his QSL card confirming the QSO. Here's to the duct moving it's way north. John N7MWV
144.277 MHz 559 RST
432.310 MHz 369 RST
I hear the 432 beacon good, but not the 2 meter one now.
The beacons are still loud and clear on 144 and 432 at Panorama Heights, DM13cs at 0235z 8 July. Slow QSB.
I tuned 147.285 FM on a 6m antenna & hrd one auto-ID sounded like WR6 something, maybe WR6HMB?
BTW one of the local stns I hrd on 223.5 yesterday was in HMB. I didn't expect that!
KH6HME/B 144.277 not audible @ 0130Z (and for past few hours) and NIL 432 & 1296. T=75F, RH=44% Breeze up to 5 knots. 00Z OAK RAOB indicates inversion starting @ 531'. On the other hand, from here it looks like Half Moon Bay is enveloped in fog.
A note to Jon, N0JK... Welcome to California!
I'm wondering if the cw you were hearing on 144280 on an FM HT could have been the KJ6KO beacon on 144282. Even during a KH6 tropo opening, the KJ6KO beacon (which is on a mountaintop and line of sight to many places in the Bay Area) would probably be louder on 144280 than KH6HME/B on 144277.
73, Wayne, N6NB
I was at the port of Oakland ~ 1500z today. The squelch was breaking on 144.280 sounded like cw on a kenwood HT & whip. I had a clear view across the bay. No 2 m ssb rig. Fog temp 60 f.
I will be roving on the big island with 6 and 144 digital modes this Sunday 7/13. During the week I'll be on the wrong side of the island for stateside, but ZL VK JA? It depends on how work goes. Email for details. Sorry if this violates posting policy.
My deaf 432 is getting the 432 beacon at S7 on peaks. A lot stronger than the 144.
Victor (K6FV), is the repeater 147.285 at Half Moon Bay still active? I'd like to try and listen for it's signal. Thanks, Bob.
I'm also still hearing both the 144 and 432 beacons, only now the 432 beacon is the loudest. That's a new thing. But there's also more QSB than there was yesterday or the day before. This duct has persisted for four full days now.
I wonder how long this will last and if it will move north, giving stations in Oregon and Washington an opening. For that matter, do we know for sure that Oregon and Washington stations aren't already hearing the beacons? Could anyone in the Pacific Northwest comment on that?
73, Wayne, N6NB
I'm hearing the 2 meter beacon good in DM13 now. Heard the 432 beacon up until a bit ago.
73 de WB6BFG
Many thanks for you help and support Gordo.
Have a great time at the ARRL 100th
The 2 meter and 432 beacons have returned again at noon today , Monday .
We will present , at the ARRL 100th convention , the West Coast to Hawaii report , at a seminar , on Saturday . ALL of your observations will be mentioned , plus those great observations based on humidity and temp inversions , seeing the tropo , so keep 'em coming ! By the way , the Beacons have been heard during the first week of July for almost 2 decades , like clock work !
This is one of longest sessions we have had , ever !
1840Z 7 July 2014 Correct grid
After being out sometime between my last report and this: 144.277 459 on hand-held IC202 in CM87tl @ 1740' overlooking Half Moon Bay and the ocean. T=67F (down), RH=60% (up), 4 knot breeze from W. Partly cloudy.
1840Z 7 July 2014
After being out sometime between my last report and this: 144.277 459 on hand-held IC202 in CN87tl @ 1740' overlooking Half Moon Bay and the ocean. T=67F (down), RH=60% (up), 4 knot breeze from W. Partly cloudy.
1610Z KH6HME/B 144.277 569 in CM87tl at 1740' where T=71F, RH=37%, 3 knot breeze from SW
OAKland Inversion (16 deg C) starting 975 mb 1060'
HILO Humidity drop starting 770 mb higher than yesterday 7776'
LIHUE Humidity drop starting 810 mb 6424'
San Diego starting 975 mb 1079'
Vandenberg Inversion (18 deg C) starting 962mb 1463'
From sea level, Hilo, I'm on 144.200 calling out.
AT 7:00AM PDST both the 144 & 432 beacons are in ~ 519
83F @ 26% RH at 2000ft. ASL
The 144 and 432 beacons were both still readable in Panorama Heights (DM13cs) just before midnight Pacific Time, but weaker that they were most of the afternoon. This duct has been there for 3 1/2 days now.
Heard you 55 @ 0354.
Couldn't raise you back,
599 tonight....very solid
0240Z 7 July 14
After being out for a while, the 144.277 KH6HME/B was 599 here. NIL 432 & 1296. T=75F RH has dropped to 14%. Sea breeze < 4 knots fm SW. I note KJ6KO/B in CM88 is ~5-6 kHz higher.
KH6SX is calling CQ on 144200. SOMEBODY ELSE WORK HIM!
KH6HME/B back to S9 on 144. I think every ham around Hilo should put up a 5,000' tower! These ducts always seem to be best at 5,000' to 8,000' on the Hawaiian end but best at low elevations on the mainland end.
2330Z 6 July
KH6HME/B 144.277 back in 599 in CM87tl @1740' with a handheld IC202, even audible in the yard, away from the best spot, just where the property slopes down sharply and continues all the way to Half Moon Bay and the ocean. The coastal stratus layer is very flat, sea breeze is under 4 knots (from SW). NIL on 432 or 1296.
Sorry you guys in KH6, I'm not set up on 144. Antenna is on the ground. QRO < 10W.
The KH6HME beacons have been readable here for three full days now. Nice, long tropo duct.
Thanks, Jim. QRZ? Listening 144200.
Not as loud as yesterday, but we did it. Thanks to KH6/K6MIO. Beacons S8 (144) and S7 (432).
Glad we made it again.
It appears to be building up over the last thirty minutes.
I'll be listening until about 0000, then have to QRT.
Jim, I didn't hear you. Still listening. Beacons now S6 (144) and S3 (432).
Was hearing you 53 moments ago. Called you, no response.
Victor, where I'm hearing loud signals from KH6HME/b is at my house in Panorama Heights (DM13cs), 632' asl. At my permanent home three miles away (elevation 165' asl), the beacon signals are much, much weaker even with long Yagis pointed at KH6 on a 75' tower.
I've been going up to Panorama Heights to work Hawaii on VHF ever since 1973. KH6 signals have always been far louder there than in the flatlands of Orange County. But one by one the vacant lots where you could park on the hilltop have vanished. Last year a house on top came up for sale and in a moment of radio-induced insanity I bought it.
Today, the sharply defined line on the horizon that marks a tropo duct is clearly visible as you look out to sea. You can almost tell that the KH6 beacon will be in before you turn on a radio. This entire phenomenon is fascinating to watch.
I'll go back up the hill by 2230 and look for the
Hawaiian stations on 144200.
2053Z 6 July 14
KH6HME/B 144.277 in the noise now, ID only by its characteristic chirp on a handheld IC202 in CM87tc @ 1740'. NIL on 432. T=78F RH=44% Winds were calm this AM from SW, now 3 knots. Fog is visible below us, from the coast out to the horizon. I wonder, how far north (of LA area) are the beacons being heard this afternoon?
Wayne, your reports are amazing. What elevation is your station?
I will be on 144.200 from QTH (elevation 750 ft) starting about 2130Z.
Atmospheric noise starting to show signs of an opening. Weak and sporadic at my location. Looks like about the same time as yesterday. On 144.200 and calling.
KH6HME/b on 2m is so loud right now that I'm hearing key clicks up and down the band. It's receiver overload caused by a 2m signal 2,500 miles away.
The KH6HME 432 beacon is back up to S9 here. It's S9 on 2m also. I just made another video to show what it sounds like three days into this tropo opening.
I've been calling on 144200 but hearing nothing there. This is just amazing to see, but frustrating. I'm going to work some of this into my talk at the Central States VHF conference in a couple of weeks. I wish I had a video of K6MIO/KH6. He's also speaking there and he was as loud as S9 at times yesterday across the Pacific pond.
Oooops. KH6HME is fading on 432 as I write this. Down to S5 now and headed toward the noise level... Oh, wait, it's building up again. Now
S7. Oh, S9 again. That chirp, although quaint, is getting to be annoying when the beacon is loud.
Nobody should try to do a play-by-play account of a beacon's comings and goings in real time.
73, Wayne, N6NB
This is amazing. Three days after Gordo's first posting about the KH6HME beacon being loud in Orange County, it's still S9 on 2 meters at my house on a hill in DM13cs. It's only about S5 on 432, but it may get louder. It's been fading up and down the whole time on 432.
I'll call a few times on 144.200 before I have to leave.
73, Wayne, N6NB
I have been monitoring 144.200 for the last hour. I have some interference that seems to be tapering off. No atmospheric noise indicating ducting yet. But I'm the last guy to hear it at sea level. I will notify everyone when conditions improve at my location.
144.277 MHz 579 RST
no 432 or 1296
Morning report Sunday, July 6, 2014
1735Z KH6HME/B 144.177 599 on handheld IC202 (on its side for horizontal pol. NIL 432 or 1296. T=76 F, RH=20% @ 1740' in CM87tl
OAKland both Temp inversion (14 deg C) and humidity drop starting 980 mb
Hilo Humidity drop @ 820 mb, Temp Inversion (4 deg C) starting 770 mb
Lihue Humidity drop @ 795 mb, Gradual Temp Inversion only 2 deg C.
San Diego Humidity drop starting 985 mb, Gradual Temp inversion only 4 deg C.
In most cases, it is the humidity drop at the top of the marine layer that is responsible for the sudden drop in refractive index with height that is responsible for the ducting.
Here's the link to a video of part of a QSO between KH6HME (KH7Y) and N6NB on 223.5 MHz FM:
It's really late here now. If the tropo is still good Sunday, let's try for more trans-Pacific QSOs then.
73, Wayne, N6NB
I want to say THANKS as emphatically as I can to everyone who has made this California-to-Hawaii tropo opening such fun.
THANKS to Fred for making the five-hour round trip to Mauna Loa to send such a loud signal to the mainland on 144, 222 and 432 MHz. I'm going to post a video on YouTube of KH6HME on 223.5 MHz FM. It's pretty impressive. I'll post the link here once that video is online.
THANKS to KH6SX, K6MIO/KH6 and WH6XM for working us mainlanders. It was a thrill to hear you all so well. The path to Mauna Loa is far more consistent that the path to places closer to sea level, but all of you had excellent signals in California when the propagation gods were smiling.
THANKS also to everyone who got on to work Hawaii from the California end of the duct. You all made this more fun by being there. I heard some outstanding operating, like the QSO between KH6HME and W8GZA. With signals barely above the vapor level, those two guys persisted and persisted on cw until the final R R R.
The 144 and 432 beacons were still hitting S9 an hour ago at my house in the hills east of Tustin, 2,505 miles away. I may go back up there later tonight, like after 0700Z. If the beacons are still loud, I'll post here, then call on 144200.
73, Wayne, N6NB
0515Z (10:15 PM PDT) Saturday night the 144.277 beacon is still coming in very well at 559-579 into DM03.
Thanks for nice cw/ssb contacts Fred, AD6IW
I'm not sure if Fred is still at the beacon site. 2 meter and 70cm beacons are on. I will continue to call out on 144.200. I have 3 hours of daylight more which might still be good for contacts. I will also monitor same frequency after sundown.
579 @ 0130Z 144.277 still in, NIL but locals hd on 223.5 Gave half a dozen calls on that frequency. NIL on 432. How long will Fred be at the beacon site?
Thanks for all the contacts today, Fred!
432.310 569 RST
no 1296.250
good sigs!
About a 52-53 here in SF with my simple setup. I started to make a SSB contact but signal faded and wife called so I'll call it a no-go. My amp seems to not be keying anymore either so I'm stuck with barefoot operation. Ah, something else to fix, ha, ha! I"ll keep listening on/off when ever I happen to stroll into the shack on this nice day!
144.285.....CQ CQ CQ
Loud here
Thanks for our first QSO on 2!
easy and quick Fred!!
wb6noa into bk29 5x2
copy 5x2 .200
Fred 559-579 on 144277.6 CW and SSB.
I am also on 144.200. Fred (KH7Y) should be on site soon. I'm also hearing DX atmospheric noise. Not as strong as yesterday. Still early.
144.7 Mhz kh6hme is 59 into cm96 at 11:00 am this morning......calling cq on 144.200 from time to time............regards Dave
QRV about 2130 UTC.
look forward to working everyone we can hear.
Aloha, Fred
KH6HME 144.277 at 1530Z 459 on handheld IC202 in CM87tl at 1740',where T=72F, RH=12%
At 1200Z RAOB soundings indicate very dry air above marine layer for Oakland, Hilo, and Lihue. Not dry at Vandenberg and San Diego (possibly influenced by tropical storm).
Heights in feet:
Oakland 1411, Vandenberg 1030, San Diego 1581, Hilo 6079, Lihue 5118.
Here's a link to a short video of the KH6HME beacons as heard at N6NB near Tustin, CA (DM13cs) just after midnight on July 5, 2014.
(Don't delete the period in
There may well be propagation to Hawaii on 1296 as well, but I'm hearing only very loud radar, not KH6HME. I believe the radar is coming from Hawaii because: 1) it peaks up in that direction; 2) it fades up and down in signal strength at the same rate as the 432 beacon;
and 3) there's not normally any radar signal coming from that direction.
Fred, I'm hoping to work you on 2, 222, 432 and maybe higher bands if the tropo path is still good on Saturday.
73, Wayne, N6NB
I am looking at the weather maps and the Hepburn site. It looks like the duct could move up to Washington State wed. If so I may make a run to my site at CN87am with 144 223 432 and 1296 portable. If I do I will log on here with an ETA. Dave
0120Z 144.277 just discernible in noise in CM87tl. Re:223.5 have both horizontal & vertical yagis. TNX for alert you'll be using horiz. 50 MHz&Up club picnic 18Z-21Z so hope the opening holds up til afternoon.
We're above the fog now at 1740', 65 deg, 42%RH
For K6FV, I Victor, yes I have a 223.5 radio at the site. Will have on and the antenna is HZ. So will look forward to working U Saturday.
Aloha, Fred
Will be QRV at the beacon site Saturday, will start out on 144.277 and work up the bands on SSB and CW. When the 2 mtr beacon is turned off we will be QRV.
Aloha, Fred
Copying 432 and 144 beacons very strong in to Fallbrook. DM13ji
Okay Dave. I'm working 144.200. Noticing some atmospheric noise indicating the band opening to DX. Still at sea level waiting for the ducting to reach my elevation. I don't hear any ducting effects on the local repeaters.
2m beacon 59 into cm96 today at 1pm pst. calling cq on .200 from time to time......Dave
KH6HME/B 144.277 in 589 or so on a handheld IC202 in CM87tl, 1740' T=57F RH 59-84% (2 colocated wx stns).
432.311 only about 569 peak amongst loud, frequent radar clicks. Antenna is a 10' TVRO dish fixed pointed at KH6.
The only band I'm really set up on is 223.5 FM, so if you go up to the hill Fred, I'd like to work you there.
144 is 599, 432is 539 NO 1296 yet but I think it,s on a timer to conserve power??
144.277 MHz 589
432.310 MHz 569
still no 1296.250 MHz
2M beacon is 559 432 is 539 1296 beacon is 519
83F @ 40% RH CM88QL
144.277 MHz 479 RST
432.310 MHz 359 RST
no 1296.250 MHZ
2m & 432 beacons just in 144.277 432.310 Q5 but weak at present.
72F @ 53% RH at 2000ft ASL CM88QL
Looks like tropical storm "E" is starting to enhance ducting in the southern Baja area as it moves north. Still listening and calling out on 2 and 6 meters.
I begin to hear very weak beacon 144.
432 beacon still nothing
I'm monitoring for XE2HWB and K6FRC 6 meter beacons and have not heard them yet.
Forecast map looks good for ducting into Baja California. I will be on or near the frequency of 144.200 USB calling out. I still don't hear California or Mexican repeaters and beacons. Might be good for field day.
into DM03
1296 beacon in but very weak
76F @ 36% RH CM88QL
144.277 & 432.310 in fair.
76F @ 32%RH at 2000ft. ASL CM88QL
Beacon is about 559 on 144.277.8 CW.
The beacon 144 in and out with very weak signal, the beacon 432 can be heard.
Low pressure system just to the northeast of Hawaii seems to be weakening the ducting system.
Currently returns 144 MHz beacon very weak.
at 9AM local time the 432 beacon just showed up but fairly weak No 2M beacon yet
As of 7AM this morning all kh6 beacons are gone !!!!!! heavy marine layer up to 2000ft ASL 50F @ 94%RH Will see if they re apear when fog burns off.
This morning the Beacon 144 is 529, Bcon 432 no signal
KH6HME beacons continue to pound in all beacons 519 to 599 heavy marine layer up here foged in solid 52F @ 92% RH at 2000ft ASL
Bcon 144 is 519, no Bcon 432
Copy message from Gilroy, CA.. Besides calling out on 144.200, I am also trying 50.110. Because I'm at sea level might not be as good as the beacon site.
5-1-7 IN CM97
Copy both messages Robert. I'm am now calling out on 144.200 USB from my house in Hilo, near sea level.
1296.250 beacon is now Q5 ~ 519 solid
74F @ 53% RH
The KH6HME/B are just into N, CALIF 144.277 , 432.310 & traces of 1296.250 in
80deg F and 45% RH at 2000ft. ASL
Beacon 144 return with very weak signals from about half an hour ago, the 432 beacon still not heard
Not hear beacon beacon 144 and 432 not hear
Beacon 144 is signal 528 with QSB and QRM local.
Hi Bernardo, when the 432 beacon gets to be solid copy call me. I will run up to the site.
Aloha, Fred
Beacon 432 is signal 428, with QSB
Beacon 144,The signal comes and goes is not constant, and so far only gained to 539.
Bescon 144 is very weak in this moment
looking at HEPBURN TROPO MAPS looks like possible JUNE 12th
Hi Bernardo, we are watching here also. Check you email. Also a better repeater which is co-located with the beacons is on 146.820 with 100hz pl and is very busy as it is linked to the WIN system. 146.760 is miles away and much lower in elevation. Also not very active.
This weekend is looking up, we will be watching.
Aloha, Fred
Thanks for the message. I was expecting conditions to improve in the next week. I heard no signal from the Ensenada repeater. I will continue to monitor that repeater and call out on 144.200 USB.
Beacon 144 is 559 into DL44uc
146.760 MHz is an open repeater at about the same elevation as the beacons. This is also the location of the police repeater that had ducting transmissions on saturday. This repeater has also opened up to California in the past ducting history. Also located close to the beacons is open repeater 147.040, which links the state of Hawaii. I will be monitoring these repeaters.
This morning I receive only 144,277 with very weak beacon signal
Beacon 144.277 is 539 no beacon 70 cms.
Beacon 144.277 is Signal 528 into DL44uc
0558 UTC....Transmissions continue on 154.695 MHz. Street names given are not streets in the state of Hawaii. Ducting signals are still clear but broken.
0526 UTC..Ducting continues on Police frequency 154.695 MHz. Ducting signals and local police calls being heard at the same time. Ducting signals are very clear. No location given in transmissions yet.
Almost dark in Hilo at sea level. Temperature 77 degrees. No ducting heard now. Local police traffic active. I believe police repeater is at the 4,000 foot elevation. Will continue to monitor.
Hearing possible ducting on local police frequency in the 154 MHz area. It isn't local communications. Possible source another island or state side. Still trying to identify source of communications.
I've started to monitor all the beacon frequenices during the evenings and weekends from DN03ts, Palos Verdes. Let's hope we have a good "beacon season"!
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I will be listening for the 144.296 California beacon from now on.
K6WKX/B has a beacon on 144.296 in Santa Cruz, California that is running 25 watts into a 7 dB horizontal polarized yagi and directed toward Hawaii. Operating 27/7. More information on K6WKX beacons can be found at WWW.K6WKX.COM .
The High Pressure system in in the right location between Hawaii and California. Overcast in Hilo town at sea level. Hilo tower reports clouds a 5,000 feet and scattered. Beacons at about 8,000 feet. Even though I'm below cloud level, I will try calling on 144.200.
09/24/13 UTC Time 04:13:28
Hear KH6HME... Hear very faint from Sacramento CM98. M2 5WL 60 feet. Had a friend check with 4 antennas. He confirmed
Fred tells me they had a successful work party up at the Beacon site a weekend ago . Bent masts repaired , positive checks on all antenna operations , and a NEW beam looking WEST for DX reports from ? ? ? who knows !
( Paul once told me he got a report and a QSL from RUSSIA , that heard the beacon for a day ! )
More good news - Fred indicates they may soon be able to REMOTE the operation up on the hill , for near instant-on , during an opening !
Fred , where can we all offer support to this operation ? Any other news for the troops out here ? gordo
The maps are just a guesstimate, it depends on where you are along the coast, inland stations have made it but the path must be very good for that to happen.
The 144 beacon is usually the strongest, I give it a listen every day no matter what the map shows.
When there is a tropical storm coming up along Baja, it is time to start listening also.
This is the prime part of the year for this to happen, very rare in winter.
I am new to this. Is the Tropo map for Sunday looking good? -Tim
74 degrees at Hilo. Clouds 3,000 feet scattered and ceiling 4,000 feet and broken. Weather still changing due to sun rise. No noticeable temperature change indicating ducting.
144 faded out last night here, DM-12, nothing today, Sunday.
Setup here is a Yahoo 736 Rx and M squared 18XXX 36 foot boom at 40 feet.
Location is on top of Point Loma, 300 feet above sea level, clear shot in all directions.
Temperature at Hilo, 71 degrees. Clouds 2,500 scattered and 4,000 overcast. Sunrise occurring now with changes in cloud cover dissipating as sun rises. Listening 144.200 USB. Unable to monitor any California beacons as KH6 beacon is pointing at me and covering most of the beacon part of the 2 meter band.
FOG has just lifted "NO" beacons to report.
Think this event is over with
64F 85% RH at 2000ft.
Sunday am , clearing fog , so maybe we will hear the beacon today . So far , nothing yet . gordo
Just to reinforce Gordo's comments, the reports are essential, and we are watching them out here. Unfortunately, today the timing has been such that by the time we might have gotten to the site, things were fading away.
Jerry , great tropo reports today , Saturday . The beacon never made it up to the LA area - at least , not along the coast .
Jerry , can you tell this group what you have for antennas please ? Keep those reports coming , as San Diego traditionally hears the beacon first along the West Coast .
With the storm down South coming in tomorrow PM , Sunday will be interesting in the early morning atmosphere stratification .
el gordo DM13BP Pair long boomers , up 60' , just inland from the Coast line at 64 measily feet of elevation . Clear shot to the sea .
In and out weak all day, S-1 at present just before six PM.
144 getting stronger now, up to S-3 at three thirty in the afternoon, still no 432.
All signals gone at one thirty this afternoon.
OK, all is not lost as yet. 144 signal back to S-3 in DM-12 at 11:45, no 432 as yet.
Will keep checking and reporting.
Signal was S-3 at eight AM this morning but now gone at ten thirty, will keep listening today.
San Diego KH6 beacon reports are needed this weekend . From what Bob reports , the tropo path has gone from North to South , and perhaps SanDeigo will be first to hear it this Saturday am . Please advise , so we can advise the KH6 team to prepare for a trip up the hill . El Gordo
All beacons gone from up here ~ 12noon yesterday nothing this morning
Fred and his team will be prepared to go up the volcano IF we begin to get steady reception this am . Yes , the beacon stayed steady last night , well into the evening , with a big peak at 10 pm local , and then gradually going into the noise as coasal FOG came ahore here in So . Cal . So , feed those reports this am . gordo
579 inland to Arcadia CA DM04 and getting stronger at 10:30pm local
144.277 479 RST
432.310 359 RST
144.277 359 RST
Fred hopes to be at the site about 0100.
KH6HME/B is S1 here in northern California cm96
73 Dave
The KH6HME 2m beacon is 5/4 is Southern California , nice and steady . As predicted , wx here is hot , with marine layer lying just off the coast , with tropical disturbance to the South . We should have good conditions UNTIL the tropical storm moves more North , and shuts down the path . But for now , 2m and a TRACE of 432 coming in 1000 local , Friday morning . gordo
144 in DM-12 weak last night and this morning, will see what the weekend brings with tropical storm off Cabo coming up.
as of 8:00 am the 2M beacon is 539 the 432 beacon is 519 Will check 1296 later
Heavy MARINE layer up to 2000ft.
It,s ~ 4:16 local time KH6HME/B 432.310 is Q5 ~ S1 just detect the 2M beacon Very heavy MARINE layer earlier up to 2000ft. Burned off now 73F @ 51%RH
No KH6 beacons yet.....but the path looks good next week if Southern California / West Coast continues to stay warm , with the low clouds blanket just hanging at our shoreline - like it is today , Saturday , 10 GHz weekend .
Hi All !
We put a "Nuclear Telemetry Beacon" ( First in World ? ), in AFSK9600 ( and in "CW Modulated in FM" - sometimes), in: 222.050 MHZ (w/ 10W), 432.050 MHZ (w/ 10W) and 50.085 MHZ (w/ 40W) with 3 different heighted antennas, at the **same time**. This is a very big project that begins abt 2012, Aug - and only now was more stable, but take note that all info (PDF) in, are in Brazilian Portuguese (pt_BR) for now, but soon we put the same text in English (en_US). For now if some of you hear our signal in these 3 bands, please let we know - because it's the **only permanent** Tropo signal at these bands, in South America (located in South Brazil, of course...) !
73 and I are truly QRV, for all of you !
PP5VX (Bone)
More Info at:
The **only** Owner of:
Two meter beacon back in service as of 2300 utc on Wed.
Aloha Fred
pcmfoey, hzxhfqujog
No RX of beacons heard from KH6 today , Friday , Southern California .
On YOUR becon reports , please add RX after the word " no " , as those of us on the West Coast refer to Bay Area beacons as NO CAL , and if we see a post of " No Cal beacons heard .... " we think Northern Calif may be in to Hawaii ! Hi Hi . So just add No RX , and we fully understand ! THANKS ALL !
Feeling cool air at my station in Hilo near sea level. Cloud ceiling at 5, 500 feet. No California beacons heard.
Listening to 50.110 & 50.125
Pointed from Southern California to Hawaii
Forecast map looks good for tonight. I'll be on 2 and 6 meters.
Well, the problem disappeared after a while say 30 minutes or so and then cropped up again once in a while. It would get as strong as S9+10db and modulated by the cw id. So after a little quick research here possibly the conditions were right between here and there in the early afternoon and I could hear all the junk along with possibly a less than super clean signal, or, maybe some intermod mix with repeaters or other RF that may be at or very near the same sight.
I remember tracking down intermod problems when I lived back in ILL and worked for Motorola years ago and with lots of RF in one place, anything is possible, especially with wet conditions and less than perfect metal to metal connections!
Yes, as I posted on July 27, K6ER is on 432.305, about 6 kHz below KH6HME/B. And, of course, the radar in NE CA puts out pulses, burps, etc. over the whole band.
WX, 60F, RH 85%. 6 knot wind out of the SW today. Better condx later in week.
All the sudden I've been getting these weird swift moving buzzing noises on 432.310 and turns out is a cw sig at 432.305 that seems to have an am/fm component to the sig that is drifting-splattering up to 432.310 and beyond. CW Sig says K6ER CM87SV I've never heard this before.
Core of Storm moved towards Maui island but the southern part has the most storm cells. These cells are just about to make land fall on Hawaii island. Local propagation on 2 meters showing fast changes as storm nears. No ducting at all but wednesday looks really good from here to southern California.
The 2 meter beacon isn't on at this time. Fred didn't have the chance to turn it on. The tropical storm will hit us today so I would think when Fred has time after the storm he will make the trip up the mountain. The 1.2, 440 and 6 meter beacons are working. I will monitor conditions on 2 meters and if it seems like the band is opening up, I will call out on the beacon frequency and post something on this reflector.
Should I monitor on 432.310 or is the 2mtr beacon back on and I should monitor that this week?
I'm located in old Hilo town, a half mile from the shoreline. My location is the worst for ham radio. Station can be seen on QRZ satellite photo. I'm retired and spend a lot of time looking for that magic antenna that will get my signal out. Once worked with great radios from satellite, 6 meters and all of HF. Now working with old recycled radios and exploring all types of propagation and radical new antenna designs. Ducting from my location is rare, but by listening I can tell what is happening in the atmosphere with radio waves. I change antenna designs at least twice a month. On a fixed budget so exploration takes time. Worked ducting in the 80's via mobile and even listened to emergency service calls from California as it came over our work frequencies when I worked as a police officer. Still having fun and hope to find that magic antenna design soon.
Any contacts via email welcomed: wh6xm@mac,com
Aloha Bob , and for us out here on the West Coast , where are you located on the Island ?
Elevation , antennas , do you hear West Coast beacons in the past , and which ones do you hear ? Do you tropo duct West Coast FM broadcast stations ?
Where is " Dr. Quack " on the Island - in years past , he would occasioanlly come up on the West Coast 147.090 ( + , no tone ) Catalina Island repeater , FM .
We want to know more about YOU , and your monitoring schedule ! gordo and the West Coast gang
2:40 PM HST.....No enhanced propagation noise on the band. Hearing slight increase in background noise from storm, no lightning crashes yet. Nice clear blue sky today and wind increasing. Satellite photo shows storm close. Trying to get my 30 year old radio to work right. No California beacons heard today. Will put out an alert as soon as I hear something.
Bob and Fred , thanks for listening to the East ! No KH6 beacons heard over here along the West Coast , looking West , and it looks like rain time for KH6 team tomorrow . Glad the .277 freq is also the comm frequency , and Bob ,if you hear West Coast beacons , make noise yourself on 144.277 ,'cuase that is where we are parked ! gordo Costa Mesa , DM 13 bp
10:15 PM HST...2 meter band showing strong atmospheric enhancement. No California beacons heard. Still listening.
Weather in Hilo is clear blue skies and hot. No indication of 2 meter band opening. No California 2 meter beacons heard. Tropical storm to arrive monday. Appears tropical storm will disrupt ducting near that time. Today looks good for ducting so I will be on 2 meters and will report any changes.
1640Z NIL so far on 432 and 1296. T=55F, RH=99%
Wisps of fog floating by @ 2 knots from SW. The sun is shining at 1740'. I think the atmosphere (over the ocean) is more mixed in the vicinity of the passages through which the fog enters the bay and delta; i.e., elevated sites further NW and SE have an advantage.
KEN the 1296 beacon moves around +- 1KHZ depending on the TEMP in the building up there I just have to go looking for it. It,s complicated by my DEM being off greq also
Bob - is it exactly 1296.250?
I've been a ham for year on hilltops and in valleys and once again hills win out! Being up in Santa Rosa at 1500 ft is a lot better than being in SF at around 200ft with a clear shot to the Pacific. We are still socked in with fog and cool this morning. Won't be around this afternoon but I'll monitor freq's and chat as I can today when I am around.
1296.250 just came up out of the noise Q4 to Q5
~ 9AM FOG layer still ~ 1500ft.
It,s just 8AM local here 432.310 is Q5 ~ 519 VERY HEAVY marine layer up to ~ 1500ft.
I am out ove the fog it,s 70F @ 50% RH.
The beacons were in till bed time last night ~ 11PM 1296 up to 529
Local hams reporting hearing enhanced propagation from police frequencies on the Big Island. I'll be working 144.200 USB to see what I can get. Band propagation noticeable at 8 PM in Hilo.
432.310 & 1296.250 in all day today .
FRED forgott to turn the 2M beacon back on
It,s 1030PM 432 beacon is 559
0515Z (27 July) KH6HME 432.310+ beacon 349 CM87tl
T=68F, RH=51% Breeze is (and has been) from SW, 1 to 2 knots.
NO 144.277, Fred, did you guys not reconnect something (antenna, key line?)
ALOHA! KH6HME/B 432 579 IN CM87tl AT 1740'
NO 144.177 OR 1296
No beacon reception today , in Costa Mesa , DM13 . This saturday is the local SBMS 10 GHz and above TUNE OUT , in Fairview Park , Costa Mesa , 0800 . All locals invited . We'll discuss 10 GHz DX options , but Chip , N6CA , will likely be the first to make it across the Pacific . 73 to all ! gordo
Well finally 1296.250 in weak S0 to 519 432.310 continues. "NO" 2 M beacon
Getting warm up here FOG has burned off 80F @ 50% RH at 2000ft. ASL. I am ~ 25miles from PACIFIC negative horizon . in CM88QL above SANTA ROSA CAL.
Fred - Thanks for the contact yesterday - was not sure my 100w and small antenna would be enough.
Hi Dale, There is a number of repeater on Mauna Loa one is next to our beacons on 146.82 and is linked to the "win system" non stop chit chat... Also 147.040 is up the hill about 200 feet The 76 repeater that Bob is talking about is much lower and not close to the beacon site.
So you best shot is 146.82 (if) you do not have a local machine on that freq.
The two meter beacon is running about 60 watts to a pair of 7 elements at 100 feet above the shack. The Eirp of the two meter beacon is much more than any other signal on Mauna Loa . You would do better by watching 144.277.3
Aloha, Fred
Good luck
Interesting. I don't have beam on 2mtr fm but a super gain omni so I guess I should program that repeater into my FM rig. Any pl codes?
No beacon at sea level in Hilo. I just do a lot of SSB monitoring for openings. Historically the repeater 146.760 is near the same elevation as KH6HME's Beacons and it has become useable to California when ducting is very good. This repeater covers the east side of the island of Hawaii.
Cold, overcast and foggy in SF again today. No baacon signals heard and a very high noise level on 2mtrs toward Hawaii for whatever reason. I hope it's not someones new wireless router, TV, or whatever in the neighborhood.
Did I read there is now also a ground level beacon in Hilo? That would be interesting to monitor for as well when the KH6HME beacon comes in.
Atmospheric noise shows band is slowly opening. NOAA satellite water vapor image matches ducting forecast map. Chance of ducting good today. Tropical storm might cut off ducting later in the week. No California beacons heard. Even though I'm at sea level in Hilo, I will continue to monitor and call out on 2 and 6 meters today.
Friday , overcast in Orange County Coast , and no beacon . Perhaps later , but the weather is not very hot - not hot , no beacon .
Let's keep reports coming in , and if possible , indicate your geographic area with each post .
Gordo DM 13
Costa Mesa , 1 mile from the water
432.310 is 519 at 9:30AM Nothing on 2M ?????
Heavy marine layer up to ~ 1000ft.
75F @ 47%RH
Also heavy RADAR sweeps
24 hrs later at 9:30pm PST and no sigs in SF. Judging from the sigs I heard today compared to yesterday, Wed was the SF day, ha, ha! It's been pretty overcast-foggy all day here and we are buried in fog right now and it's cold!
Thanks for taking time to drive up that mountain. I've done so about 3/4 the way up and it's a long drive!
Thanks to all that were up on the hill today.I was able to work KH7Y,KH6P,and KH6RZ with 40w and 4dBd
ant on 2m from a hill west of Temecula. Thanks to WB6NOA for posting info.For me it only stayed open about 40 mins around 12:30PM.Good to hear Paul's call used.
73 Dick
Great work , all who worked KH6HME on 2 meters . Here in Orange County , signals were fair , but nothing like past openings years ago . I understand Fred and his team may go up this Saturday , if we post here that we are hearing the beacon .
Be sure and include your location , so we can see where the duct is going ! It was like a wild garden hose , with lots of ups and downs , and a fade out around 1:00 PM local .
Good first time under new management ! Fred's team seems super pro ! gordo
Worked FRED on both CW & SSB ~ 2014Z
432.310 beacon in now but massive QSB can just detect 1296.250
84F @ 39%RH @ 2000ft. ASL
Worked him on phone then on cw around 20:26, from CN73 Central Oregon Coast, currently he's calling CQ 144.277 about 5x2
Just starting to get bits and pieces of CW here in CN75xa, Lincoln City, OR. Dial freq of 144277.360 (CW) results in 800 Hz trace on spectran.
Using a 7x7 crossed yagi, SSB preamp. Sigs same on LH or RH polarization. Elevation 90 feet MSL.
Just worked Fred on SSB on 144.277, good sigs both ways.
Just starting to hear some sigs here in SF on 144.27675. I find my amp isn't working (I haven't been on the air in so long it's sad) so I'll be limited to 100 watts if conditions improve this afternoon.
130 7/25/13 144.277 CW contact with KH6HME 44n
Cm95 to BK29
Still quiet here in SF. I guess yesterday was the SF tropo day! Still a bit overcast here. But, I'll be listening about 3 more hours.
Finally up to Q5 FRED worked @ 2014Z 559
First I've heard this morning, 1945Z, Fred clg CQ on 144.277 CW 459 on my IC202 in CM87tl at 1740' T=69, RH=65%, 3 knot sea breeze from NW.
Stations in Hawaii might consider listening for the following northern CA beacons,
KJ6KO CM88ws 144.2835
K6ER CM87su 432.305
Hilo sounding for 12Z suggested a duct height around 6140'
KH6HME site is around 8400'
swapping between CW and SSB 144.276.5 or so.
now going to 223.5 and then onto 432...
599 here on CW and 59 on SSB 2m.
73 de Craig N6ED
Copy FRED on CW but very weak I seem to have lost the PATH up here
Fred , KH7Y , ON THE AIR , 5/5 . San Deigo hearing him best , but others in LA Basin working him on 2m . He will stay on the hill for about 2 hours - 3 hours . 144.276 QSO frequency . on now . gordo
Rain cloud moved in and I lost opening at sea level. Listening to KH6HME now on 2 meters making contacts.
Gone from CN73 unless he took it off in preparation for SSB QSOs
I guess the duct has moved northward as it's pretty much been quiet in SF since about 9:00am PST. Time to p/u my car from the shop and grab a quick bite!
Hearing 5 by 7 in CN73wx in Florence on the Central Oregon Coast 144.277
I'm working 144.200 and 50.110 SSB from my location in Hilo town near sea level. Atmospheric noise sounds good at my location. I will be working the two bands all day.
All hands , Fred , KH7Y , is leaving out for the beacon site this morning , 1600 Z. He plans to drop the beacon about 1800 zulu , 11 am local West Coast , and will STAY on 144.276 , the beacon frequency .
He has no cell coverege up at the site , but may have spotty E mail .
This will be his first time on 2 ssb mainland DX from the this Volcano site , so spread out our calls ,and let him come up to speed . Judging by all your signal reports , the opening should stay in for most of the day , afternoon , and evening ! Have fun , help the weak stations near you make contacts , and a prayer for Paul Lieb , KH6HME .
Well at 7:00a PST I could still hear the 2mtr beacon albeit weak at about 529. The 432 beacon was about 519 but with a lower noise floor noise level.
Now it's 9:00am and nothing on either band. Still foggy here this morning.
Good Morning, K6WKX/B has been operating a beacon on 144.2980 since last fall. I recently received a complaint from local amateurs that my beacon was covering a KH6 beacon on 144.2780. I promptly took my transmitter off the air to evaluate the situation. When I do return it to the air this fall, it will be QRP with the signal directed to the KH6 area. I would like to coordinate with the KH6 group to avoid any interference and I can change my beacon frequency if that is advised. Please advise. Thank you, Gary Bramer, K6WKX.COM
at 8:45AM the 2M beacon is ~ 539 Heavy marine layer up to ~ 1000ft.
The 2 meter beacon is building nicely , here in Costa Mesa , a mile inland from the ocean .
We still have overcast June Gloom , yet the beacon is 5/5 on 2 meters , so things are looking swell along the 2500 miles path !
144 is 549 this morning, no 432 at present.
0700 local , 2m beacon IN . Low clouds along coast ( June gloom ) usually kills reception , but this am , WITH low clouds , we still hear it 5/2 in Costa Mesa , 1 mile inland from the Coast . When clouds burn off by 1100 local , we should hear it strong !
0615Z 144.277 down a bit, maybe 569. NIL on 432 except for local beacon in CM87. NIL on 1296
T=65F, RH up to 45%, and 1 knot breeze from W.
OK almost 9:30PM 144=599 432=559 1296 = 519 with QSB peaks up to 539
Will recheck early tomorrow
76F @ 46% RH @ 2000ft ASL
OK Dale, sure hope we can wk you Thursday morning. Look for the Hilo guys on 144.200 tonight.
73, Fred
This must be quite a tropo duct as here it is 9:30pm at night and both the 2mtr and 432 beacons remain steady good copy since my last posting about 5:00pm. Signals range between 529 - 559 at this time of night with 2mtrs and 432 appearing to be hitting peaks and valleys opposite each other. However, still no signals heard on 1296 at this shack yet.
I will be on this page once we are QRV at the beacon site.
OK Dave, we will be on 2, 223.5, 432 and 1296. plus we will fire up the 10Ghz. keep your fingers crossed the maps look good for Thursday, I am packed and ready to make the trip.
Aloha, Fred
0340Z 579-589 on IC202
T=69 RH=20% at 1740' in CM87tl NO WIND, fog is way down.
NIL on 432.310 w/10' dish
Just put up a vertically polarized beam for 223.5 pointed your way and am awaiting the morrow.
Victor Frank
I Will Be At CN87am Portable Thurs Dusk 24hrs Till Friday Dusk. Looking For Qs On 223mhz 432mhz And 1296mhz.Distance Will Be New Records On All Three Bands 4,203km,if Completed. Weather Looks Good From Washington State For Ducting.73 Dave.
144=599 432= 559 1296= 539
5:00p PST - 2mtr beacon solid 559 (was about 589 earlier) and the 432 beacon is a solid 539. Nothing heard on 1296
First heard 2147Z peaking 459 in and out
At 2340Z 144.277 was 569 on a handheld IC202 with its whip antenna almost as good as with a beam (that I'd better check out)
Location CM87tl @ 1740 ft, T=80F, RH 39%.
The maps look even better for Thursday. I am packed up and will make a few calls and ck my email first thing in the morning. If there are good conditions I will be QRV about 1800UTC. We will start on 144.277 and work our way up the bands. I understand there are many that need 220 and I will have abt 300 watts on 223.5.
Aloha, Fred
The beacon has been in from S3 to S6 over the past four hours on 144277.6.
73 de Chip K7JA
Still hearing the opened DX atmosphere noise. Saw report of two other California stations hearing KH6HME beacon. KB6EGA and myself are working 144.200 and 144.250.
Got your report. Both myself and KB6EGA on the east side of the Big Island will be trying on 144.200.
144 continues ~ 559 432 is now 539 1296 is 519 at 11:15AM
Make that 1040 hours WEDNESDAY . gordo
1040 am Tuesday , KH6HME beacon on 2 meters building well out of the noise 5/7 . Low clouds/fog hugging the coast , characteristic of
good conditions . Nothing yet on 432 .
as of 10:30AM KH6HME 2M beacon is 559 432.310 is ~ Q5 S0 very weak so far will check 1296 in a few
KH6HME beacon , on 2m , weak in to Southern California .
Same here, at midnight it was 529, this morning 319. Will keep an ear on it today.
KH6HME/B 144.277 is in this morning but very weak . At about 11PM last night it was 559 but almost "NO" 432 very weak
The weather is changing it,s 74F @ 54% RH at 8AM local
Kh6HME 144.277 in very weakly
72F @ 53% RH
Monday and Tues , Jul5 15 and 16 ,the 2m beacon from KH6HME was in , for most of the day , but not as strong as last week . Today , Wednesday , 17th , not a peep . gordo Costa Mesa
Yes Art, KH6HME is now at 8400 feet on Mauna Loa and NH6P/B will be at sea level. This is an experment to see if KH6HME/B is received on the west coast via tropo along with the other beacons at the site. That being said NH6P is on 60.5 not 61. your cw filter will sort the signals out. I doubt that both will be received at the same time by DX. Time will tell, it is a nice experment.
Aloha, Fred
At the moment KH6HME/B and NH6P/B are on the same freq, on top of each other. Would be hard for dx to copy.
Hearing atmospheric noise as band opens and closes. Band not stable and noise up a little due to storm. Still calling on 144.200.
144.277 459 RST QSB
Sorry, make that :
14.277 MHz 339 RST
144.170 MHz 339 RST
qiwgeey/rtm/ofu, Ativan, dxnrKOH, [url=]Ativan causing palpitations[/url], DjkCeIc, Ativan medicine, ADhKcZe.
144.277 MHz 459 RST
144.277 MHz 339 RST
144 beacon 5 X 1 into San Diego, no 432.
I will be looking for emails from K6QXY and Gordo in the morning. If there is prop, I will leave and be operational by 2100 UTC on Wed.
73, Fred
Hi, Yes 6,2, meter beacons on 24/7 432 and 1296 are on a timer on at 7AM HST and off at 7PM HST to keep the power bill down.
I was at the site on Saturday and every beacon was running as they should.
Aloha, Fred
144.277 MHz 569 RST
Are the 432 and 1296 MHz beacons operating?
Sorry for not being there. Burned out from two days on the radio. Forecast map shows good chance of ducting on wednesday. I'll be on 2 and 6 meters.
Beacon solid 559 in DM03. Anybody in KH6 QRV?
144.277 MHz 569 RST
144.277 MHz 339 RST
Thanks for the reports. Please post as early Tuesday morning as you can as I will be on the road to the site at 5AM HST or 1500 UTC and will ve QRV all day Tuesday (if) there are posts. I will have 2, 223.5, 432 and 1296 with me. I will turn off the 2 meter beacon and will call CQ on the beacon frequency. When two is worked out we will go to 223.5 FM then the other bands.
Aloha, Fred
2m signal 559 into cm96 at 3P pst. 73 Dave
Atmospheric noise heard at the time the 2 meter beacon was first heard is gone now. Still calling out on 2 and 6 meters.
Cold cloud layer from the northeast arriving at my location in Hilo. Even though I am below the cloud layer, I will still be calling on 2 and 6 meters. Fred (KH7Y), should be at the beacon site within one hour.
Trying 144.200. So far no signals heard at sea level in Hilo town.
Bob, WH6XM
Will be QRV at 2130 UTC on 2, 223.5 and 432. Sri we smoked the 1296 at fieldday.
Aloha, Fred
144 beacon is 5X7 into San Diego, no 432 as yet.
pmbcdey/rtm/ofu, Classification of ativan, ZkdDEIO, [url=]Buy ativan online[/url], AyqXTxl, Ativan #40, KFxeYzr.
xsmqtey, kznvaugtvr
twpirey, bfxwcyawle
hrpbyey, epjkdqtfuj
We will have the new beacon QRV on Saturday it's new frequency is 144.277. Please spot here or on DX Summit. Also a small crew will be at the site on Saturday for FieldDay and will be QRV on all bands through 1296. We also will be on 20 and 15 CW and SSB using the KH6HME call.
Aloha, Fred and Crew
Thank you for you hard work on the 2 meter beacon.
Shipped this morning,new KH6HME/b 2m beacon. Made from converting my original transverter.Unit runs 1.2 dB more output power so we don't over drive the Power amp.Frequency = 144.277.3 MHz. I suspect it will drift over time as the xtal ages.Picturs and in for will be up on shortly
TROPO KH6HME/B 432.310 in but weak 519
Chip and I are both measuring 144.2773 MHz for CW zero beat. That appears to be where the xtal wants to naturally operate. It's likely to shift a bit with aging and as time progresses but it should settle around that frequency.
Gary - WA6MEM
Sorry Gary... getting late out here
Doug I hope the freq is 144.276.......
Good news we will be watching our mail box...
Aloha, Fred KH7T
N6CA has the KH6HME 144.277 MHz beacon operating into a vertical from DM03ut. It still has that great sounding chirp!
KH7Y still at the beacon site working the frequencies. Worked him on 1.2 GHz, 70cm, 2 meters and 6 meters.
Still no signals heard from west coast.
We will be QRV all bands starting around 1800 UTC Saturday and will stay through the weekend (if) the bands open. If not we will leave 0300 UTC Sunday.
Aloha, Fred
432 & 1296 beacons back in nothing on 50.061
50.110 MHz Beaming Hawaii from DM03
1296.250 beacon in now ~ s1
432.310 back in at 1540Z weak so far
61F @ 71% RH at 2000ft.
Please listen 144.200, 223.5 432 and 1296 we will be at the site about 1930 hours and will stay for 4 or 5 hours.
For the VHF contest I will be operating Saturday and will be calling CQ on 144.170 and 144.200 if there is propagation I will move up the bands 223.5 etc.
Aloha Fred KH7Y
TROPO KH6HME/B still in 432.310 & 1296.250
Got your posted reports. Calling and listening on 2 and 6 meters. No signals yet in Hawaii. My station is at sea level in Hilo town.
1296 beacon is Q5 S5 1296.250 good signal
KH6HME/B in on TROPO 432.310 ~ S5 55degF @ 95% HUMiDITY fogged in solid at 2000FT.
Hi Gary, thanks for the report you are number one this year and the first to spot the new beacon frequency .310 Is it close to frequency? I let it run a week and rejusted as needed. Should be close.
As for 2 meters we should have it on in the next few weeks. Chip is close to shipping it after he lets it run a bit before shipping.
6 meters beacon will be QRV this week, looks like I will make a trip up on Thursday. It is about a 5 hour drive round trip for me.
I will post progress here. Also KH7Y will be on for the June contest at the site, will be calling cq on 50.110 and 144.200 if there is tropo will stay till it dies or if no tropo will QRT Saturday night. KH6HME will be active for fieldday from the site and will also be on CW on the HF bands. That is the news for now. keep the posting comming, we feel like the Maytag repairman at this point..
Aloha, Fred
432.310 MHZ 229 RST
First time this season. No 1296.250 MHz yet.
Is the 50.061 MHZ beacon on too, Fred?
Ops, been sitting to long in the chair (WPX contest) That is 432.310 the correct frequency.
431.310 beacon installed yesterday Sunday May 26. So the 1296 and 423 beacons are QRV now. We will keep U posted about 2 meters once it is received from Chip, N6CA.
Aloha, Fred
In order to make checking this page faster, I have archived all 2011 and earlier tropo reports. They can be accessed via the archive link at the top of the page.
73 de Doug, N6RT
Ok, Fred.
I'm monitoring the 1296.250 frequency and will let you know if anything starts coming in.
Gary - WA6MEM - DM03ts
Hi Gary and thanks Bob for answering the question. We are waiting for a crystal for the 432 beacon and Chip N6CA is rebuilding the 2 meter beacon. It should be shipped before the end of May. The only active beacon at this point is 1296.
Once there is a opening and we man the site, we will be QRV on 144.170, 222.100, 432.078 and 1296.25. We will not be transmitting on the new 2 meter or 432 beacon frequencies.
We are also going to move the KH6HME 6 meter beacon on 50.061 to the site and move NH6P 6meter beacon to the sea level site in Pahoa.
I was informed that the proposed frequencies would be 144.276 and 432.310. Fred estimates the beacons will be on sometime the middle of this month. Fred will inform all when beacons are active.
Historically, a 2 meter repeater (146.760) on the same mountain slope has opened to California during ducting. I would encourage all to try this repeater. It is linked to the whole island and parts of Oahu and Maui. This repeater is open, no tones needed.
I also try to monitor the call frequencies of 144.200 and 432.100 from my house in Hilo town at sea level.
73's to all,
Bob, WH6XM
The HamRadioNow video "podcast" got the VIP tour of the beacon from Fred KH7Y. See it at Thanks, Fred! 73, Gary KN4AQ
Any information about the new frequencies, Fred? When do you expect to have the beacons operational?
Gary - WA6MEM, DM03ts
MESSAGE from Fred, KH7Y. The 2 meter and 70cm beacons are off for maintenance and frequency change. Estimated to be turned on sometime the middle of next month.
The 1.2 GHz beacon is still on.
Forecast maps show improvement for ducting from Baja California to Southern California on Sunday. I will be monitoring 144.200 and calling out on that frequency.
uryvmey, uvwfwispci
gifgkey, zckjcdzmve
cbtagey, fwvktdpbdc
bnlwbey, lhvtkzleoy
wehkiey, mitzkcbpup
Hi Victor, Not much going on out here including 6 meters. Next few months may be interesting, I hope.
The KH6HME call is just about to be assigned to the "california-Pacific ARC. The beacons live on.
email is [email protected]
Aloha, Fred
Sorry I wasn't monitoring this reflector much. Nothing heard of KH6HME/B on 144.17 in Kihei or Kahului--didn't have the opportunity to go up to Haleakala. Am back home. Winter isn't very productive for KH6 to North America tropo, but Bernardo, XE2HWB managed some 2m contacts then in past years. Please send me your e-mail address.
Victor Frank
[email protected]
Hi Victor, how long are you in Maui for? Do you plan on a visit to the big island. If so I will be glad to pick you up and show you around.
Aloha, Fred
WH6XM, what is your e-mail address?
Also, what is the 2m SSB activity frequency in the islands?
Only signals heard on my IC-202 are carriers, probably from computers.
Victor Frank, [email protected]
All beacons are using yagis pointing northeast. 2 meter, 70cm and 1.2 GHz beacons are working fine. I am also calling out on 2 meters from Hilo in the northeast direction. So far no signals heard. Conditions are still poor. 73's
in Kihei with an IC202 but haven't heard the 144.17 beacon yet. Lots of noise.
Starting to feel like the Maytag repairman. Getting tired of playing cards ready to Wk U guys.
Aloha, Fred
Visit to the site on Wed. this week and all is working the 223 beacon is out of service. Still waiting for a opening...
Aloha, Fred
I have been looking at the weather maps here this week from Oregon. It looks like the duct could form in the next few days. If so i am thinking about driving up to my portable site in Washington State At CN87AM. The same location i was at last sept 2011 (see my post). If i hear anything i will log on. 73 Dave
Many thanks Bob, thanks for the help!! We need to get back up soon and make more repairs. I have some new antennas to install as (back-ups) for 6,2,222 and 432. So a work party soon.
Aloha, Fred
Thanks to Fred (KH7Y), for making the long trip to the beacon site and changing the power supply. The beacon is back to it's normal power level and loud and clear from my QTH. West coast stations and beyond should be able to hear it now.
Two meter antennas are fine, 432 and 222 2 inch mast bent by heavy winds antennas looking up 30 degs. Will be at the site Tuesday at 2200 or so to make repairs.
Aloha, Fred
We have keys for the site and can make the trip to the site now and work U guys. I check here every few days but can be reached at my email address listed on QRZ.COM.
Aloha, Fred KH7Y
432.078 MHz 357 RST
no 144.170 MHz beacon being heard.
2 meter beacon keying is fine. I received a report from KH6LC that it is up and running. We will look into the antenna issue once the family makes the decision around Sept first. I will keep everyone posted.
Aloha, Fred
When we were at the site June 30th, the 2 meter beams were pointed up at about a 10-20 degree angle. That could explain the weaker than normal signal. The mast and guy wires had been blown around and needed some mechanical work.
Made several signal checks of the beacon from my location and it appears the beacon is not putting out its full power. Will wait till KH7Y has time to locate the problem.
I am hearing the 70 CM beacon in Los Osos, CM95
about S1 good copy some QSB.
432.078 & 1296.250 continue Q5 up to S1----S5 at times
"NO" 144.170 beacon not even a carrier.
84F @ 2000ft. 29%RH
I am still hearing KH6HME's 2 meter beacon from downtown Hilo. Sounds like the beacon is operating okay. Signal level is lower then normal which may be due to propagation. Will continue monitoring.
Sorry, two meter tx keyer bad, txing carrier now without keying.
Sounds like the keyer has quit working. Two meter tx running 100 percent of the time without a carrier.
I have no access but will know more on Thursday.
Aloha, Fred KH7Y
1296 .250 is now 519 to CM88QL
STILL no 144MHZ beacon
KH6HME beacon 432.078 in Q5 S5 this morning ( only 432)
81F @ 29% RH at 2000ft. DUCT appears very unstable so far
All responsible site parties are in contact and plans are formulating for the future of the site. KH7Y Fred is heading that up. Info will be out in the next few weeks.
73 Chip
All of Paul's beacons on Mauna Loa Mountain are still on. He also has a 6 meter beacon near the shoreline on the big island of Hawaii that is still on. We are waiting for the family and or attorney to inform us of Paul's wishes concerning all the beacons.
Sorry to hear about Paul. Are the KH6HME beacons still on the air? Plans for future?
Victor Frank
It was a real shock hearing of Paul's passing. We would meet for lunch when ever we were on the Big Island and had just visited with him June 30th. My wife, Mary Ann, Wb6YSS and I were privileged to scribe our calls on the beacon site door with the sacred nail - the last ones to do so I was told by his good buddy in Hilo, Corky, W6ORS. Paul said that he had been looking for someone to take over the beacon/tropo DX operation but no one has come forth yet. I shot some video of Paul and the site and Gordon West might use some of it to put on Leo LaPorte's webcast. We shall miss this great guy.
KH6HME was an outstanding vhf dxer. I had hoped to visit him in Hawaii. I plan the next wa50 lead to honor him. Watching for the duct in Maui.
I too will miss Paul, I was one of the hams who was
lucky to have had lunch with Paul in the 80s.
He has always been a inspiration for me in VHF/UHF.
73 Paul, We will all miss you.
Loosing a friend is always difficult but loosing Paul Lieb, KH6HME, will have a profound affect on the hobby we all enjoy so much. His enthusiasm, dedication, and commitment will be difficult to replicate. Each year I would look forward to hearing those unique sounding beacons announcing �Aloha�. It was always a special day when those signals would find the way to the mainland coast.
Many of us enjoyed the thrill of working KH6 land on VHF and UHF because Paul would take the long, slow, trip up the volcano. I will miss Paul�s excited voice call CQ from the Big Island of Hawaii. Thank you, Paul. You will be missed.
Paul is with the Lord now. He lived his life by His word as we all saw many times. Hopefully we will all see Paul again.
73 my friend
Chip N6CA
Talked to Paul many times over the years, he was always ready to "head up the hill" when the band was open.
This is a big loss to the VHF community.
RIP, Paul, we will miss you.
I was very fortunate to have known Paul. I am very sad to hear of his passing. He was the best human being the ham world could every have.
Paul and i had a nice phone conversation a couple of days before he left for the mainland. We all have lost a dear friend. We will miss you Paul. Dave NY7C
Sad news, we will miss you Paul.
73's wherever you are.
Everytime I would go over to the Big Island, Paul, my Wife and myself would go the in my
4x4 Jeep, go all over the Big Island and a lot
of times go up to the Beacon Site.
My wish One Day was to move to the Big Island
help Paul when the Bands would open.
Will miss him greatly, a great friend indeed
73's my friend but never forgotten.
Mike Aust - WB6DJI
sad news from WB6NOA via SBMS email list states that Paul became sk yesterday.....we have lost a legend.
I will be in Maui July 17 - 21. If the duct opens, I may drive up Haleakala to couple in it. There are road "turn outs" with clear shots to W6/W7 between 5,000 - 8,000 feet. QRV 2M & 70 cm SSB/CW.
144.170 MHz 229 RST
Hi Everyone, Paul is off the island till the end of July.
Aloha, Fred KH7Y
KH6HME/B 432.078 ~ 519
48F @ 91%RH heavy marine layer @ 2000ft.
as of 1400Z this morning KH6HME/B 144.170 in ~ 519 nothing else so far
KH6HME /B just in 144.170 ~ 519
Heavy marine layer in Los Angeles today, keep an ear out here. Would love to add you to the log!
Calling CQ on 144.200 USB, so far no signals heard
At 1600Z KH6HME is 569 on a handheld IC-202 on 144.17. Temp 51.6, RH 100% @1740' in CM87tl, just about the top of the cloud layer here.
As of 1520Z KH6HME/B 432.078 is 519
KH6HME /B 144.170 very strong this morning
Heavy marine layer at 2000ft. 52F @ 94% RH
144.170 Is very weak in this moment into DL44uc, 432 not hear beacon
KH6HME beacon 144.170 in ~ 559
Beacon 144.170 is RST 519 with QSB into DL44uc
Bcon. 144 is RST 549 into Dl44uc. No hear 432
Bcon. 144 is RST 439 into DL44uc
This morning the 144 MHz beacon signal was heard with of 559 with QSB
144.170 MHz 589 RST
432.078 MHz 459 RST
1296.250 MHz 369 RST
144 MHz beacon is heard with very weak signals, all day has been heard with QSB
144.170 MHz 359 RST
In and out 144 MHz beacon
This morning listening to the 144 MHz beacon signal with a 528 with QSB.
Still can not get heard on 432 MHz.
Now 144 Beacon is RST 539
Start listening again 144 MHz beacon, with very weak signals
I begin to hear 144 MHz beacon with QSB, with maximum signal 539.
still hear the 144 MHz beacon with QSB
144.170 Beacon 517 into DL44uc
LATE POST KH6HME/B 144, 432, & 1296 in yesterday ~ 1630z in all day till ~ 0100Z
!296.250 up to 529 at timws
I live a few miles from KH6HME beacon in Hilo town. Calling out on 144.200 USB. So far nothing heard from West Coast.
144.170 MHz RST
Heard the tell tale chirpy CW signal on 144.167 or there abouts. Around 2000z from Pillar Point, CA on a HT.
The KH6HME/B 70 cm beacon is just starting to become audible in CN75xa. Using 432.078.54 (CW) puts the chirpy beacon at 1150 Hz on the waterfall.
The 2m beacon has taken some deep fades, but is now audible again. Interestingly, the two beacons fade and peak at different times.
Again hearing the 2 meter beacon in CN75xa. About S-1 or 2 above the noise. Nil on the 432 and 1296 beacons.
I'm hearing the 144.170 beacon here in CN84px in the foothills of the Cascades. A first for me!
Hearing the beacon in CN75xa at 432.07854 (CW), which puts the trace at 1300 Hz on the waterfall. Sig is about S1 and building. 2m bcn is now about S2 here.
Just arrived back to the portland area after operating portable in cn87 grid 8 miles north of quinalt lake at 2495 ft elevation.Distance from paul KH6HME over 2600 miles.Paul and i were looking to contact on 222mhz for a new record But only heard his 2meter signals in the noise no 222mhz arrived 9-9 600 am local left 1200 noon.same day we will try again soon thanks paul dave NY7C
The 2m beacon just appeared in CN75xa and is now a good S-2. My elevation is 90', lots of fog on the beach, temp 52 deg / RH 87%. Sure nice to hear it in again! Nil on 432 and the 1296 transverter still stabilizing.
1296.250 is 539
432.078 559
PAUL has left and beacon is back on 144.170
559 @ o 0342Z
78F @ 43% RH at 2000ft.
PAUL in on the VOLCANO 144.170 SSB looking for Q,S
432.078 now ~ 519
1296.250 ~ 419 ( with QSB)
432.078 now ~ 519
1296.250 ~ 419 ( with QSB)
144.170 beacon in but weak ~ 519 with QSB.
144 being heard weak in DM12, S1-2, no 432.
KH6HME/B 144.170 still in as of 1600Z ~ 519
144.170 beacon in weakly ~ 519
82F @ 40% RH at 2000ft.
144.170 in but not too strong @ 0300Z
144.170 in @ 1500Z but weak Q5 S1
Very warm 76F @ 38% RH
1296 beacon is Q5 S1 @ 0510Z
71deg F @ 50% Rh @ 2000 ft ASL
@0500Z 144 & 432 beacons are Q5 S1----------S5 Will check 1296 soon
144 Bcon is 518 into DL44uc
144.170 MHz 459 RST
432.078 MHz 339 RST
144.170 MHz 459 RST
144.170 MHz 459 RST
144.170 MHz 589 RST
432.078 MHz 459 RST
1298.250 MHz. 349 RST
144.170 MHz 589 RST
1296.250 MHz 359 RST
No 432. Is it off the air?
144.170 MHz 569 RST
144 is running S2, no 432.
Beacon 144 listening right now with very low signals and QSB
144.170 MHz 339 RST
144.170 589 RST
432.078 469 RST
1296.250 359 RST
144.170 MHz 579 RST
144.170 MHz 579 RST
144.70 MHz 599 RST
432.078 MHz 579 RST
1296.250 MHz 459 RST
The 432.078 MHz beacon ID seems to have gone bad. It's only sending gibrish.
144.170 MHz 589 RST
432.078 MHz 459 RST
432.078 MHz 449 RST
1296.250 MHz 359 RST
Hearing beacon strong now in DM03tv. 144.170 539
kh6hme BEACONS IN AT 2000z TODAY
!44= 559
432= 559
1296 = 519 ( NICE SIGNAL)
87f @ 37% rh @ 2000FT asl
144.170 beacon 599 in Arcadia so it is ducting over the low hills in Monterey Park. 2:50PM local.
144.170 MHz 599 RST
432.078 MHz 569 RST
1296.250 MHz 359 RST
144 running 459, 432 359, good amount of QSB.
144.170 MHz 579
432.078 MHz 459
1296.250 MHz 339 QSB
144.170 MHz 599 RST
470.078 MHz 459 RST
1296.250 MHz 349 RST
144.170 MHz 459 RST
432.078 MHz 339 RST
144.170 MHz 599 RST
144.170 MHz 599 RST
144.170 MHz 569 RST
144.170 Mhz 599 RST
144.170 in now ~ 519 nothing else
144.170 NHz 459 RST
432.078 MHz 449 RST
144.170 MHz 599 RST
no 432
144 is 359, no 432.
144.170 MHz 459 RST
432.078 MHz 349 RST
144.170 MHz 359 RST
hrd all afternoon - 589 with QSB.
Beacon 144.170 is 539 into DL44uc
Beacon 144.170 this afternoon the signal is 549
listen again tonight beacon 144,170, with signal of 529
Now the Bcon 144.170 is very weak into DL44uc
AT 1450Z KH6HME/B all in 144 ~ S5
432 ~ s3
1296 ~ S1
432 beacon has a keyer problem sending jibish
68F @ 66% RH @ 2000ft ASL
144, 432, & 1296 beacons all in
Bcon 144 is now 529
Beacon 144.170 is very weack into DL44uc
144 Beacon is 529 into DL44uc
4/5 KH6HME beacons in @ 0206Z 144, 432, & 1296 all Q5 S1---s9 stayed in till ~ 0300Z
heard beacon for about 10 2315 local time
144.170 MHz 459 RST
144.170 MHz 349 RST
144.170 MHz 359 RST
144.170 359 RST
All beacons are gone. Real change in weather heavy marine layer in up to 2000ft.
at 9AM 59F @ 86%RH fog just lifted.
432.078 is now 519 144.170 is 559 I will check 1296 in a bit.
KH6HME B 144.170 is just in to CM88QL 519
Very HOT 98F @ 21% RH @ 2000ft. ASL
144.170 MHz 569 RST
144.170 MHz 569 RST
144.170 MHz 579 RST
144.170 MHz 339 RST Just above the noise.
144.170 MHz 349 RST
144.170 MHz 479 RST
I should have added the word aloft to the sentence about warm dry air. It's that warm dry air on top of the (cold & moist) marine air that makes this ducting possible. The temperature below is largely determined by the sea surface temperature. Relative humidity is close to 100%. I note that as you go south (Vandenberg and San Diego) that the air on top is more moist than at Oakland.
Caveat--conclusions are based on coastal land stations. Conditions may be much more favorable for ducting hundreds of km off the coast.
0230Z KH6HME 144.17 down to 569.
00Z data
OAKland vy strong humidity lapse @945mb = 600m
Vandenberg strong " " 955mb = 418m
NKX (San Diego) unimpressivec ~980mb = 270m
LaPaz unimpressive
Hilo 2 possible @ 1650m and 2794m (first most likely)
Lihue 2 possible around 2134m and 2385m
Salem strong lapse @1030m
Note that the warm dry air pattern that was south of us (SF) has moved north. Also note that the inversion height at the coast drops with decreasing latitude.
Coastal Marine traffic. I noted one ship almost to 130deg W long. While less than 1/4 the way to Hawaii, it would be nice if some of these ships could/would carry radio amateurs interested in VHF. There's a lot of wet grid squares out there that could be worked.
At 0125Z (20 August) KH6HME/B 144.17 was 579.
NIL on 222.1, 432.078, or 1296
At 1740', T=64.5F, RH=71%, P=945.7 mb
Wind less than 2 knots from W and SW.
High temperature today was 69.8F.
Yippee! Maybe my tomato plants will set some fruit, and plums will ripen.
144.170 MHz 359 RST
1296.250 is now 519 but much QSB
144.170 is 579 432.078 is 519 Will check 1296 in a few minutes.
83F @ 37% RH @ 2000ft ASL.
Very pronounsed inversion looking out over PACIFIC
144 is 569, 432 is 539 into DM 12 San Diego, best that I have heard this season.
144.170 MHz 359 RST
144.170 MHz 359 RST
144.170 MHz 579 RST
432.078 MHz 459 RST
144.170 MHz 479 RST
144.170 MHz 569 RST
432.078 MHz 349 RST
144.170 MHz 459 RST
144.170 MHz 359 RST
Beacon 144 is very weak wick QSB
Beacon 144 is 419 with QSB
144.170 MHz 579 RST
Beacon 144 now 569
Beacon 144 now is 519
Beacon 144 is very weak in this moment
144.170 MHz 459 RST
144.170 MHz 359 RSt
Very strong radar on 432.078 MHz tonight. Pave Paws from Beal AFB?
Thanks Paul-KH6HME, for the QSO on 144.171 on Thurs July 29th, 2010 @ 7:30 PM local time (UTC 30-07-10 0230) I used a 3 element Arrow Yagi, hand held, 50 watts, recieved you 58 got 54 from you. DM13JC to BK29KQ.
Have not heard beacon for 36 hrs. Tonite it is 529.
Marine layer right along coastline.
Santa Barbara, CA
Early this morning no signal
1000 CA time starting squeaking in
now 1130 CA time, building up...Q5 S1+
San Diego 8 el
The 2 meter beacon seems steady this afternoon about S2-S3. Location San Diego altitude 350 ft.
As of this morning "NO" kh6 beacons present up here in CM88QL
Strong on shore wind and very little FOG.
@ 2000z 74deg @ 51% RH
It's 0845 California time.
The 2m beacon is in nice and steady S1 this morning
Jack N6XQ San Diego
With QSB
Paul KH6HME just got to the top of the Volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii Grid BK29!
Just Worked Paul 10minutes ago, KH6HME on 144.170 USB 5:55 PST 7-31-2010
His signal was 559 to 579.
My station here is
30watts at 300feet ASL. My Antenna is 7 element M2 beam about 20 feet off the ground.
Mike WB6DJI DM03
Worked Paul the last 4 days in a row on 144.170 MHz
Los Angeles Area along the coast
144.170 MHz 589 RST
432.078 MHz 339 RST
As of ~1500Z this morning NO beacons in
71deg F @44%RH Fog is at about 700ft. level
much warmer and less fog than past several days
Bcon. 144 is very weak in this moment
ran with Paul on 10 GHz.. 4 hours of key down 100KW erp carrier alternating 20 min sending... no sigs received.. 1296 beacon, qsb to 10 db S/N entire time. Inversion still not sharply defined and low enough for higher freq microwaves... tomorrow..fingers crossed
Worked him about 04:15 UTC. A first for me!
Had good QSO w/ Paul @0405UTC, sigs 5-1 to 5-5 with QSB.
Antenna M2 2M5WL @100ft and 1KW. QTH approx 1.5 miles from coast in Redondo Beach.
I copy Paul SSB 51 QSO con CA station
By way of reference, 950 mb is about this altitude (1740'), 1013 mb about sea level, and 850 mb about 5000'.
12Z OAK vy good looking, sharp humidity drop @935mb
(30)00Z not so good drops @925 mb @ 870 mb (perhaps due to horizontal movement of balloon; e.g. may not be representative of either condx directly over Oakland or off the coast.
San Diego (NKX) showed dual drops at 900 and 870 mb at 12Z and one at 930 mb at (30)00Z.
Present WX here 64.5F 72%RH 950.1 mb at 1740'
Paul 599 + 10 dB on `44.`70 MHz
432.078 589 RST
1296.250 MHz 479 RST
At 2300Z (29Jul) KH6HME 144.17 57 wkg S.CA
At 2358Z 45
At 0110Z NIL
Also NIL 222.1, 432.078, & 1296.25
PAUL is very strong now 5X9++
432/b is 559 1296/b is 519
Just worked Paul with 59+ signals.
50 watts to 13 elements.
100 ft above sea level in Santa Barbara, CA
2 meter beacon 59+
144.170 599 432.078 519
1296.250 519
All beacons back in strong.
77deg F @ 47%RH @ 2000ft. ASL
144 beacon is 5-5 into DM12, no 432.
144 beacon barely discernable
Location in San Diego 350 ft ASL but 800 ft Mt Soledad two miles away in direct path to Hawaii.
previous report is 144 beacon
Bcon. is RST 519 in this moment
144.170 is ~ 519 NO 432 or 1296 beacons.
68degF @ 57%RH FOG is at about 1000ft level
Much warmer this morning.
1296.250 was up to 559 last night and still in at 11PM.
144.170 beacon RST 579 into DM03 @ 300ft ASL
432 beacon 479 RST
Heard beacon loudest in evening and early morning
( from 12:30am to 5am PST 10-29-2010 signals were down but came up significantly this morning )
Beacon 144 is very weak into DL44uc
hearing only the 2m beacon in DM14cp in the high desert peaking s9
144.170 MHz 589 RST
432.078 MHz 479 RST
QTH 1200 ft ASL, Temp 57 deg F, Humidity 78% Sky clear with stratus tops 200 ft below QTH
At 00Z 29 July
OAKland's was not impressive, but Hilo's was, with cloud tops at 1864m (6115 ft) (with a duct extending above and below this height.
Sorry for this being late, had computer troubles. KH6HME 144.17 579 @ 0200Z at CM87tl 1740' where the temperature was 61.1 and RH 76%. NIL on 222, 432, or 1296. During a walk down the hill I carried an IC202 and 144.17 was up to 599 around 0215Z (mostly due to fading rather than height-gain.
144.170 MHz 599 + RST
432.078 MHz 569 RST
1296.250 MHZ 349 RST
currently hearing the 144.170 beacon 559c at the W6YX station in cm87wj.
144 MHz beacon 30 db out of the noise
Signals fading, now RST 229 in San Diego.
144.170 beacon S3-S5 in San Diego. Not as strong as last evening.
all beacons back in strong.
144.170 S9+10db
432.078 559
1296.250 519--559 in solid
70degF @ 49% RM @ 2000ft. ASL No fog finally
144 beacon is S9 432 is 519 ( but seems weaker than yesterday)1296 is gone
Looks like DUCT is starting to break up
Paul was doing better tonight..several hours...s1 to S6... temp dropped to 57 when I left the hill..gezzzzz No 1296 at all.
At 0212Z (July 28th) Paul was 56 on 144.170
Nothing was heard on 222.1, 432.078, or 1296.250
Temperature 50.7, RH 88%
RAOB for 00Z
OAKland top of duct near 775m, not saturated.
Hilo top of duct near 1784m
Moisture is dropping less fast than on previous nite, but these are only two end points of the path and what is happening in the middle is the most important.
PAUL is S9+30db on 144.170
432.078 beacon 559
1296.250 beacon 519-----559
Finally fog broke Very well defined layers looking WEST.
Just worked paul. weak signals but Q5. Getting stronger.
50 watts out to 13 elements about 100 ft above sea level.
DM04dk, Santa Barbara, CA
Work Paul KH6HME in Hawaii BK29 to DM03 Southern California.
1100 watts Power output
Shack has single M2 17 element yagi at 100ft.
Model 2M5WL
RST 559
Great propagation today on 144.170
2m 144.170 1100 watts, 2 Msquared yagis from Redondo Beach. RST 559
See Hepburn Maps
super conditions from California/Mecico to
Hawaii, should get intense by Friday and Saturday.
Mike WB6DJI hearing 2m beacon well near coast...not strong. Paul leaving for volcano in one hour
2 meter beacon S9++++++++ 432 beacon 559
1296.250 559 solid !!!!!!!!!!!
Tremendous conditions up NORTH.
Finally, after reading reports from XE2 to K6QXY and hearing nothing here.
KH6HME 144.17 569 at 1743Z at 530m altitude where it is 51 deg F at 83% relative humidity (it has warmed and dried a bit).
RAOB reports from 1200Z
Oakland cloud top 808m
Hilo cloud top 1920m
Good drop in humidity with height both locations.
NIL 432 or 1296.
2 meter beacon is S9+++++++++ 432 is 519 Will check 1296 later.
51deg F @ 95% RH HEAVY MARINE layer at 2000ft. ASL
had a nice hour+ long chat with Paul on 144.170.....S2 to S5 but stable
Just worked Paul on 144.170 USB. 57 RST
PAUL is at beacon site 5X9++ on 144.170
432 beacon still 559
1296 beacon 519---559
144.170 559 432.078 559
1296.250 519
PAUL is leaving now for BEACON SITE should be QRV on 2 meters by 2130Z today
All night I hear the beacon 144 MHz, with signs of 519-579. At this time its signal is 419
144.170 is 519 this morning
heavy MARINE LAYER up to 2000ft. ASL
49F @ 94%RH
No other beacons hrd yet
144.17 beacon now 519.
I have two hours listening to the 144 MHz beacon, with signal 419 with QSB.
and first time I hear the beacon 432 very very weak
Beacon is 579 on 144.170 at 0414.
DM03 100 ft abs
144.170 MHz 599 RST
432.078 MHz 459 RST
1296.250 MHz 369 RST
144.170 459 RST
432.078 459 RST
2m Beacon is 519 here in CM96. 73 Dave
KH6HME/B 1296.250 is now 559!!!!!!!!!
2 meter beacon is weak 519 432 beacon is ~ 519
KH6HME/B 144.170 back in 559
76F @ 40%RH @ 2000ft. ASL
144.170 MHz 459 RST
This morning the 144 beacon is 419 with QSB
Bcon 144 is 439 with QSB
144.170 MHz 479 RST
144.170 MHz 359 RST
Bcon 144 is very weak in this moment
144.170 continues but not very strong 519
Nothing above 144 yet
144.170 MHZ 599 RST
432.170 MHz 479 RST
Beacon 144 signal 539 into DL44uc
144.170 MHz 599 RST
432.078 MHz 349 RST
144.170 MHz 579 RST
QTH 1200 ASL. Temp is 75 deg F
1 44 beacon just in 519--559
84deg F @ 42%Rh @ 2000FT.
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 359 RST
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 479 RST
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 349 RST
No 432 or 1296
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 469 RST
KH6HME/B 432.078 MHz 350 RST
No 1296 MHz
Topic says it all, NIL on 222 or 432 (or 1296 for that matter) de K6FV
7/10/2010 0115Z KH6HME/B 144.17 579 on an IC-202 with internal whip antenna (oriented horizontally)
at CM87tl at 1740' elevation.
Hi Jerry. Yes I know about the Hepburn pages, tks.
So far not such strong opening here. Waiting for it.
I know it's a report page, so i don't want to overload it.
But we follow your activity. GL on 10Ghz attempt!
Vy73 - Phil
I am using an M-squared 18XXX at forty feet with a clear shot to the West and ocean. 200 watts on SSB.
My best contact was with my handheld radio running one watt and a whip antenna on FM through a repeater in Hawaii, 2500 miles each way.
When the duct is working, it doesn't take much power.
Paul in Hawaii now has a 10GHz radio and our goal is to work him on that band.
Do you have the website for the Hepburn tropo forcasts?
Jerry, San Diego, CA
Hi, I'm FR5DN Phil. We are working also on tropoducting on our area. I simply would like to know what is your setup on 2m please, just to compare things from here? Here i currently use a single 17el F9FT with 140w max, and usually qso ZS with 70w most of the time. The path is also sea path here. Max distance we worked is some 3205km.
Tropoducting is really exciting... Enjoy.
Vy73 - Phil
Bcon. 144 is 579 in the moment
Bcon. 144 is 539 in this moment
Beacon 144 is very weak into DL44uc
Bcon 144, It has remained with signals of 519 until now.
Bcon. 144 signal now is 559 with QSB
Bcon. 144 is 519 with QSB
KH6HME Paul, thanks for the QSO today, signal 55 with QSB. KH7Y thanks Fred,73�s.
Cloud Pattern forming between Hawaii to Southern California ( Hear Beacon 579 DM03 )
This morning the 144 beacon is 559
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 579 RST into DM03ts at 0508Z
KH6HME/B 432.078 MHz 459 RST into DM03ts at 0508Z
No 1296 MHz
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 469 RST into DM03ts at 0327Z
No 432 or 1296 MHz
Bcon. 144 MHz, is very weak all day. At this time your signal is 559
Bcon. 144 MHz is very weak in this moment.
Beacon 144, even i was still listening, signal 519
Beacon 144 MHz is 519 with QSB into DL44uc.
This is Paul KH6HME in Hawaii.
Will be on 50.110MHz DX calling frequency
and 144.170MHz beacon frequency this weekend.
Time here in Hawaii is 9:45am June 12th, 2010
Driving now up to Beacon Site from Hilo
to top of Mauna Loa.
Will take 1 hour to get there !
Paul Lieb KH6HME
Message relayed by Mike - WB6DJI
Just talked to to Paul on his cellphone
Paul is at the top of Mauna Loa (Hawaii) and is now at the beacon site this weekend for the VHF contest.
June 12th - June 13th
Will be around the 144.170 MHz beacon frequency
Mike - WB6DJI
even after 5 hours I still hear the beacon 144, 599-519 signals
Bcon. 144 is 599, now at this time
Beacon 144 is 579 this morning
Beacon 144 is 559 into DL44uc.
Beacon 144 is 559 into DL44uc
NO Beacon 432
144 432 & 1296 beacons ALL Q5 S1----S5 into N. CALIF 78deg @ 32% RH @ 2000ft.
Beacon 144 is very weak into DL44UC
Beacon 144 is signal 529 QSB into DL44uc
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 579 RST into DM03ts at 0504Z
Still no 432 or 1296 MHz
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 479 RST into DM03ts at 0401Z
No 432 or 1296
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 479 RST into DM03ts at 0401Z
No 432 or 1296
KH6HME/B 144.170 599 RST into DM03ts at 0245Z
No 432 or 1296 heard.
KH6HME/B 144.170 MHz 469 RST into DM03ts at 0148Z
No 432 or 1296 heard.
Beacon 144 you signal is very weak in this moment.
I have never managed to listen to beacon 432
Beacon 144 is 519 into DL44uc
Beacon 144 is very weak into DL44uc
Beacon 144
receipt this morning also signal 519 with QSB
144 Beacon
Signal RST 519 into DL44uc
1296.250 in 559
144 & 432 beacons in @ 0100Z
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
form clear
Hi guys,
it's very quiet here.
No furher reports???
Hi guys,
it's very quiet here.
No furher reports???
Hi guys,
it's very quiet here.
No furher reports???
Hi guys,
it's very quiet here.
No furher reports???
Hi guys,
it's very quiet here.
No furher reports???
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
Hi guys,
now I'm back again :-D
During the last weeks I modified my HT Kenwood TH-F7. Now it can also TX on shortwave with 10 watts.
A few minutes ago I had a wonderful QSO on 160m with VK6 with a shortened dipole -> length abt 8 m.
Pse try this too dr guys.
Best 73 from Germany. CU
144 Mhz beacon peaks at 529 in cm96 with qsb
..73 Dave
144 beacon back in 519 nothing else
94F @ 23% RH.@ 2000ft.
1296.250 beacon 519 but much QSB at present.
@ 2140Z 144 beacon 519, 432 beacon 519
Very hot & dry 90deg F @ 29% RH @ 2000ft elv.
Was using a dummy load on my HT when there was a glorious and most wonderful worldwide band opening. It must have been an LDE because I am still hearing voices. Unfortunatley then my radio and tower exploded from a rogue CME so I will be off the air for an hour or two.
Wait, there is a white van with antennas out front.
73, Frank
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
Made some DX with my 23 cm handheld-TRX and the original antenna. PWR only 3,4 watts and QTH about 450 m asl.
Fine for today.
73 guys... ;-)
At 0450Z, KH6HME/B 144.17 was peaking 579.
NIL 222 or 432. Temperature 63F & RH 52% in CM87tl at 1740'. OAKland sounding for 00Z shows inversion
starting at 974 mb, 352meters elevation.
@ 1600Z KH6HME 144.170 is 519 432.078 is 519
75deg F @ 38%RH @ 2000 ft.
144.170 559 432.078 519
64F @ 57% RH @ 2oooft. elv.
At 0145Z KH6HME 144.17 was 339
T = 50 deg F, RH reads 90% but water is dripping
from the pine trees; e.g., fog at 1740' at
At 2000Z on August 24, KH6HME was 449 on 144.17
NIL hrd on 222 or 432. Elevation 1740' CM87tl.
Outside temp 58 deg F, RH = 59%. Wind from ocean.
Fog has burned off to the coast, but was here last night and this morning. de K6FV
KH6HME 144.170 beacon in weakly 519.
71 deg F @ 50% RH heavy marine layer up to about 1000ft.
!$$ beacon just in @0400Z 519 no 432or 1296.
Heavy marine layer up to ~ 1500ft.
60F @ 61% RH
Same here in DM12, 144 Q5,S2, no 432.
144.170 579 RSt into DM03ts
No 432
No 1296
Beacon 144 is very weak in this moment in DL44uc
144.170 459 RST into DM03ts
No 432
No 1296
144.170 359 into DM03ts
no 432
no 1296
Beacon 144 is very weak in DL44uc
144 is 599, 432 is 519, no 1296 yet
Heavy marine layer up to 2000ft.
duct visible obove fog layer
71 deg. @ 60% RH
test of clock
Beacon 144 rst 539 Now in DL44uc
Beacon 144 is very weak into DL44uc in this moment
144 only into DM12, 529 with QSB.
Beacon 144 is very weak again in DL44
Beacon 144 is very weak into DL44uc
Hi folks! I'm on the air again.
TRX: Yaesu FT-2000, Ampl. 2kW selfmade, Ant: 56-ele-cubical-quad for 23cm.
Now I'm ready for any DX ;-)
See you on the band!
Vy73 de DO3KM, Mike
At 2310Z kh6hme 144.17 was 579 here in CM87tl at 1740'.
2M beacon S0 Q5 into CM96 this afternoon...73 Dave
The 2M beacon is S1 Q5 into CM96 this morning
at 1720Z. It reached S9+ yesterday afternoon. cndx are good.. 73 Dave
144 589, 432 559
Looking good.
144 is 549 into DM12, no 432 as yet, forcast looks good.
Both the 2m and 432 beacons are S0 Q5 into CM96 at 1830Z this morning. 73 Dave
144,170 in 559 432 in 419
87deg F@ 30% hum @ 2000FT.
144 is 529 in DM12
144.170 MHz 469 RST
No 432.078 MHz
No 1296.250 MHz
144.170MHz 359 RST
No 432.078 MHz
No 1296.250 MHz
Location 1740' CM87TL, @0015Z 8 July KH6HME
144.17 599
222, 432, 1296 NIL
144.170 599
Nothing on 432
1296.250 519
KH6HME/B 144.170 in to CM88QL ~ 519
KH6HME/b 144.170 is 309 into cm96. Just on the edge of detection with my setup.... 73 Dave
144.170 459 RST
No 432
No 1296
CONTACTED KH6HME 9:08 PST 07-06-2009 ON 144.170 SSB
Ur Signal 559 from BK29 on 144.170 MHz
Great Contact
144.170 MHz 599 RST (S9+10db)
432.078 MHz 459 RST
1296.250 MHz 349 RST
144.170 is still coming in. 459 RST
No 432 right now.
No 1296. Radar is very strong today.
144.170 579 RST
432.078 359 RST
No 1296
144.170 is now 579 RST into DM03ts at 1635Z
Still no 432 or 1296.
144.170 459 RST into DM03ts at 1623Z.
No 432 or 1296.
144.170 359 RST into DM03ts @1632Z
No 432 or 1296
144 is in this morning very weak, nothing else.
Forcast looks promising for the weekend.
Paul is on 144.170 now calling CQ.
144 beacon in just detectable Very hot 93 deg @ 23% hum, @ 2000ft.
144.170 MHz 369 into DM03ts at 2305Z
No 432 or 1296 heard yet
Hello @ all agn.
My antenne has burned unfortunately, the power was too high. The SWR was also much too high, so my TRX has also burned....
Now I QRT for a while, remembering some real DX on the high bands.... ;-)
Vy73 de Mike, DO3KM
Hello @ all!
Today once again very goot condx from Germany to ANTARCTICA on 23cm-band!!!!!
New homebrew PA: 2,5 kW & new antenna: 87 ele-yagi!
Works very fine!
I�m ready for any sked worldwide!
Vy73 de DO3KM, Mike
Hello @ all!
Once again great condx on 13 cm into Asia!!!
See you on the air!
TRX TS-2000, Ampl. 2kW, ANT 58 ele yagi!
Vy73 de Mike, DO3KM
Bcon. 144 is very weak at this time
Beacon rst's : 2 meter 569, 70cm 509, into cm96 this afternoon. First time this year I've heard 70cm this year.
73 Dave
KH6HME beacon is into CM88QL hearing 432 beacon now weakly ~ 519
KH6HME/B is 539 this morning into cm96.
73 Dave
Bcon. 144 MHz is very weak tonight
The KH6HME/B signal is 509 into cm96 and building. Very weak so far.
73 Dave
Beacon 144 MHz very weak this morning
Beacon 144 MHz very weak tonight
Beacon 144 MHz tonight 519 with QSB.
Beacon 144 MHz 519 with QSB into DL44Uc
KH6HME/B is 509 into cm96 this morning with qsb.
73 Dave
144 MHz 519 QSB into DL44uc
KH6HME/B is 5,0,9 into cm96 this morning. About the same as yesterday when it was in and out most of the day... max signal level was 5,3,9.
73 Dave
Tbe beacon is 509 into cm96 at 1930Z with qsb
Beacon 144 MHz rst 529 steady this morning
Beacon 144 MHz 539 into DL44uc
thisis the new box
RIP Russ!!
A big 73 to you.
Craig N6ED
Hello 2 all,
actually again wonderful propagation on 70 cm into the states. Wow!!!!
Maybe we\'ll expect a grand opening to the pacific area on 2m!
vy73 es gl de DO3KM, Michael
I am saddened to report that Russ Sakai, KH6FOO passed away 20 Nov 2008. Russ was about 58 and had been suffering from throat cancer. Russ gave many VHFers a new country during the tropo openings to the mainland in the 60\'s and 70\'s. He was also very active on 2 meter EME for many years. He will be greatly missed.
We\'ve got an grand opening into the U.S.A.
Vy73 es gd dx de Michael
All beacons are gone as of 1500Z this morning.
0507Z: 144.170 579, 432.078 459, NIL 222 or 1296 hr in
CM87tl at 1740ft where T=47.6F and RH=89% & Fog
1296 beacon is now in ~ 0320Z 419 to 519
63 deg @ 53% RH
at 2330Z 144 beacon is 559 432 beacon is 419
I have been advised that the 222 beacon has been shut off to conserve power.
Will check 1296 later.
73deg F @ 43% hum. 2 2000ft.
~1600Z NIL
1854Z 559 14.17
2018Z nil
Although 144,17 was only 349 at 0120Z,
at 0300Z 144.170+ is 579 & 432.078+ is 459.
NIL on 222.100 (other than a local net) & NIL on 1296.25
Actual frequencies I measure after subtracting 600 Hz for tone
were 144.1709 & 432.0792.
Temperature 50 deg, RH 82%. Fog & Calm.
2235Z 144.170+ in 559 to CM87tl at 1740ft where
T=69degF. RH=61%
All beacons gone as of 1500Z this morning. Heavy marine layer up to ~ 1500ft.
TEMP 76deg RH = 32% @ 2000ft elv.
144.17 0233Z S5, 0515 S3.
NIL 222/432/1296
Presently 54 deg F @ 64% RH at 1740\' CM87tl.
KH6HME/B 144.17 in S1 at 0102Z and 0120Z, strong enough to set frequency into scanner, about 600 Hz high. NIL 222, 432, or 1296.
Most of the time on 144 below noise.
Location CM87tl at 1740\'.
at 2247 UTC:
144.170 MHz 579 RST
432.078 MHZ 459 RST
No 1296.250 MHz
1296 beacon is Q5 S1----S3 Nothing on 222 broke again??
144 & 432 beacons in now nothing on 222
at 2001 UTC:
144.170 MHz 359 RST
No 432.078 MHZ
No 1296.250 MHz
144mhz beacon is in Q5 S1---S5 @ 1800Z Very hot at 2000ft. inversion layer vissible
KH6HME/b is S0 Q4 with fading in CM96 at 20:30Z 73 Dave
just a test
Gone @0445Z. Perhaps around sunset is most favorable time.
Whoops! Make that 0257Z. Condx here 1740\' around 950mb are T=60F, RH=60%.
At 00Z Oakland was not showing sufficient gradients of T or DP for ducting. San Diego was WOW, however at 950 mb.
Gradients look sufficient at Hilo 795mb and Lihue 810 mb.
So, will it last? TV WX people said colder condx tomorrow.
KH6HME 144.17 about 339 peak at 0157Z. NIL 222.1 or 432 so far.
Very nice 579 at 0300Z into DM03
144 beacon in weakly just in
at 0238 UTC:
144.170 MHz 469 RST
432.078 MHZ 359 RST
No 1296.250 MHz
Beacon is S-3 into San Diego today, Thursday at 5 PM. No 432.
144 mhz in ~ 519
144 beacon 559 432 beacon 519
no 222 hrd.
59deg F @ 2000ft. fog layer off coast.
144mhz beacon is back in ~ 519
2300Z 144.17 459, has built up to 589 @0100Z
Temp;62.6 F, RH 75% at 1740\' CM87tl
NIL so far on 222 or 432.
At 0127Z the 144.170 MHz beacon was 569 here at 1740\' elevation. Temperature is 73 deg F, RH = 50%.
OAKland 00Z sounding indicates base of 610m,
Hilo 00Z sounding indicates base of 1843m, where base is defined as the lowest height of the greatest gradient of Temperature and Dew Point.
Interestingly, Lihue sounding does not indicate sufficient gradients for ducting. Neither does San Diego. Vandenberg is iffy.
144mhz beacon in ~ 519 90deg F @ 200ft.
I spoke with Paul on the phone tonight and learned he does not have a computer and does not read this website. Paul relies on phone calls to alert him when we hear the beacons. If you want his phone number, email me and I will send it to you. Frank
144.170 beacon into CM87wb 559
at 0416 UTC:
144.170 MHz 469 RST
432.078 MHZ 579 RST
1296.250 MHz 379 RST
Beacon 144 is very weak
at 0416 UTC:
144.170 MHz 469 RST
432.078 MHz 579 RST
1296.250 MHz
at 0200 UTC:
144.170 MHz 569 rst
No 432.078 MHz
N0 1296.250 MHz
Beacon solid 559 at 1945 UTC, 144170.5
Beacon 144 weak signal with QSB
144 beacon is 599 222beacon is 559, 432beacon is 539 1296 beacon 519 @ 0500Z
TEMP is 67deg @ 2000ft.
@0140Z 144.17 in 569 on collinear, 16 half-wave elements in front of reflecting screen
@0209Z 222.1 in 569 on 10\' dish
Frequency may be low a few kHz.
NIL 432 or 1296
1740\' in CM87tl
144.170 beacon is S2 Q5 in cm96 today at 21:45Z...73 Dave
Beacon is on on 144.170.55 at about S5, 1920Z.
June 23 (Z date)
0156 144.17 579
0209 222.1 579
No 432
@1740\' CM87tl
144 beacon is very weak signals with QSB this morning
144.170 beacon is 5,7 into cm 96 at 1:50Z...73 Dave
144 beacon is 599 432 beacon is 519 NO 222 beacon and NO 1296 beacon 80DEG F @ 2000ft.
144 beacon is 599
144 beacon S-1, 423 S-3 in DM12, San Diego coast.
I hear Beacon 144 with QSB
The beacon 144 continuing with signals weak
the beacon 144 signal is 539
Top listen to the beacon 144
144 Beacon now is good signal 559
I begin to hear the beacon 144 with weak signals
hear 144 beacon for more than two hours
no more strong S2
At 0609 UTC:
144.170 Mhz 579
432.078 MHz 569
1296.250 Mhz 469
At 0603 UTC:
144.170 579
432.079 469
No 1296.250 signal
144 beacon 529 into DL44uc
!44MHZ beacon in now @ 0400Z weak . very hot up at 2000ft.
432mhz, beacon still in & out. Don\'t hear 144 beacon or PAUL
432 beacon in weakly to N. CALIF
599 into DM03 144.171.15 ZB
Beacon 144 very weak into DL44uc
144.170 beacon is S2 Q5 into cm96 at 21:15Z 73 Dave
144.170 beacon is s0 q5 into cm96 at 03:15z.. 73 Dave
Beacon is now 529
Beacon is very weak in DL44uc
432 beacon in weakly in & out.
KH6HME 2M beacon is S0 Q5 into cm96 at 23:00 Z today
73 Dave
144.170 is very weak in DL44uc
No copy on the beacon in DM03 at 23:35 utc.
Thank's JEFF nothing here in N. CALIF but monitoring.
ATTN WEST COAST OPS: Paul, KH6HME, is heading up Mauna Loa today in hopes of making a QSO with XE2HWB via 2m tropo.
He should be QRV around 0100UTC>> 31 March on 144.170 USB. (I will possibly be in cell-phone contact with Paul if he has cell coverage at his Mauna Loa QTH). Good Luck to all! NH7RO
144 MHz
Signal RST 559 into DL44uc
Signal RST 559 into DL44uc
Keep up with the positive thoughts, Russ! We are all thinking of you.
Gary - WA6MEM, DM03ts
Thanks for keeping this board going.
Am in the hospital now, post surgery and doing ok so far. Hopefully it will extend my time. Only time will tell I guess.
Mahalo to all those who used my board for all these years, keep using and support this board for tropo reports.